






Cross-cultural communication refers to the different cultural backgrounds of communication between individuals, that is, people from different cultural backgrounds of the interaction between what happened. In recent years, it is caused most people's attention. In China, the language teachers to show great interest, reflecting the changes of the times and demands, has attracted people from the perspective of cross-cultural education of foreign language teaching in-depth thinking.
Cross-cultural communication on the basic purpose of the three. First, the training of people with different cultural understanding of the positive attitude. Culture is a difference, found each other through the different points, which in turn deepen their understanding of our own cultural understanding, so as to achieve an objective grasp their cultural identity. Found differences in the process, we should pay attention to a lot in common can not be ignored. Second, cross-cultural training contact adaptability. Initial contact with different cultures, they will be culture shock (Cultule shock), resulting in some not adapting. For communication to continue, must seek to mitigate impact, improve adaptability. Third, cultivate cross-cultural communication skills. With the further expansion of opening up, go out of the country or remain in the country to participate in cross-cultural communication more and more people, they need to learn, master and the people of different cultures deal with the practical skills. Cross-cultural communication on the practical significance is greater than the theoretical significance.
Cross-cultural communication on the basic contents of the three. First, the world outlook and values of the second, the speech act of cultural characteristics of the third, non-verbal communication of research. The so-called world view, is that people deal with the fundamental view of the world. Only the relationship between man and nature, East and West have very different views. Western culture that people should be masters of nature, is the conquest of natural objects, mankind can continuously improve the use of science and technology to transform nature, to overcome nature, are things of the centre. In response, the Oriental culture that man and nature is a kind of coordination between man and nature is closely related, not transform human nature, but adapt to nature, the conditions for the use of natural human services. The so-called values, judgement is good or bad, right and wrong standard, it will lead to the actions of a certain direction. Accordingly, posed on the values of culture and social structure of the skeleton. For part of a culture of the people, what good behavior, not what acts are subject to the domination of the values. Values is an abstract concept, it is difficult for people to grasp it, but by language or language patterns of behaviour can often peep out some kind of cultural values.
In the course of cross-cultural communication, hidden deep in the culture, values can not be avoided, it is precisely through the different values of understanding, to deepen their understanding of cross-cultural communication and understanding. This is because, in the course of cross-cultural communication problems, they are different values when the confrontation occurred.
On the language of cultural identity, which is cross-cultural communication in another important subject. Culture has a distinct personality, different cultures will naturally have differences, cultural differences reflected in the language, the language has become the differences. Language is a product of culture, the culture is a form of expression, the use of certain language in the culture follow the rules. In other words, the culture of decision thinking, decision language means of expression. We imagine the situation of foreigners learning Chinese Bar. Foreigners to learn how to correctly use "I said that superficial, not to criticize the local correction" This kind of sentence, in addition to the knowledge of the language itself, must also Acquisition of China's social and cultural knowledge. Do not need social, cultural background and knowledge to create sentences, almost all of the facts or the state of the film. For example: "I was a university student", "My family's great garden," and so on, these sentences to form in any language are justifiable. However, there are many sentences over the past literal translation either could not or do not meet each other's social and cultural rules rather than be understood.
The last non-verbal communication of research. Non-verbal behavior and language behavior, because of cultural differences often given different meanings. In the course of cross-cultural communication, because of different cultures on non-verbal conduct of the different interpretations, often misleading. From the physical characteristics of people who wear costumes to the goods, from voice to the level of room furnishings, colors, from time to the concept of space concepts, these are non-verbal communication factors. Japanese bow, embrace Europe and the United States the kiss, the Latin American people pay tribute to all the Tuomao show their cultural identity.

#18181903293# 谁帮我翻译下这篇文章?.谢谢! - ******
#钭琰# 我的在计算机上的意图 Computers在现代社会扮演一个越来越重要角色.他们几乎是用途广泛在每个领域,例如事务、运输和教育.我们使用计算机处理和存储各种各样信息.并且,他们进入普通的家庭.我们使用计算机控制电气用品和通过打在他们的比赛招待自己.没有计算机,世界不会是什么它是今天.Despite这,计算机起因麻烦.例如,当仅一台唯一计算机出错,一个巨大系统将被划分.是可能的某人闯进计算机系统窃取秘密信息.我们不可能非常依靠计算机.So我们应该发展更加先进和更加可靠的计算机为了使我们的生活更加五颜六色和意味深长.

#18181903293# 求英语专业的帮忙翻译.因为自己不是英语专业的,想给一个国外的教授写信.所以求专业人士帮忙翻译~谢谢啦 ******
#钭琰# Dear professor: I am a postgraduate from XX university. I have carefully read the two papers about XX, which were published by you and professor XX ,etc on XX(date). I adore your achievements very much, and at the same time, I'm quite interested ...

#18181903293# 有句英文需要专业人士帮助翻译一下,谢谢由于近期餐馆生意不好,为 ******
#钭琰# Due to the bad business situation of the restaurant recently, and in order to balance the income and expense, the company made the decision that reduce the work hours of Mr.XXX. The work time will be 5.5 days per week, total 176 hours per month. Hereby we issue this certificate.

#18181903293# 谁能帮我翻译一下这篇文章,很急用,谢谢prashant,Iha ******
#钭琰# “来,我为你Great News!“美国首席执行官的subsidiarytells卡在2009年底,“总部... 他的绿牌,他也可以被认为是一种美国国民和外籍人士.现在如果他从新delhito达拉...

#18181903293# 希望有专业人士帮我翻译一下科技英语的文章.谢谢 ******
#钭琰# 光纤传输已经成了这个时代电信的主要创新.这样的系统提供了极高的带宽,还能防止外界的干扰、避免外部拦截侦听,而且使用的原料特别便宜(硅,地球上最丰富的原料). 光纤系统的基本原理光纤在其纤维材料中传导光线.光纤能传导...

#18181903293# 请专业人士帮我翻译一下英语!... ******
#钭琰# hello. good morning,嗨`早上好 oh, god, you are so great, you can write in english. nice for you!! 噢,天啊,你太棒了,你会用英语写作,真的太棒了! you are a god-sent angel to me, let me put you in my arms, let me warm you in your heart, let me feel you tonight你是上天赐给我的天使,让我把你放入我的臂湾,让我温暖你的新,让我今晚能感觉到你的存在

#18181903293# 找专业人士翻译英语 - ******
#钭琰# March 14, 2008, the Swedish delegation of University of the West come to my school exchange visits, opening our school co-operation with the Swedish University of the West door. May 9, 2008, the Swedish International Exchange Department, ...

#18181903293# 专业人士帮我翻译一下这篇摘要,很急,谢谢谢谢~~~ - ******
#钭琰# Language is the carrier of culture, but it is also an important cultural component. Words and language is the most active element, the most sensitive to reflect the social life and the social and ideological changes. Language is the best way to reflect...

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#钭琰# I have learned a lot from you, honesty, kindness, love... I will never forget your spirit!

#18181903293# 请专业人士帮我翻译几句话,谢谢啊! - ******
#钭琰# 该职工热爱教师工作, 认真负责,教学态度严谨,授课方式诙谐幽默,对英语教学有一套科学,行之有效的方法,让学生在总体把握,理清知识之间的联系的基础上,夯实基础,激发兴趣,重点击破,学透每个知识点,最后综合提高,融会贯通...

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  • 答:1.Joe Sanders拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园.几乎每个人都参加每年举办的"最佳花园竞赛",而每次都是Joe Sanders获胜.Bill Frith的花园比Joe的大,他比Joe也更勤奋,种植的花卉和蔬菜也更多,但Joe的花园更富有情趣.他修筑了一条...

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  • 答:it is caused most people's attention. In China, the language teachers to show great interest, reflecting the changes of the times and demands, has attracted people from the perspective of cross-cultural educati...

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  • 答:还好还好,专业词汇不是很多。帮你一个字一个字的敲出来了,希望帮上忙^^ Engineering is a profession, which means that an engineer must have a specialized university education. Many government jurisdictions also ...
