
How much is this book?这本书多少钱?
I wanna know the price of this book.我想知道这本书的价格。

how much is this book
what does this book cost

How much is the book?
What is the price of the book?
What is cost is the book/

这本书花了你多少钱 用英语怎么说 5种表达方式~

How much is the book (which) you buy?
How much do you pay for the book?
How much does the book cost you?
How much do you spend on the book?
How much is the book (which) you buy worth?

What is the population of ts country?about 00 million。喔 顺便提一下 我现在学的ABC天芐欧美外教口语的导师和我们说过 如果想将英语学好应该是不费力地..绝对要有一个适宜的研习空间以及闇练口语对象,外教水平很重要,最好欧美母语 口语纯正才可以 不间断每日口语沟通 1 on 1加强化教学才能够有很.好.的学习成效!学习后还要重复复习课堂音频 把所学知识融会贯通;如果真的没有人可以指导,就上听力室或爱思得到课外教材学习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想 短时间英语水平会提高起来 整体效果应该可以最佳的~the population of ts country is 0billion。What is the population of 国家名?How large is the population in 国家名?How many people are there in your country?What is the number of population in your nation?

#19686628154# 十五元够买这本书了用英语怎么说两种表达方式 - ******
#江宝#[答案] Fifteen yuan will be enough to buy this book. It takes just fifteen yuan to buy this book.

#19686628154# 这本书花了我5块钱(afford、pay两种形式英文翻译) - ******
#江宝#[答案] this book paid me five yuan

#19686628154# 英文表示这本书花了我10元3句其中要有句是有pay - ******
#江宝#[答案] the book cost me 10 yuan I spend 10 yuan on the book I paid 10 yuan for the book

#19686628154# 东西多少钱用英语表达的两种方式; - ******
#江宝# 1. How much is/are the…… 2. How much do/does it cost? 希望对你有用哦~~~↖(^ω^)↗

#19686628154# 这本书五美元 翻译 用三种表达方式 - ******
#江宝# 1,This book costs five dollars2,The price of the book is five dollars3,I payed five dollars for the book

#19686628154# 昨天我花了十元钱买这本书用英语怎么说it ( ) me ten yuan ( ) ( ) the book - ******
#江宝#[答案] It took me ten yuan to buy the book

#19686628154# 花钱怎么说英语 - ******
#江宝# 英语一般使用spend或cost来表示花钱,但不会直接加上money.比如:这本书花了我20块钱.英语:The book cost 20 bucks. I spent 20 bucks on this book.不知道你看明白了没?另外,如果你是想表达:这东西是我花钱买的,而不是别人送的.这种含义,那你就要使用buy购买了.比如:我买的,不是别人给的 英语:I bought it, not for free.(我买的,不是免费得来的).

#19686628154# 十五元够买这本书了用英语怎么说两种表达方式 - ******
#江宝# Fifteen yuan will be enough to buy this book.It takes just fifteen yuan to buy this book.

#19686628154# 这本书和那本书价格同.用英语怎么说 - ******
#江宝# 直译: The price of this book is the same with that book's. This book has the same price as that one.意译: These two books have the same price.参考:关于same的词组用法辨析如下,http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201311/3516.html

#19686628154# "这本书比那本书贵十块钱"用英语怎么说? - ******
#江宝# This book is ten dollars more expensive than that one. 最基本的知识点是This book is more expensive than that one. 多多少如何表达呢?比如 这本书是那本书的四倍长This book is four times longer than that one. 同理, 这本书比那本书贵十元钱This book is ten dollars more expensive than that one.真心希望这个比较过程,对你理解起来有帮助,希望采纳哦!谢谢!

  • 你买那本书多少钱?英语怎么说啊?
  • 答:不过money不要,重复可以,就是你那种说法,因为前面有How much了

  • 这本书30元用英语怎么说?
  • 答:It's 30 Yuan to this book

  • 这本书的书价是15元用英语怎么说
  • 答:This book is 15 yuan.The price for/of this book is 15 yuan.都行.

  • 怎么用英文回答别人这个东西多少钱?
  • 答:有多种方式回答物品的价格,如:-这本书多少钱?-10元钱。-How much is the book?1. It's 10 yuan.2. It costs me 10 yuan.3. I spent 10 yuan on it.4. I spent 10 yuan buying it.……...

  • 这本书花费了我30元 用英语如何翻译
  • 答:多种说法:【都是过去式】1 this book cost me 30 yuan 2 i paid 30 yuan for this book 3 i spent 30 yuan in buying this book...RMB¥30 可以用来代替30 yuan 但是没有30RMB这么一说。

  • 这些书多少钱一百元用英语怎么说自己后面英语所有的
  • 答:How much are these books?One hundred YUAN.楼主你的问题是:“这些书多少钱一百元用英语怎么说自己后面英语所有的”我只看懂了前半句 后面“自己后面英语所有的”我不明白是什么意思 ...

  • 这本书的价格是什么用英语怎么说
  • 答:What's the price of the book?

  • 你喜欢你的英语老师吗?用英语有多少种表达方式?
  • 答:你喜欢你的英语老师吗?Do you like your Englisht teacher?Is the English teacher your favourite teacher?他们教我们语文。The teache us languages,the languages are taught by them 这本书多少钱?How much is the ...

  • 这本书花了我5块钱(afford、pay两种形式英文翻译)
  • 答:this book paid me five yuan

  • 英语翻译:这本书花了我25元。
  • 答:It took me 25yuan to buy this book./ This book cost me 25yuan./ I spent 25yuan on this book.
