
A benchmark problem benchmarks set incorrectly. Two issues, such as clamping jaw clamping force is too large, so that parts clip variant, whereas the clamping force is too small, loose parts machining. 3 machining difficult indeed difficult to process relatively large parts, such as high accuracy. 4 Measured difficult convenient measurement during processing. 5 inaccurate measurement by high temperature, measuring errors exist, and the actual measured size of a slight error (about 0.001-0.025). 6 Geometric Tolerance bad bad shape and position tolerances. 7 question coating coating makes part size larger or smaller. 8 headroom problem software was not enough allowance, heat back after deformation. 9 Part of the problem size drain leakage machining process, mainly in the relatively large size of some of the tolerances. 10 to packaging packaging is not good, or no packaging, so that the process of moving parts in the functional surface bumps. 11 rust problem is not oiled, parts working surface rust. 12 polished big issues will throw off the size. 13 to rectify the problem without installing the parts and components spindle correction. 14 parts contour accuracy contour accuracy problems too, machining out. 15 procedure setup errors. 16 issues outsourcing vendor processing. 17 tool compensation issues cutter compensation input errors. 18 Processing obvious mistakes human error. 19 burr burr no problem except a clean, resulting in measurement errors


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Caution: Mains input voltage should be the same as the rated voltage of the motor! Pre-fill the system with lubricant before operation so that the system is full of lubricant and start normal operation in preset time! Use clean lubricant! Clean the pre-fill container and clean or replace the filter at the lubricant port every 2 months!
不明白请及时追问,敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 !

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