
I don't know how much this book is ?

I don't know how much money this book is

i don,t know the price of the book

I don't know how much is the book 或I don't know the price of the book

how much is the book ?

I don't know how much is this book


我花了10元钱买这本书的英文: I spent ten yuan on this book
book 读法 英 [bʊk] 美 [bʊk]
1、an open book 众所周知的事
2、the book of life 生命之书
3、comic book 连环漫画册
4、book value 帐面价值
5、text book 课本,教科书

1、book是可数名词,基本意思是“书,书籍”,还可指“(大型著作的)卷,篇,部”,歌剧中的“歌词,脚本”,当表示“账册”时,用the books。
2、a book泛指各种书中的一本;如果指许多相同书中的一本,则应说a copy of book。
book, pamphlet, volume
例如:A novel in four volumes一部4卷本的小说;
2、a volume of his poetry他的一本诗集;
scholarly monographs published as pamphlet以小册子形式出版的学术专著。

This book is not mine, but his.

#18272733988# 我想知道这本书是否值得读,用英语翻译 - ******
#商军#[答案] 我想知道这本书是否值得读的英语是:I want to know whether the book is worth reading 中文翻译:我想知道的是这本书值得一读

#18272733988# 我不知道买哪本书英文翻译 I can't decide -- - - - - -- ******
#商军#I can't decide which book to buy

#18272733988# 我要出过旅游,英语不太好,希望大家可以给我一点日常问路和买东西的用语,谢谢 - ******
#商军# 问路A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.A: Oh ! I think I'm los...

#18272733988# 用英文写出:无论这本书花多少钱,我都会买下它. - ******
#商军# I'll buy the book at any price; (书信语)I shall buy the book regardless of price; (文件用语)I'll get the book no matter how much I pay; (口语)还有其他的说法,一个意思,口吻不同而已.

#18272733988# 我以优惠的价格买了这本书的英语翻译 - ******
#商军# I bought this book with very little money. 我买这本书没花多少钱.认为这样听起来舒服- -

#18272733988# state,society and the poor in nineteenth century这本书的中文名字叫什么?多少钱? - ******
#商军# 国家、社会和穷人在十九世纪

#18272733988# 英语 宾语从句完成句子1 我不知道我们图书馆有多少本书I don't know______ - ______ - ______ - ______ - ______ - in our library2.你能告诉我他们为什么突... - ******
#商军#[答案] 1.how many books there are 2.why they stopped singing 3.whose key this is 4.if/wether need to drink some water 5.what Frank said 6.stop people from smoking 7.how long takes 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.

#18272733988# 这本书和那本书价格同.用英语怎么说 - ******
#商军# 直译: The price of this book is the same with that book's. This book has the same price as that one.意译: These two books have the same price.参考:关于same的词组用法辨析如下,http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201311/3516.html

#18272733988# 这些书多少钱一百元用英语怎么说自己后面英语所有的 - ******
#商军# How much are these books?One hundred YUAN.楼主你的问题是:“ 这些书多少钱一百元用英语怎么说自己后面英语所有的” 我只看懂了前半句 后面“自己后面英语所有的”我不明白是什么意思

#18272733988# 我买这本书花了5元钱.用英语怎么说? - ******
#商军# I spent 5 yuan on the book. I spent 5 yuan buying the book. I paid 5 yuan for the book. The book cost me 5 yuan.

  • 这本书多少钱英文三种
  • 答:How much does the book cost?

  • 这本书多少钱 英语翻译
  • 答:How much is this book?

  • 我不知道这本书少钱 用英语怎么写
  • 答:I don't know how much is this book.

  • “这本书多少钱”用英语怎么说
  • 答:How much is this book ?

  • 英文“ 多少钱 ”怎么说
  • 答:how much英 [hau mʌtʃ] 美 [haʊ mʌtʃ] 多少,什么价钱,到什么程度。how much的用法示例如下:1.How much is this?这个多少钱?2.How much money can I afford?我能出得起...

  • 书的价格。如何用英语翻译?是用for还是of。有什么区别吗?
  • 答:您好:书的价格英语翻译是The price of the book. How to use,所以采用fo.区别在于补充回答,看形容词属性,如果形容词说的是后面sb的属性,则用of,如果形容词说的是后面to do这件事的属性,则用for 谢谢采纳 ...

  • 怎么用英文回答别人这个东西多少钱?
  • 答:有多种方式回答物品的价格,如:-这本书多少钱?-10元钱。-How much is the book?1. It's 10 yuan.2. It costs me 10 yuan.3. I spent 10 yuan on it.4. I spent 10 yuan buying it.……...

  • 这本书花费了我30元 用英语如何翻译
  • 答:多种说法:【都是过去式】1 this book cost me 30 yuan 2 i paid 30 yuan for this book 3 i spent 30 yuan in buying this book...RMB¥30 可以用来代替30 yuan 但是没有30RMB这么一说。

  • how 和what的用法有什么区别
  • 答:回答:I think I need about two weeks.(我认为我需要大约两周。)- What:回答通常是对事物名称、性质或描述的具体内容。例子:- What is this book about?(这本书是关于什么的?)回答:It is a novel about a ...

  • 我花了10元钱买这本书用英语怎么说
  • 答:我花了10元钱买这本书的英文: I spent ten yuan on this book book 读法 英 [bʊk] 美 [bʊk]1、n.书;书籍;印刷(或电子)出版物;著作;本子;簿子 2、v.(向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约,预订;...
