
答案是: I don't know who this book belongs to


I do not know whose book is this.

英语翻译 我不知道这本书是谁的(belong to)~

I don't know whose the book belongs to

let's play我们开始游戏吧
1.what are they?他们是什么
2.how many cows are there?有多少头牛
3.what are these?这些是什么
4.go back 2 spaces.退两格
5.what are those?哪些是什么
6.are they horses?它们是马么?
7.you are at the farm!you win 25 pionts!到达农场,赢得25分
8.what do you want?你想要什么
9.how much are the pants?裤子多少钱
10.what size?什么尺码
11.what do you want?你要什么
12.miss a turn.错失一次机会
13.ls it cheap?便宜么?
14.you are at the shop!you win 35 points!到达商店,赢得25分
15.what's the weather like today?今天天气如何
16.can l wear my coat today?我今天可以穿外套么?
17.what is the weather like today?今天的天气如何?
18.can l wear my shorts today?今天我可以穿短裤么
19.where is my jacket?我的夹克呢?
20.you are in beijing.you win 40 points. 到达北京,赢得40分

#15097211222# 翻译成英文 1我拿不准这本书是谁的(belong to) 2他为了做沙发而拆掉了两把旧翻译成英文 1我拿不准这本书是谁的(belong to) 2他为了做沙发而拆掉了... - ******
#盖苗#[答案] i am not sure this book belongs to whom. He took apart two old chairs in order to make a new couch.

#15097211222# 请把下面的句子翻译成英文,并用上括号里的词组.1 我拿不准这本书是谁的(belong to) 2 布朗先生来到中国寻找更美好的未来.(in search of) 3 他为了做沙... - ******
#盖苗#[答案] 1 我拿不准这本书是谁的(belong to) I don't know whom is this book belong to 2 布朗先生来到中国寻找更美好的未来.(in search of) Mr Brown go to China in seach of the more better futher. 3 他为了做沙发而拆掉了两把旧椅子.(take apart) He ...

#15097211222# 这本书的版权属于谁?英语翻译 - ******
#盖苗# who has the copyright of the book ?谁 拥有 这 版权 关于 这 书?英语与汉语的语序是不同的相信你也明白!这样翻译是很正确的.请采纳!

#15097211222# 那本书用英语说是用that还是the?呃.RT. 是that book还是the book? = =, 我知道我这个问题有点傻, - ******
#盖苗#[答案] That book

#15097211222# 翻译成英文 1我拿不准这本书是谁的(belong to) 2他为了做沙发而拆掉了两把旧 - ******
#盖苗# i am not sure this book belongs to whom.He took apart two old chairs in order to make a new couch.希望满意

#15097211222# 那本书是谁的?那是谁的书?这两句翻译成英文 是.whose book is that?可是为什么不同的中文意思翻译过来的英文 却是一样的?如何掌握英文思维?我觉得... - ******
#盖苗#[答案] 这还要靠多做题.whose book is that?如果原封不动翻译:谁的书那是?whose is that book?如果原封不动翻译:谁的是那本书?所以就错了.外国人说话的顺序就和中国人不一样,要是外国人学中文,他们也会像你这样:为什么不...

#15097211222# 这本书是谁的你知道吗?用英语 - ******
#盖苗# Do you know whose this book is?祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意采纳!谢谢!:)

#15097211222# 这本书属于我 the book is belonging to me 英文翻译对不 - ******
#盖苗# the book belongs to me 才对

#15097211222# 请告诉我这本书是谁的翻译成英文 - ******
#盖苗#[答案] could you tell me this book is belong to whom

#15097211222# 这本书属于汤姆用英语怎么说 - ******
#盖苗# 这本书属于汤姆This book belongs to Tom

  • 翻译:我不知道这本书是属于谁的?
  • 答:回答:I have no idea whom this book belongstoreto

  • “我不知道这本书是谁的”用belong to怎么翻译谢谢了,大神帮忙啊
  • 答:i don't know this book belongs to whom

  • 英语翻译 我不知道这本书是谁的(belong to)
  • 答:I don't know whose the book belongs to

  • 英语翻译:这本书是属于谁的?(用belong to)
  • 答:而whose是sb‘s的提问词!可以说whose book is this?

  • Thisbookbelongsto是什么意思
  • 答:这本书属于。短语:this book belongs to zhang 正在翻译。This Book Belongs to Aye-Aye 英文书名。This book belongs to me 表属于。双语例句:This book belongs to Schroeder.这本书是史洛德的。This book belongs to...

  • 这本书是谁的用英语的三种说发法
  • 答:这本书是谁的?三种英语说法 1) Whose book is it?2) Whom does the book belong to?3) Who dies own the book?

  • 不知道用英语怎么说(中英文翻译器)
  • 答:不知道用英语怎么说我不知道的英语Idon'tknow。例句:1、我不知道他是否说了真话。I?don't?know?if?he's?telling?the?truth?or?not.2、我不知道该不该穿外套。I?wonder?if?I?should?wear?a?coat?or?not.重点...

  • 英文翻译:①他问我这是谁的书;②我不知道这是谁的铅笔{连接词都用wh...
  • 答:he asked me是主句,whose book this was是宾语从句。主句是过去时,从句有应该用过去时,应是陈述句语序,book前面已经有whose这个词做修饰语了,表示所属关系做定语,就不用the了。②我不知道这是谁的铅笔{连接词都用...

  • 汉译英:这本书不属于我
  • 答:The book is not mine.或是The book doesn't belong to me。

  • 这些书是谁的英语翻译,用our和ours的转变?
  • 答:这些书是谁的?他们是我们的。Whose books are these?They are ours/our books.
