
Hi Tom!
Hi Cathy! What are you doing here?
I come to visit my tutor Bettina, and you?
I am living here!
Oh, what a coincidence!
Yeah, would you like a cup of coffee?
I would love to, but I have an appointment with Bettina.
Well, you can come to my house later, if you like.
That would be great!
Ok, see you later!
See you later!

Hi Tom, how are you doing?
Tired. I am preparing for my English test. I hate it.
Oh that's too bad. Why do you hate studying English?
I just cannot remember so many new words.
I can not too. Oh I have an idea!
What's that?
I can give you a dictation and you give me the dictation later so that we can help each other and enjoy the process of study!
Sounds great!
Ok lets start now!

Hi Tom, what are you doing here?
Hi Cathy, I am searching the newest disk of Celine Dion.
Me too!
Oh you like her as well?
Of cause! Her voice is fantastic. No one could resist!
I totally agree.
Which song do you like the most?
A lot. My heart will go on is one of them.
Yes I love that one too.
Oh here is the disk you are looking for, I guess.
Yes, perfect! Thank you very much!
You are welcome.

-Oh what a smoke!
-Yeah, Tom has been here for a while and he smoked.
-Isn't it forbidden to smoke in the dorm?
-Yes. I hate smoking too. We may place an NONE-SOMKE mark on our door so that others will not smoke here any more.
-Good Idea.
-I can not understand why those smokers smoke. Nothing good they can get from smoking.
-You are right. At least they can not enjoy smoking here and make us feel so bad.
-Not only feel bad, but also bad for our health!
-So let's make the mark right now.
-All right.

-Hi Tom, it is 12 PM now, can’t you just be quiet?
-I am playing a very interesting program. Would you like to join me?
-Absolutely not.
-If you play it, you will change your answer.
-Come on Tom, it is midnight now, and we have classes to take tomorrow.
-Just one minute. Why don't you understand playing game is much more fun than sleeping?
-I understand that, Tom. Otherwise you won't stay up so late. But you have to choose the right time.
-But we are so busy in taking those boring classes in the daytime.
-Then you spend the whole night in playing game? That's why you think the classes are boring. You can not concentrate on the lectures at all. You play too much.
-That's because these games are really fun.
-Yes. To play just for a while is fun. Playing too much means you are going to fail in the exams.
-All right, all right. I will go to bed right now.

-Hi Tom, what are you busy doing there?
-Preparing for my final math exam. I found these questions are too hard to answer.
-Good for you. You will get to know them very quickly.
-I hope so.
-Listen, it is Rose's birthday this Sunday. And I am preparing a surprise birthday party for her. Would you like to come that night?
-I hope I could. But you know, I will have the exam just on Monday!
-That's too bad. Can’t you have all these work done before Sunday?
-I guess not. But I will give it a try.
-All right. Hope to see you then.
-I'll call you before Sunday if I can make it.
-Ok, good luck with your exam!

huhu, 打这么多,累死我了。希望有用吧!


A: Hello, Linda. (你好,琳达。)
B: Hello, Bob. How are you?(你好,鲍勃。你怎么样?)
A: I am very frustrated about my English exam. (我的英语考试让我很郁闷。)
I think English is too difficult, and I don't like it. (我觉得英语太难了,我不喜欢英语。)
B: Well, English is not that hard at all.(哦,其实英语根本没有那么难。)
As long as you try your best you can speak English very well.
(只要你尽力学,你也可以说一 口流利的英语。)
I have confidence in you. Don't give up. (我对你有信心,别气馁。)
A: I think you are right,and I need to work harder. (我觉得你说的有道理,我需要再努努 力。)
Thank you for your encouragement.(谢谢你的鼓励。)
B: It's my pleasure. (我很愿意帮助你。)

B:hey, what are you doing here?

A:oh hello.i’m listening to music.

B:I see.what kind of music do you like?

A: I like pop music. Because it is modern, and is related to people's everyday life. Pop music is popular among young people.

B: but Pop music, does not last very long. While it is popular in certain times, only after a few months, or even weeks, it will be replaced by newer music.
A:so you like classical music better?

B:yes. Because these music has been passed down from comzposers hundreds of years ago, and have stood to the test of time. There are different styles. Sometimes the music makes you happy, and sometimes it makes you more thoughtful. It is the previous heritage of all mankind.
A: Classical music, on the other hand, sometimes is a bit too dull and too long. And when I am happy, I can sing pop songs, but I can never sing classical music!

B: You know, we are always very busy studying, so, i think if i feel tired sometimes, classical music,to a large degree, is the best way for me to relax.

A:wait! But I still remember that you would fall asleep the moment you listened to classical music.

B:oh you can’t believe that.last time when I listened to a piece of music made by Mozart,I felt it was so beautiful! I fell in love with it immediately .and which singer do you like best?

A: There is an famous band named "coldplay" in England, I like them very much. Their works are far more than pop music, it's more like poems. Every word, every sentence,even their sign are so beautiful.

B:Emm…sounds good! I will listen to their music some day.and you can try some classical music as well.

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#钭李# 用第一个编个对话吧.否则也太多了.the way of learning english A: hello. it seems you are not happy. is there anything wrong with you? B:eh, i am facing a problem. I just don't know how to learn englsih well. can you give me some advice? A:Of ...

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#钭李#[答案] Clark:C Vera:VC:May I help you?V:Yes,I need a scoff for my mother. Today is mother`s day.C:Oh! you is a nice daughter!V:Thanks.C:How about this one?V:But my mother have a red one. She likes biue ver...

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#钭李#[答案] 1、购物 (Shopping) 1.- What can I do for you? - I'd like some apples. 2.- Where can I buy some stationery? - Let's look ... - Hello,Ham Mei.Could I borrow your Chinese-English Dictionary please? - Sorry!It's not a very good line.Could you speak ...

#13726574847# 求英语情景对话 - ******
#钭李#-I can not understand why those smokers smoke. -Yes;s too bad. -I', would you like a cup of coffee? That'. Can't you have all these work done before Sunday. -Good for you! -So let', how are you doing. You will get to know them very quickly. -Just ...

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#13726574847# 求三篇英语口语情景对话,不需要太长 - ******
#钭李# Clark:C Vera:V C:May I help you? V:Yes,I need a scoff for my mother. Today is mother`s day. C:Oh! you is a nice daughter! V:Thanks. C:How about this one? V:But my mother have a red one. She likes biue very much, so I need a blue scarff. C:Ok! ...

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#钭李# Husband: Waiter! Can you come over here? I think you've given me the wrong dish.Waiter: Sir, it's the dish that you've ordered, I'm sure.Husband: No, I can tell you it is not the dish that I ordered. Wife: What's wrong with the dish? It should be the dish ...

#13726574847# 急求几段英语情景对话!内容:1、the way of learning english;2、a person doesn't adopt the weather of south 3、A and B have decided to go on a trip ... - ******
#钭李#[答案] 用第一个编个对话吧.否则也太多了.the way of learning english A:hello.it seems you are not happy.is there anything wrong with you? B:eh,i am facing a problem.I just don't know how to learn englsih well.can you give me some advice? A:Of course!first you...

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