
Down to earth, by definition, it is one thing to do step by step. Nowadays, flourishes and other means more attractive to the eye. However, this may be almost zero. Earth work, by virtue of the strength of its own success, is the most secure.
By sixth grade graduation semester exams, test papers is not difficult, so the teacher has repeatedly stressed the need to carefully. Class self-righteous few boys had played the "liberation music" so self-study environment is getting worse. I grew up under his father's influence, it is very prudent and realistic. Good grades, I very much hope themselves as primary school painting satisfactory conclusion, achieved excellent results, the final breakthrough.
Paper was sent down, browse again, we could not really expected, the paper is very simple, but the simple title of the total hidden behind a trap. Each do a question, I always hurry to put keywords hook down, and then slowly think. Plenty of time, I began to seriously successful problem-solving examination, the surrounding students, some in a daze, some origami. My father gave me to keep in mind - get down to do everything teachings, no interference by others, continue to review, the results actually found some errors. Others looked proud look, I am a little surprised, more helpless.
Announcement of the results, and returning to the out of home to me, those boys do not self-righteous and achieved excellent results, but also because of carelessness to blame. I quietly mediocre efforts, became the class impressive "dark horse."
Graduation ceremony ended, the students asked me how progress overnight so great, I tell them:. "This is my six years in exchange for every step."
Step, another step, but not the cross, just jogging. Step by step, perseverance, down to earth to do the little things in life, the ultimate success in the invisible, and this is my goal to grow, if only lightly, do not pay attention to detail, the pace will be empty, the final result of the central instability fall, failed.
Down to earth, though ordinary, but became my favorite phrase, I grew up to become a target to chase. Future learning career is still long, but I would still down to earth, because in order to succeed.


2. 在第一步的基础上给出观点,观点视文章主旨可以分为:个人观点(包括方法、途径),和多方观点(观点从正反两方面或者一个方面的多个层次阐述;在交待观点是需要有原因和支持)。

According to a recent survey/investigation(提纲作文),[As is shown by the grapy(图片作文)] ,We can not only find that 图片或者提纲点is becoming 形容词er and 形容词er but also 图片或者提纲深入点 is beginning to play a more and more important role in our life. With the appearance of this phenomenon ,it is clear that 全文观点。

There are some good reasons for 全文观点 ,Firstly ,全文观点(代词) is due to the fact that 原因一,Secondly , 原因二 is responsibility for 全文观点,Lastly , 原因三 also cause to 全文观点。As opposed to the widely held view, some people think that 相反观点 because it is being thought resulted in 相反原因 ,Maybe there are some other good opinions with full reasons
to this topic , But it is generally think the above mentioned is commonly acceptable .

As far as I am concerned , I firmly support the view that 全文观点, I think my opinion is both sound and well—grounded.

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#陈显# 5个英语六级作文写作拿高分要点:1、字迹清楚,段落明朗(clear):字体不要太大,也不要太小,以行间距的三分之一到二分之一为合适;另外,大小要一致,不要忽大忽小;字母的倾斜方向要一致,不要东倒西歪;要抵着给出的虚线写,...

#13944319753# 请问谁有整理好的六级作文模板? - ******
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#13944319753# 急需英语六级作文分类、以及对应写作方法. - ******
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#陈显# 英语六级作文万能模版: The number of e-books is constantly on the rise as a result of the rapid development of information technology.先阐明电子书数量快速增长 there is a sharp increase in the number of e-books.个人觉得要掌握好各种表数量...

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#陈显# I have no special talent. I am an ordinary 12 years old boy studying in Grade 6. I lead a routine life every day to attend classes at school and struggle to finish my homework until late at night. I pass all my tests and examinations but am never getting ...

#13944319753# 如何写好英语六级作文? ******
#陈显# 优秀句子搭配的使用,注意作文要有结构,层次,要有中心句.另外就是高级词汇的使用.

#13944319753# 英语六级考试作文格式怎么写最好? ******
#陈显# 第一种是国外这几年比较流行的作文或者论文格式是很正规的写法(IELTS的阅读文章就是这种) 第二种不用说是大家熟悉的中文作文的格式用在六级作文里嘛……估计也可以 我考六级时用的是第一种觉得写起来看的条理清楚也比较美观(然后我的六级作文得了100多分) 建议用第一种

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