
How much money have you spent in total?( 表达至今共花多少钱?)

How much money did you spend in total? (花了多少钱?)

1、How much did you spend in all?
2、How much did it cost you in all?
3、How much did you pay (for it) in total?
4、How much was it worth in total?
5、How much did you pay altogether?

How much money do you spend on these?

how much do you spend in all?

How much did you spend in all?


costed them


how much;how much money;How much does it cost更多释义>>


多少钱 how much;How Much Is It;How much does it cost
合计为多少钱 figure out at
花多少钱 How much;How much money to spend;How much does it cost

#19418182310# 多少钱 用英语怎么说 - ******
#储饺# 多少钱 用英语怎么说 多少钱how much; How Much Is It; How much does it cost 合计为多少钱figure out at 花多少钱 How much; How much money to spend; How much does it cost

#19418182310# 求某人花了多少钱的三句英语翻译 - ******
#储饺#[答案] 您好: Sb spend xx on xx it takes sb 多少钱 on xx it costs sb...多少钱 to do .. 希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好! 祝您学习进步! 如果不懂建议重新提问,也可以直接追问哦.

#19418182310# 这件东西花了你多少钱,用英语怎么说如上 - ******
#储饺#[答案] how much did you spend on this item.

#19418182310# 翻译成英文:这双鞋你花了多少钱? - ******
#储饺#[答案] How much did the pair of shoes cost you? How much did you pay for this pair of shoes? How much did you spend on the pair of shoes? 嗯,差不多了,几个句型轮着换

#19418182310# 它花了你多少钱(英语翻译) 是否可以用How many dollars does it cose? - ******
#储饺#[答案] 如果是说美元的话,语法上可以.How many dollars does it cost you? 但是习惯上不会说,还是How much does it cost you? 常见一些.

#19418182310# 那你花了总共多少钱? ******
#储饺# 3650.70元.

#19418182310# 根据这张购物清单我总共花了一百元用英语怎么说 - ******
#储饺# 根据这张购物清单我总共花了一百元 According to this list of shopping I spent a total of one hundred yuan

#19418182310# 英语表示花多少钱买东西有几种方法 ******
#储饺# spend + 钱数 + on + sth. 花(多少)钱买某物 sth cost sb. + 钱数 某物花了某人(多少)钱 pay +钱数 +for sth 为某物花了(多少)钱

#19418182310# 英语翻译你花多少钱取决你挣多少钱 - ******
#储饺# 英语翻译 How much do you spend on how much money you make 你花多少钱取决你挣多少钱

  • 花了多少钱买某东西译成英语
  • 答:你好!花了多少钱买某东西 How much money to buy something

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  • 答:cost永远是物做主语,而上面两个词是人做主语。cost表示某物花费了某人多少多少钱,固定搭配:sth. cost sb.例句:The ring cost him 100,000 dollars.The task could cost you your life.这项任务可能让你没命。

  • 钱用英语怎么说?
  • 答:钱的英语单词是money。money是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“钱;货币;财富”。单词发音:英[_m_ni];美[_m_ni]双语例句:1、Well,itsoneforthemoney。那么,它的货币之一。2、Whatfor?Wehavenomoney。去干...

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  • 钱用英语怎么说?
  • 答:钱的英语单词是money。money是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“钱;货币;财富”。单词发音:英[_m_ni];美[_m_ni]双语例句:1、Well,itsoneforthemoney。那么,它的货币之一。2、Whatfor?Wehavenomoney。去干...

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  • 答:回答:楼主你好 很高兴回答你的问题一切由你 回答完毕 谢谢

  • 英语里花费意思的单词有几个,它们的区别
  • 答:….例:His money was spent for books.他的钱用来买书了.cost的主语是物或某种活动,还可以表示“值”,常见用法如下:(1)sth.costs (sb.) +金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱.例:A new computer costs a lot of ...

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