
Google is a Web search engine owned by Google, Inc., and is the most used search engine on the Web, related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the same technologies.Google receives several hundred million queries each day through its various services.

Google search was originally developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997. The Google headquarters, the Googleplex, is located in Mountain View, California. As of 30 September 2008 the company has 20,123 full-time employees.

History of Google

Google began in January 1996, as a research project by Larry Page, who was soon joined by Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. They hypothesized that a search engine that analyzed the relationships between websites would produce better ranking of results than existing techniques, which ranked results according to the number of times the search term appeared on a page.Their search engine was originally nicknamed "BackRub" because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site. A small search engine called Rankdex was already exploring a similar strategy.

Convinced that the pages with the most links to them from other highly relevant web pages must be the most relevant pages associated with the search, Page and Brin tested their thesis as part of their studies, and laid the foundation for their search engine. Originally, the search engine used the Stanford University website with the domain google.stanford.edu. The domain google.com was registered on 15 September 1997, and the company was incorporated as Google Inc. on 4 September 1998 at a friend's garage in Menlo Park, California. The total initial investment raised for the new company amounted to almost US$1.1 million, including a US$100,000 check by Andy Bechtolsheim, one of the founders of Sun Microsystems.
In March 1999, the company moved into offices in Palo Alto, home to several other noted Silicon Valley technology startups. After quickly outgrowing two other sites, the company leased a complex of buildings in Mountain View at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway from Silicon Graphics (SGI) in 2003.The company has remained at this location ever since, and the complex has since come to be known as the Googleplex (a play on the word googolplex). In 2006, Google bought the property from SGI for US$319 million.

The Google search engine attracted a loyal following among the growing number of Internet users, who liked its simple design and useful results. In 2000, Google began selling advertisements associated with search keywords.The ads were text-based to maintain an uncluttered page design and to maximize page loading speed. Keywords were sold based on a combination of price bid and clickthroughs, with bidding starting at US$.05 per click.This model of selling keyword advertising was pioneered by Goto.com (later renamed Overture Services, before being acquired by Yahoo! and rebranded as Yahoo! Search Marketing). Goto.com was an Idealab spin off created by Bill Gross, and was the first company to successfully provide a pay-for-placement search service. Overture Services later sued Google over alleged infringements of Overture's pay-per-click and bidding patents by Google's AdWords service. The case was settled out of court, with Google agreeing to issue shares of common stock to Yahoo! in exchange for a perpetual license.. Thus, while many of its dot-com rivals failed in the new Internet marketplace, Google quietly rose in stature while generating revenue.

The name "Google" originated from a common misspelling of the word "googol",which refers to 10100, the number represented by a 1 followed by one hundred zeros. Having found its way increasingly into everyday language, the verb "google", was added to the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary in 2006, meaning "to use the Google search engine to obtain information on the Internet."

A patent describing part of the Google ranking mechanism (PageRank) was granted on 4 September 2001. The patent was officially assigned to Stanford University and lists Lawrence Page as the inventor.

"What's Google?"

Regarding Daniel's point on child poverty and the promise the internet has for linking kids to a world that'd otherwise remain inaccessible, I want to tell a quick story. Grant, one of my closest friends, works with Amnesty International going into urban areas of Chicago and teaching the students about human rights. A recent lesson plan of his focused on Abu Ghraib and American attitudes towards torture. Towards the end of the lesson he noted that further pictures, documents and information could be found on Google. One student raised his hand and, not joking, said:

"What's a google?"

He wasn't the only one in the class not to know. We take it for granted that the information revolution sweeping through our lives has, to some degree or another, rippled into every crevice of America. It hasn't. And while modems aren't a silver bullet to poverty and despair, they do provide those hoping for a better life but sequestered in an impoverished one with the opportunity to tap into worlds beyond what they know. Using the net, you can look at colleges, e-mail admissions officers, read blogs, scan the news, meet new people, read new things, and on and on. Will everyone use the computer for that purpose? Of course not, most will hone in on the porn. But for those who do want to expand their horizons, giving them that opportunity is a moral imperative.

Google, a popular search engine, is a tool for finding resources on the World Wide Web.


Google is a Web search engine owned by Google, Inc., and is the most used search engine on the Web, related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the same technologies.Google receives several hundred million queries each day through its various services.

Google search was originally developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997. The Google headquarters, the Googleplex, is located in Mountain View, California. As of 30 September 2008 the company has 20,123 full-time employees.

History of Google

Google began in January 1996, as a research project by Larry Page, who was soon joined by Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. They hypothesized that a search engine that analyzed the relationships between websites would produce better ranking of results than existing techniques, which ranked results according to the number of times the search term appeared on a page.Their search engine was originally nicknamed "BackRub" because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site. A small search engine called Rankdex was already exploring a similar strategy.

Convinced that the pages with the most links to them from other highly relevant web pages must be the most relevant pages associated with the search, Page and Brin tested their thesis as part of their studies, and laid the foundation for their search engine. Originally, the search engine used the Stanford University website with the domain google.stanford.edu. The domain google.com was registered on 15 September 1997, and the company was incorporated as Google Inc. on 4 September 1998 at a friend's garage in Menlo Park, California. The total initial investment raised for the new company amounted to almost US$1.1 million, including a US$100,000 check by Andy Bechtolsheim, one of the founders of Sun Microsystems.
In March 1999, the company moved into offices in Palo Alto, home to several other noted Silicon Valley technology startups. After quickly outgrowing two other sites, the company leased a complex of buildings in Mountain View at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway from Silicon Graphics (SGI) in 2003.The company has remained at this location ever since, and the complex has since come to be known as the Googleplex (a play on the word googolplex). In 2006, Google bought the property from SGI for US$319 million.

The Google search engine attracted a loyal following among the growing number of Internet users, who liked its simple design and useful results. In 2000, Google began selling advertisements associated with search keywords.The ads were text-based to maintain an uncluttered page design and to maximize page loading speed. Keywords were sold based on a combination of price bid and clickthroughs, with bidding starting at US$.05 per click.This model of selling keyword advertising was pioneered by Goto.com (later renamed Overture Services, before being acquired by Yahoo! and rebranded as Yahoo! Search Marketing). Goto.com was an Idealab spin off created by Bill Gross, and was the first company to successfully provide a pay-for-placement search service. Overture Services later sued Google over alleged infringements of Overture's pay-per-click and bidding patents by Google's AdWords service. The case was settled out of court, with Google agreeing to issue shares of common stock to Yahoo! in exchange for a perpetual license.. Thus, while many of its dot-com rivals failed in the new Internet marketplace, Google quietly rose in stature while generating revenue.

The name "Google" originated from a common misspelling of the word "googol",which refers to 10100, the number represented by a 1 followed by one hundred zeros. Having found its way increasingly into everyday language, the verb "google", was added to the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary in 2006, meaning "to use the Google search engine to obtain information on the Internet."

A patent describing part of the Google ranking mechanism (PageRank) was granted on 4 September 2001. The patent was officially assigned to Stanford University and lists Lawrence Page as the inventor.

Introduction:Google is a Web search engine owned by Google, Inc, and is the most used search engine on the Web, related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the same technologies.Google receives several hundred million queries each day through its various services.
History of GoogleGoogle began in January 1996, as a research project by Larry Page, who was soon joined by Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. They hypothesized that a search engine that analyzed the relationships between websites would produce better ranking of results than existing techniques, which ranked results according to the number of times the search term appeared on a page.Their search engine was originally nicknamed "BackRub" because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site. A small search engine called Rankdex was already exploring a similar strategy.In March 1999, the company moved into offices in Palo Alto, home to several other noted Silicon Valley technology startups. After quickly outgrowing two other sites, the company leased a complex of buildings in Mountain View at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway from Silicon Graphics (SGI) in 2003.The company has remained at this location ever since, and the complex has since come to be known as the Googleplex (a play on the word googolplex). In 2006, Google bought the property from SGI for US$319 million.

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#伯洋# 来源于英文单词"googol",是天文数字的意思,意思是在google上能找到海量的信息!

#19288856415# 搜索网络资源各有那些搜索引擎,请简要说明各自的特点,详细些 - ******
#伯洋# 现在搜索引擎多得很,目前最常用的是www.baidu.com , www.google.com ,大部分网民现在都用这两个搜索引擎,国内用户用百度的比较多,国外大都用google.介绍常用英文搜索引擎及特点,包括Google,Overture(Yahoo!) ,Yahoo,MSN Search,...

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#伯洋# a!不是吧

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#伯洋# 下面我为你改了语法错误并美化了其中一些句子:My name is Tsukimisake.I don't speak English very well.Everyone is welcome to watch my video.I hope you'll have fun watching it.I play bass.I like TissueHimesama! DAISUKI!希望对你有帮助,若满意请点击“选为满意答案”及时采纳,谢谢.

#19288856415# 谁给介绍一下google都有哪些功能,我觉得它挺神秘的! - ******
#伯洋# 更多谷歌产品 搜索服务 博客搜索 从博客文章中查找您感兴趣的主题 大学搜索 搜索特定大学的网站 地图 查询地址、捜索周边和规划路线 工具栏 为您的浏览器配置搜索框,随时Google一下 快讯 定制实时新闻,直接发至邮箱 热榜 众多热门榜单...

#19288856415# google - GoogleAdwords是什么.怎样用? ******
#伯洋# GoogleAdwords是GOOGLE公司开展的关键字广告业务. 具体到付费使用问题,参看下列文章: 中英文Google Adwords服务 中英文Google Adwords服务¥500起 Google ...

#19288856415# Google在线翻译的介绍 - ******
#伯洋# Google 翻译是一项免费的翻译服务,可提供几十种语言之间的即时翻译.它可以在所支持的任意两种语言之间进行字词、句子和网页的翻译.无论是用哪种语言编写的信息,我们都希望借助 Google 翻译使其变得人人都可理解,从而为用户所用.

#19288856415# 用英语介绍自己喜欢的物品 - ******
#伯洋# http://translate.google.com/translate_t# 用中文写出来 在进行在线翻译

#19288856415# googleearth以上英语指什么? ******
#伯洋# Google Earth整合Google的本地搜索以及驾车指南两项服务,能够鸟瞰世界,将取代目前的桌面搜索软件.他可以在虚拟世界中如同一只雄鹰在大峡谷中自由飞翔,登陆峡...

  • 用英语介绍一下google。
  • 答:Introduction:Google is a Web search engine owned by Google, Inc, and is the most used search engine on the Web, related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking...

  • 用英语介绍google
  • 答:Google is a Web search engine owned by Google, Inc., and is the most used search engine on the Web, related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and vid...

  • 哪位英语大大可以帮我用英语介绍一下谷歌200词左右
  • 答:Founded on September 4, 1998, Google Inc. was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and is recognized as the world's largest search engine company.Google is a multinational technology company based in the Un...

  • google的介绍 和特点
  • 答:索引数据库和网页缓存大小是以兆兆字节(terabyte)来衡量的。A culture has grown around the very popular search engine and the word to google has come to mean, "to search for something on Google." 由于Google...

  • 求一篇关于介绍AlphaGo的英语短文 不要太长100-200词就可以了 急 谢谢...
  • 答:of his professional career.AlphaGo是由位于英国伦敦的谷歌旗下DeepMind公司开发的一款人工智能程序,在与李世石的比赛中连胜三场。李世石是世界上最强大的围棋选手之一,他在自己21年的职业生涯当中,已经拿下了18个世界冠军。

  • 求一篇关于谷歌公司的英语作文200个单词
  • 答:下面对谷歌公司的性质和发展方面做介绍:Google is a multinational technology company located in the United States. Its business includes Internet search, cloud computing, and advertising technology. It also develops ...

  • 用英语简单的概括一下谷歌的历史以及情况
  • 答:The domain name for Google was registered on September 15,1997,and the company was incorporated on September 4,1998.It was based in a friend's (Susan Wojcicki) garage in Menlo Park,California.Craig ...

  • 简短介绍一下google的历史,大概三分钟,要英文的
  • 答:In May 2011, unique visitors of Google surpassed 1 billion mark for the first time, an 8.4 percent increase from a year ago with 931 million unique visitors.你看看这个,应该能帮到你!只是不知道3分钟的时间...

  • 给谷歌写一封求职信英文
  • 答:Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the open position at Google. As a highly motivated and proactive individual with a passion for technology, I believe I would be an excellent fit ...

  • 谷歌英文是什么?
  • 答:google 读法:美 [ˈɡuːɡl]解释:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎 用法:Google Fiber 谷歌光纤 ; 光纤计划 ; 光纤服务 Google Docs Google文件 ; 谷歌文档 ; 谷歌文件 ; 谷歌在线办公软件 Google Books Google图书 ; ...
