我用完了所有的钱 用英语怎么翻译

I spend all the money.
I use up all the money.
I run out of all the money.

I spent all the money


I ran out of my money

I am running out of money.

I am running out of money.

我所有的钱都快要用完了 用英语怎么翻译(with,run)~

你想要表达成一个状语还是一句话,一句话就是all my money is running out. 状语就是with all my money running out,

用英语翻译“ 问题是我们的钱已经用完了 ”这句话
The question is that we have run out the money.

#18882994967# 这个有趣的故事是怎么发生的? 凯蒂的妈妈每天晚上都给她讲故事. 我的钱已经用完了. 这些怎么用英语说如果使用有道翻译的话就不要来了 - ******
#杨凝#[答案] How did this interesting story happen? Cade's mother talks the story to Cade every night. My money has been used out.

#18882994967# 她用完了她所有的钱怎么翻译? - ******
#杨凝#[答案] She wore out all (of) her money! She used up all (of) her money! She ran out all (of) her money! 三个词组都表示“用完、耗尽”之意,

#18882994967# 用英语怎么说 :我把我的钱花光了,因此没有钱买书. - ******
#杨凝#[答案] As I have run out of my money,I have no money for the book.

#18882994967# 我已经用完了我的钱翻译 - ******
#杨凝# i have spent all my money.

#18882994967# 钱用完了的英语翻译 - ******
#杨凝# I spent all my money.I don't have any money left.

#18882994967# 我所有的钱都快要用完了 用英语怎么翻译(with,run) - ******
#杨凝# 你想要表达成一个状语还是一句话,一句话就是all my money is running out. 状语就是with all my money running out,

#18882994967# "用完,用尽''怎么翻译? - ******
#杨凝#[答案] run out of:[ .n 'aut ] 用完 例句与用法1.He has run out of red ink.他的红墨水用完了.2.What if/Say you were to run out of money?What would you do?假设你的钱用完了呢?你将怎么办呢?3.We've run out of petro...

#18882994967# 英文翻译 我的钱快用玩了&我的钱已经用完了 - ******
#杨凝# my money is running out.my money has been run out.我的钱快用完了

#18882994967# 英语翻译我的钱就要用完了,我必须去银行取一些钱(run out;draw some money) - ******
#杨凝#[答案] My money is running out,I must go to the bank to draw some money .

#18882994967# 用英语短语“run out of”造句 - ******
#杨凝# 答案是:I have run out of my money 我的钱已经用完了~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~
