
the experience that we have accumulated
the reason is very simple 是正确的

the accumulation of our experience

we have accumulated a wealth of experience

可以 你这里相当于一个名词(后面用定语从句修饰)


During the ten years,I gain extensive experience in ...

gather more experience
gather experience

#19781238477# 因为那可以使我们了解社会积累经验用英语怎么说 - ******
#融芝# Because it can enable us to understand the social and accumulate the experiences.

#19781238477# 这句话英语怎么说?在这十年间,我在.方面积累了丰富的经验.最重要的,这个 积累 ,该怎么说比较地道一些?谢谢. - ******
#融芝#[答案] During the ten years,I gain extensive experience in ... 求职常用的比较positive的说法

#19781238477# “积累经验”要想地道点怎么说,机译勿扰 - ******
#融芝# 科学普查航道 积累先进经验 Accumulation of Advanced Experience through General Channel Survey

#19781238477# “我曾经利用寒暑假做过一些兼职 积累了一些社会经验” 用英文如何说? - ******
#融芝# My summer and winter vacations' part-time job have accumulated me enough social experience.

#19781238477# 我希望能有机会得到锻炼和积累经验 英语怎么说 - ******
#融芝#[答案] I hope to have the opportunity to exercise and accumulate experience.

#19781238477# “我想在进入大学前积累社会经验”这句用英语怎么说 - ******
#融芝# 我想在进入大学前积累社会经验 I'd like to accumulate social experience before entering the university.

#19781238477# 我希望能有机会得到锻炼和积累经验 英语怎么说 - ******
#融芝# I hope to have the opportunity to exercise and accumulate experience.

#19781238477# 乱花钱用英语怎么说乱花钱和为今后走向社会积累了经验用英语怎么说 - ******
#融芝#[答案] sb.have/has accumulated a wealth of experience in future 某人为今后走向社会积累了经验 make the money fly 乱花钱 挥金如土.

#19781238477# 我希望能有机会得到锻炼和积累经验 英语怎么说 - ******
#融芝# I hope to have the opportunity to exercise and accumulate experience.

#19781238477# 英语怎么学啊? ******
#融芝# 平时常常接触英语. 常常听尝尝看, 跟英语亲密了就不怕说英语. 关键是对英语的兴趣,热情.

  • 在这两年的工作当中,积累了一定的工作经验,英文怎末说
  • 答:in my two years' work, i experienced a lot.

  • ...翻成英文 在过去半年的工作中我积累了很多的经验和教训,相信这些经 ...
  • 答:In the past half a year of working,I have accumulated a lot of experiences and lessons.I believe that these experiences will further help my working development.I appreciate everyone's help.(or Thanks for ...

  • 在英语现在完成中 什么叫 “经验”啊
  • 答:She was a housewife of experience. 经验为智慧之母。 Experience is the mother of wisdom. 谁也不能忽视人类所积累的经验。 None can afford to neglect the accumulated experience of man.2.(经历) go through; ex...

  • 求翻译“我以前在一家普通的公司工作了2年,积累了一些经验”
  • 答:I used to work in a common company for two years,and I have already accumulated some experiance.这是第一种翻法,两个分句都要有独立的主谓宾,然后用连词and连接。I used to work in a common company for ...

  • 经历用英语怎么说
  • 答:suffered a lot After all the sufferings 本身suffer就有经历苦难的意思,所以不再加苦难了,那样很中式。Experienced a lot of things in English how to say经历了很多事,用英语怎么说 Experienced a lot of things经历...

  • 经验累积的英语名句
  • 答:teaches that men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues. (bendict de spinoza, dutch philosopher)经验给我们太多的教训,告诉我们人类最难管制 的东西,莫过于自己的舌头。(荷兰哲学家 斯宾诺沙 b)

  • 给了我许多宝贵的经验用英语怎么说
  • 答:英文原文:Give me a lot of valuable experience.英式音标:[gɪv] [miː] [ə; eɪ] [lɒt] [ɒv; (ə)v] [ˈvæljʊb(ə)l] [ɪk&...

  • 经历用英语怎么说
  • 答:经历的英文翻译是experience,名词和动词形式均有经历的意思,指人们在生活中所遇到的事情,经过或通过学习、实践取得经验的过程。也可用来表示“体验”“感受”。experience 英 [ɪkˈspɪəriəns...

  • 通过我大学期间积累的丰富知识和工作经验英文
  • 答:Accumulated rich knowledge and work experience during my university 通过我大学期间积累的丰富知识和工作经验

  • 有丰富的经验翻译成英语怎么说
  • 答:be skilled/experienced in xx have rich experiences in xx 参考资料:原创回答
