
Actually the 8L and 10L size of this product have almost the same price. We recommend that you take the 10L one for now, as the 8L size product has not been certified as of yet. Even if the process is commenced right away, it will take at least three months for product testing, certification and accreditation.
Regarding our quotation, that is already the best price we can possibly offer. We have strived to regard you as a business partner rather than a customer. We hope you could understand.


Regarding the products with their capacities 8L & 10L, actually their prices are almost the same. Since we haven't got the certification for the product of 8L right now, and it will take at least 3 months for testing & reporting if we apply for the certification, we advise you to choose the one of 10L. As to the price, we have quoted you the most competitive price in our previous quotation. Hope you could understand that this is the best offer we have tried our best to provide.


concerning the sizes of 8L and 10L, actually their prizes are almost the same. but we suggest that you choose 10L,because 8L isn't qualified about its size at the moment. if we apply for the qualification, it would take at least 3 months for test and declaration. concerning the prize, the prize we quoted was the minimum price. please understand,this is the best offer we acquire for you.

Please find attached invoice, we'll send the original invoice as soon as your comfirmation about your payment time.

英语没有那么多的客套话,一般用please,thanks 就足够了。特别是贸易英语讲究简明扼要,否则会被客人看作是不专业。

acutally the price is same for both 8L and 10L, though they have difference on size. i suggest you choose 10L, for now we don't have certificate for 8L products. if you insist 8L, to get the certificate would take at least 3 months. about the price, the quotation i offer to you is our best price. please understand, this is the best offer we could provide. (中文,尽最大努力为你争取到的,这么说,感觉还是有价格空间的,个人觉得还是不要这么说的好)


Beijing, it's time to say goodbye. Sounds easy, aha !

北京,快要和你说再见了。 好像很简单,哈哈!



Beijing, I have to leave you for a whlie


#19496273161# 请帮忙翻译一下英文句子,谢谢 - ******
#束广# 1.你们学校的优点是什么? What are your school's strong points ? 2.大概有多少人就读? How many people are studying in your school ?3.人力资源管理这个专业的优点是什么?今后有什么发展的机会? What is the merit of human resource ...

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#束广# 1、谁能告诉我喝醉到底是什么感觉?不仅仅是感觉放松吧?那么(如果这样),白葡萄酒也不过如此. 2、无论何时你转过身,你都像是置身于球迷公园.哦,是的. 3、知道了!当你喝醉了,什么烦恼都没有了.因为一切都失去了...

#19496273161# 请朋友们帮忙翻译成中文,谢谢请帮忙翻译一下,谢谢: if you can read this: MAKE ME A SAND WICH - ******
#束广#[答案] if(如果) you(你) can(可以) read(读) this(这个) = 如果你可以读这个 make me a sandwich= 给我做一份三文治.《-那个是一个命令.里面没有什么 “请”给我做.或者是 “帮”我做一份. 如果是“请”的话,应该是:Please make me a ...

#19496273161# 请帮忙翻译一下、用英语.谢谢了 ******
#束广# 仅供参考. 1.You will find it is not so difficult to get good performance(grade) if you are careful enough. 2.This cinema is with most confort seats(chairs). 3.China is larger than any other country in Asia. 4. Mother is quite satisfied with my performance...

#19496273161# 请帮忙翻译一下,谢谢1wewouldliketoexpresso ******
#束广# 我们再一次对于你们给予我们工程的关注以及对我们在南封逗留期间对我们的热情款待表示感激. 我们现在回到法国并在这里研究我们2008年三至四月我们节日期间在中国看到的NOU组之一项目的编辑程序的可能性. 我们到2007年9月将会报告我们的决定. 英文编写的不合语法并概念有些混淆. 所以只能这样翻译.

#19496273161# 请帮忙翻译几句话,非常感谢! - ******
#束广# Manager Wang,How have you been lately?I'm Lucy.Thanks for the cocern from the company.Would you please give me a favor?I have gone to handle society insurance and learned that it can't be transferred withou the contract of labour.Since my...

#19496273161# 请帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 - ******
#束广# 正因为在那里拥有了喜欢的人哦~グサッときたのは,一说到想要孩子,就想到做妈妈的麻烦.“因为我不会放弃演员这个职业,所以我做不到”我一这样说.他就说“你是演员,所以不辞职也行.孩子也...

#19496273161# 请帮忙翻译.谢谢!!! ******
#束广# 本日振込処理を致しました. 今天我们已经把钱汇过去了 近日中に着金すると思いますので、 我想近日内资金就会到账 后日御确认の程、宜しくお愿い致します. 改日请确认一下 拜托您啦 ご连络、有难うございます. 谢谢您的联系 これからも、よろしくお愿いします. 今后还请您多多关照完全自己翻译的哦 希望能够帮助到你

#19496273161# 请帮忙翻译一下文言文,谢谢. - ******
#束广# (孔子和弟子们在陈国蔡国被围困)子张问如何才能通行无碍,孔子说:“说话老实守信,办事勤恳恭敬,即使远到蛮夷之地也通行无阻.说话没信用,办事不地道,即使近在本乡本土也吃不开.只要一站,总是看见'忠信笃敬'几个字显在眼前;只要上车,总是看见这几个字刻在辕前横木上.这样子,才可以通行无碍.”子张听了,就把这几个字写在腰带上.试注:这段对话是孔子和弟子们在陈国蔡国之间被困的时候.蛮貊(mò),蛮夷边远之地.州里,五家为邻,五邻为里,二十里为党,五党为州.参,照,显示.衡,车辕前面的横木.绅,贵族的宽腰带.

#19496273161# 请大家帮忙翻译一下!!谢谢!! - ******
#束广# Dear Joyce: How are you rencently? I am now living very well in Nanjing.By the way, when will you come back? June 1st is the childern's Day, I and some classmates g...

  • 请帮忙翻译一下几句英语~ 谢谢!
  • 答:8. Thank you for waiting. .让您久等了!9. May I take your order? Well, wait a moment , will you? 要点菜吗?好的,请稍等。10. Thank you for your purchase. Mind your steps. 谢谢光临,请慢走!

  • 请翻译一下
  • 答:Thank you. 谢谢。Let's leave now,Mike. 我们现在走吧,麦克。There are no more peole inside. 里面没有人了。Wait aminute,sir. 先生,等一下。Cindy and her mother are watching TV. 辛迪和她妈妈正在看电视...

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  • 答:银行汇款等 提前付款行为 确认商品以后 我们会发送交易向导帮您进行下一步 请按照邮件内容完场交易 请您多搬原谅 ※ご注文间违いや到着指定时间帯等がございましたら、なるべく早めにご连络をお愿い致します 如有下...

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