急求毕业论文 英文摘要翻译!帮帮忙啊 追加分!

Capital structure is the value of an enterprise various capital structure and scale, involving a listed company profits and risks of business finance, directly affects its comprehensive performance. With China's listed companies in China has increasingly become an important economic indispensable part of the listed company, and the growing number of influential in national economy expands, capital structure of listed companies discussed, is not only beneficial to the condition of enterprise's value maximization, but also to the entire national economy sustainable development of exploration may also further get deepened. This paper Outlines the capital structure, according to the related theory of listed companies in China capital structure has the asset-liability ratio is low, liabilities structure unreasonable, equity financing preference, analyzes the status of Chinese listed company capital structure reasons, and on this basis. Proposes the capital structure of the Chinese listed company countermeasures and Suggestions.

Keywords: capital structure; Financing order; The listed company;


Capital structure refers to the value of enterprises of various composition and proportion of the capital, involving a listed finance company profits and risks, a direct impact on its consolidated performance. As China's listed companies are increasingly becoming indispensable to our economy an important part of the growing number of listed companies and expand the influence of the national economy, the capital structure of listed companies of the situation will not only help maximize the value of their own , but also the entire national economy to explore sustainable development issues can be further deepened. Based on the overview of the theory of capital structure, capital structure of listed companies in accordance with the low debt ratio, debt structure is irrational, preferences, equity financing, analyzed the capital structure of listed companies in China formed by reason, on this basis. Proposed to optimize the capital structure of listed companies in China countermeasures and suggestions.

Keywords: capital structure; financing order; listed company;


To formulate reasonable marketing strategy(俺专门翻字典才知道这个词,案不是学经济啊。) is a significant method to improve the sales volume of one product and promote the development of one company. By analysising the current state of [Fangshan area edible mushrooms' production base](不知道 这个房山区有没有专有名词?) and the correlative data and using the mordern marketing theory, this essay effectively concludes the problems in marketing process of 'the houses property edible mushrooms' from such four aspects as the product, prices, marketing channels and sales promotion, therefore, with respect to the problems, drawing up corresponding solutions and updated marketing strategy. In addition, (in the point of view of marketing)[这句我不知道需不需要,因为英文中,再说一遍“从市场营销的角度”有点多余,你想凑点字数就别删] it also makes several reasonable recommendations in the development of our country's edible mushroom industry.


Nowadays, as the level of the material and cultural life is continually improved and consumers take more and more notice of their own health, the cold tea industry winning adistinct opportunity for its development. with this opportunity, turnovers of cold tea market are skyrocketting, and major brands of cold teas also have taken roots in consumers' minds.
Therefore,I choose Huangzhenlong Cool Tea as the research object and basing on its present developing conditions analize the secret of the sucess of Huangzhenlong Cool Tea from the marketing strategy respect of Huangzhenlong Cool Tea Company Ltd. The analysis scope mainly included the cold tea market environment,consumers, the competitors, the corporate image, target marketing, 4Ps, etc. And accordingly if Huangzhenlong Cool Tea will continue to be be in vogue is predicted some suggestions about marketing are given.


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#甫兴# Nowadays, with the continuous international economic exchanges ,the development of economic globalization to further accelerate the pace of China's economy the world economy as an important pillar of economic integration with the world to ...
