
Application of several catalysts such as lithium perchlorate, zinc chloride, pyridine, triethylamine, 4-(N,N-dimethylamino)pyridine in the preparation of t-butyl acetate via anhydride method was reviewed with 8 references.

Hope you will find the translation useful.


Column chromatography purification of the pigment in Wolfberry
Abstract: Chinese wolfberry has a "arrests restless Masushi, up five workers and injured seven, Zhuang Xin Qi, in addition to toxic heat, scattered sores, in addition to the wind eyesight," the effect. Modern clinical studies show that wolfberry possess immunomodulatory, antitumor, anti-aging, anti-fatty liver, blood fat, lowering blood sugar, increase anti-fatigue and anti-fatty liver hematopoiesis such as the role. In this study, conducted by organic solvent extraction, crude obtained Pigment extraction products. The results showed that the main alumina crude was purified by chromatography, eluting with petroleum ether and effective fat-soluble impurities in crude,
Then petroleum ether - acetone (volume ratio 10:1) as eluent can effectively get rid of carotenoids, using thin layer chromatography (TLC method), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC method) method, β- carotene, carotenoids of up to 78% purity
Key words: Pigment separation and purification of column chromatography


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#裴古# 合成的统一Te@Carbon-Rich复合Nanocables与光致发光性能和含碳纳米纤维的热液碳化的葡萄糖

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#裴古# 楼主的内容专业单词多了些,呵呵.Communication通讯Total Synthesis of (−)-Penifulvin A, an Insecticide with a Dioxafenestrane SkeletonPenifulvin A,一种采用二氧四环壬烷(Dioxafenestr...

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#裴古# Synthesis of a new type of penicillin cephalosporin intermediate GCLE GCLE is a new parent synthetic cephalosporin intermediates used in the synthesis of 7 nuclei, a different side chain, a 3 different substituted methyl cephalosporins, it has been ...

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#裴古# This article discusses the structure of pyrethroid insecticides development process, mechanism, the use of methods and research directions. People in natural Pyrethrum ester chemical structure on the basis of a variety of pyrethroid insecticides, but ...

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#裴古# 本文论述了一个简单的传感方法来检测无机阴离子纳米银边的长度(70纳米的边长度和2纳米的厚度)在水溶液中.

#18089397989# 关于化学的英语摘要 - ******
#裴古# Based on the microwave method with using sucroses as raw materials and concentrated hydrochloric acid as catalyst and acidifier,a product of levulinic acid and formic acid by-products are generated by the intermediate product 5 - hydroxymethyl-...

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#裴古# ABSTRACT N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine (N-PMG) or glyphosate has been the subject of growing interest since its discovery in the 1970s. This molecule is a herbicide with a broad spectrum of activity. It is very effective even on plant roots and has ...

#18089397989# 化学的一篇外文文献 一段求翻译 - ******
#裴古# 翻译:此外,空穴影响着大量的磁性排序.Mn掺杂的ZnO已有理论上的预测,最近也有相应报道.钒掺杂的n型ZnO薄膜也显露出了高于室温的居里温度.基于这些显著的物理特性以及器件小型化的目的,大量的工作投入到了ZnO纳米材料的合成方法、特性和器件应用上.纳米线、纳米管、纳米环和四脚型纳米等多类ZnO纳米结构,都已成功通过多种方法生长出来,包括化学气相沉积、热蒸发和电沉积等.这些纳米结构被用来做电学传输、紫外线发射、气体传感和磁性掺杂的研究,并取得了相当大的进展.本文介绍了近期ZnO纳米结构的发展.总结了合成方法,结构,电学、光学、磁性和气敏特性等问题.纯手打,可能有些出入,望采纳.

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  • 答:Abstract The article discusses the energy saving and consumption reduction approaches and their feasibilities in the treatment of mine water. By basing on the characteristics and discharge routines of the mine water...

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  • 答:层次分析法:AHP:Analytical Hierarchy Process 问题:有些地方省略为好。problem在这篇摘要里面不该出现。要用这只能用issue。还有“使用”一词的翻译,这儿用application最合适。科学、合理;汉语可以这么说,译成英语则不太...

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  • 答:摘要:Abstract 在当今迅猛发展的经济大潮中,贸易壁垒对国际贸易的影响越来越严重。In the trend of rapid development of economy, influences on international trade by trade barriers have been increasingly serious.TBT(...

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  • 答:这个论文摘要是非常标准的官方中文(就是既大又空),只能大致翻译:As the trend of the globalization and knowledge-based economy rises,science and technology become crucial in determining the competitive position of...

  • 200高分求翻译 化学方面
  • 答:(参考资料:http://translate.google.com/translate_t?cn)你可以改一下啊...谢谢啦...摘要:目标的综合办法,是尽量减少成本和时间的发展,最后工艺流程由优化配置资源的各个步骤的发展。在综合办法,发展一个溶剂萃取(...

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  • 答:summary:Along with the rapid development of our economy, the scale of the enterprises are expanding constantly in our country.and enterprise fixed assets investment is gradually increased.Fixed assets depreciation as...

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  • 答:引言;序言;导论 简要说明研究工作的主要目的、范围,即为什么写这篇论文以及要解决什么问题;前人在本课题相关领域内所做的工作和尚存的知识空白,作简要的历史回顾和现在国内外情况的横向比较;研究的理论基础、技术路线、...

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  • 答:室温离子液体是吸引很大的兴趣在许多领域的化学与工业,由于其潜在的“绿色”回收替代传统的有机溶剂。他们是非易失性,并提供了最终极的环境,化学合成,液液萃取,及电化学应用。不过,迄今为止,两个主要问题仍然是未知的...

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  • 答:skills in hand:The importance concentrating on having set forth thinking in images culture first joins the main body of a book having brought forward a few matters needing attention and feasible method. The ...
