


  12/19 take a break why not some other time party available listen without talk to you about researching background

  work on hoping for break may be it By the way

  1A/5 she doesn’t work…… her sch…… she has…… she did not…… she often

  1B/5 kind of it’s about right I did past three years paid of earned break the case in comparison to depends on a lot harder in general my roommate way too for myself a balance

  2A/5 confident relaxed tense in a bad mood

  2B/5 1)How about 2)too 3)Why don’t 4)enough 5)Let’s 6)to walk

  3/5 1)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing

  5/5 sorry I don’t I’m sorry That’d be — —


  3/19 money Goss They this on nick

  8/19 couldn’t has lost won’t-

  10/19 Tali Make He New story she can’t believe

  11/19 Nick too Talia doesn’t might not be

  12/19 get expert run broadcast competition In fact Speaking ought to give away Good thinking handle care audio expert

  fast on it You do hard to believe wake up smell the coffee crazy famous taking a bribe smart I hope get in the way work on

  1A/5 alittle There thought would

  1B/5 heard about was caught they say what to think stuff you’d like to really convinced actually natural athlete in the

  season any opinion about disqualify for the sake of shame to in trouble with start rumors

  2楼2A/5 连线arise对come up what对what that’s对that

  2B/5 trus croo bogus authentic

  3/5 Have have ever ought lately You’d better

  5/5 Idon’t wow They say Ap hey you You’re


  3/19 Nick career star

  8/19 More not the nike

  10/19 1\The audio 2\Don’t be 3\最长的 4\to go and talk

  11/19 hasn’t finish he it nay trick her

  12/19 Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea may remember confide in reporter

  researcher chance lose one more day only one more day won’t be sorry story get tell me everything deserve a break story

  charming charm out of

  1A/5 They didn’t she didn’t she needed pop corn It’s a story

  1B/5 1)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having a sale 5)kind of 6)a whole lot less 7)just really 8)end

  up using little 9)Well 10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot 14)a lot less 15)you know what 16)

  treat you to

  2A/5 1)figure it out 2)investigate 3) result 4)make sense 5)ruined

  2B/5 urg对very to put对risk Sem对one of charm对to persuade

  3A/5 Talia对is able to she tell对be able to Tony对is not able Talia对is able

  3B/5 yours mine

  5/5 I have an well,Idon’t If you Do you What do it’s worth Let’s go


  2/1 9 the asked her :so: he rent her a little N ick

  8/19 diffcult amusing dis English gland

  10/19 They could Did He think all To win

  3楼11/19 doesn’t he can he wants angry

  12/19 isten your side of the story Nope all alike judge me trust only goal helping win deal with mess charges serious threw a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you or

  didn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent

  1A/5Those Recently Time doesn’t He works He looks really

  1B/5 ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how exciting perfect for or something like that

  a boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company

  2A/5 allow plan jour a part

  2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look

  3A/5 a a the a

  3B/5 aren’t /will you/does she/could he/hasn’t he/doesn’t she/didn’t I/wasn’t he

  5/5 I think I know you How have you been No,I’m sorry I’m afraid you’ve got It was great Here’s my card


  1/3How did对He no longer when对when

  2/3 Nick对Which story Nick对the same

  3/3 The announce ……plays The announce talks about poetry……identifics

  1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted

  2/3 trustworthy/dishonest

  3/3 disgraceful action relax not guilty be……sense of plan to don’t hurry

  1/3 are am Let’s go too much Why don’t I

  4楼2/3 received am going to ever should ’d better

  3/3 aren’t you an was the have seen good my am able to dfferent haven’t

  2/5 serious talk busy

  3/5 different same different

  5/5 rising rising


  1/3I’m sorry it sounds I just don’t that would be That sound really good

  3/3If you Iwill spend That’s Ijust Let’s


  3/19 It’s im He was Shy

  8/19 very she plays he anything she wants Nick to know unbelievable

  10/19 He’s not He Nick He’s getting

  11/19 I’would Talia shocked annoyed

  12/19sure sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from college works for recognize teammate both

  excuse us media you’ve got that right get it worry you getting some pressure sit out badly

  frankly win without you

  1A/5 call Her she couldn’t 100 A little

  1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollars supposed to of the camera nice about

  it serial number is gone Oh man 800

  2A/5become excit succ…… like begin

  2B/5 1)do you feel 2)do you think 3)are loving 4)such 5)so 6)believe

  2009-11-21 10:12

  5楼3/5 so /such a /so /such /so /such a

  5/5 1)can I ask you to take a

  2)I have to take care of

  3)I’m tied uo at the moment

  4)Would you mind if

  5)Can you please check

  6)OK,no problem

  7)please fill this form

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  • 新时代交互英语3安装出现语音配置问题
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  • 安装新时代交互英语3显示语音文件缺失或者配置不正确,请问应该怎么处理...
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  • 我的电脑没有光驱 想问《新时代交互英语第三版》能不能注册后不插光盘...
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  • 新时代交互英语安装问题
  • 答:找不到材料 studio 自动化错误指定的模块,原因是磁盘上某文件被破坏或被删除,建议你重装一遍看看

  • 安装交互视听说(网络版)时检测系统没装SOAP
  • 答:问题分析:交互的检测系统很弱智,检测软件是否安装仅靠检测原来设置好的路径下是否有此软件,64位系统将soap3.0安装到了系统盘下的program files(x86)\common files里,而交互只检测program files/common files(32位系统默认...

  • 新时代交互英语视听说软件下载好了 但一打开就出现一段话component'wmp...
  • 答:下载个"wmp.dll"文件然后放到C:\Windows\System32目录下就可以了。
