
My sister and I went out for picnic

I went wild for a picnic with my elder sister

I went to a picnic with my sister.

I and my elder sister went to the wild plants

I and my sister went wild wild


1 outdoor ['əutdɔ:]
1. (在)户外的,(在)露天的,(在)野外的
2. 供户外使用的
3. 喜欢户外活动的
4. 在济贫院(或医院等机构)外发放的 [亦作 outdoors]

2 hypaethral [hai'pi:θrəl]
1. 露天的,户外的
2. (古建筑)中央无顶的,天井式的,院子式的

3 open air
n. 露天,户外
adj. 露天的;野外的

Wilderness Adventure

#17236558488# 《我的姐姐 》 英语作文 作怎么写 - ******
#广万# My sister is Alice. She is very lovely. She has long hair .Her hobby is flying kites. She likes collecting stamps too. Her favourite fruit is apples. She likes noodles very much.She is a good girl. She often helps her mother do the housework. She is very ...

#17236558488# 句子翻译 我与我的双胞胎姐姐非常亲近(close) ******
#广万# My twin sister and I are very close (to each other).

#17236558488# 英语作文我的姐姐 - ******
#广万# My Sister I have a sister. She is daughter of my uncle, a good friend of my father. I have a good relationship with my sister. She is six months older than me. We are in the same grade. We don't meet each other often, but we often make telephone ...

#17236558488# 如何用英语翻译中秋节,我和我的姐姐在甲秀楼游玩,这里很美,我们玩得很开心 ******
#广万# he Mid-Autumn festival, I and my sister JiaXiu floor in play, here is very beautiful, and we had a good time

#17236558488# 我的姐姐允许我去她家用英语翻译成汉字 - ******
#广万# 英语 My sister allowed me to go to her house.正文我的姐姐允许我去她家

#17236558488# 请帮我把这段文字翻译成英语(尽量用初二的语言来翻译) ******
#广万# 一楼的翻译......真的漏洞百出啊....还是我献丑一下吧....: the Trip of Guosetianxiang it's a sunny day in winter, my sister and I went to Guosetianxiang. It's not only a beatiful place , but also a oace with foreign style. There are lots of amusement parks ...

#17236558488# 我姐昨天把那些学生带去公园了的英文 - ******
#广万# 我姐昨天把那些学生带去公园了 My elder sister took the students to the park yesterday.我姐昨天把那些学生带去公园了 My elder sister took the students to the park yesterday.

#17236558488# 用英语翻译我我的姐姐带我去参观博物馆 - ******
#广万# 你好!我的姐姐带我去参观博物馆 My sister took me to visit the museum .

#17236558488# 【我有一个很爱我的姐姐】用 英文怎么说 3种不同的方式说? - ******
#广万# I have a sister who loves me a lot I have a sister loving me so much 不知道了,随便写的 = = my sister loves very much补充问题, I am lucky to be born/brought onto this world

  • 请帮忙翻译一下,翻译成英文。急
  • 答:Hello, I'm Dandan, I have a family. I have a father, mother, sister, brother and two pairs of grandparents.I have an aunt and an uncle. I love my family. Dad was the boss, my mother is a worker...

  • 英文翻译成中文(人工翻译不要电脑翻译)
  • 答:他也教他有个姐姐会什么样.我非常感激他们对上帝的奉献,和对William的忠诚.Linda是我朋友好中最老的一位.我的意思不是说她老,只是认识她的时间最长.我们一起度过离婚,男朋友,死亡问题,我们一起度假,她总是陪伴着我.她...

  • 我姐姐考完试就去度假了的翻译是:什么意思
  • 答:我姐姐考完试就去度假了。翻译为英文是:1) My sister finished her exams and went on holiday.2) My sisMy sister finished her exams and went on holiday.3) As soon as my sister finished her exams, she ...

  • 我朋友的姐姐(翻译成英文)
  • 答:my friend's sister 或My firned's elder sister 参考资料:如果您的回答是从其他地方引用,请表明出处

  • 请大哥大姐姐帮我把这些句子翻译成英文...急急急!
  • 答:50.我觉得他学不好英语的原因是缺乏毅力。(fail)50 I think he doesn't learn English well is due to lack of willpower. ( fail )51.希腊政府尽了一切可能来保证奥运会的正常进行。(ensure)In 51 The Greek ...

  • ...中午吃完饭后,我打扫了我的房间,下午和我的姐姐一
  • 答:我的周末过的很好,星期六的上午我做了作业,中午吃完饭后,我打扫了我的房间,下午和我的姐姐一起去看来场电影,晚上我看了电视,然后睡觉。星期天上午我读书了,下午和我的朋友们一起出去玩了。这就是我的周末,你呢?

  • 我的姐姐比我大翻译英文,用elder翻译。
  • 答:在than前不能用elder,只能用older my sister is older than me.my elder sister

  • 我正在和我的美国姐姐在通话 英文翻译拜托谢谢
  • 答:I am on the phone with my sister who is in USA.

  • 请帮我把这几句话翻译成英文
  • 答:LS的朋友们就别用翻译器来翻译了.不然误导了LZ姐姐就不好了.Hello Everyone, Please allow me to solemn introduce myself. [大家好,请允许我隆重的作一个自我介绍,]I am **, my skin is neither dark nor white,...

  • 每天晚上我和姐姐电脑游戏。汉译英。请帮助
  • 答:每天晚上我和姐姐玩电脑游戏。My sister and I play computer games every night.My sister and I 我和姐姐,英文中通常把我放在后面。姐姐确切地说应是my elder sister.my sister 我的姐姐 and和 I我 play玩 comput...
