
  gloria: i'm glad we took the train. i don't like to ride in buses.

  karen: yes, i agree. we can see the scenery better. in a bus, all you see are the roads.

  gloria: even in *** , i always liked to take the train. it is more fortable.

  karen: i agree. buses bounce too much. after two or three hours, you feel too tired.

  gloria: look at that village!

  karen: beautiful.

  gloria: do you think i can take a picture through this window?

  karen: i don't know if it will turn out good.

  the window might cause the picture to be blurry.

  gloria: i will try.

  karen: who is that man in the aisle?

  gloria: oh, he is ing to check tickets. we have to show him our tickets.

  man: tickets, please. you are on the wrong train, ladies.

  these tickets are for the express train.

  karen: the express train?

  man: yes. the train you are on is the local train. the local train stops at every station.

  karen: oh, no! we want to get to dorsett. where are we going on this train?

  man: you are going to dorsett on this train too. but it will take longer.

  the express train goes straight to dorsett without stopping.

  this train is the local train. it stops at every station.

  gloria: when will we get to dorsett then?

  man: in about two hours.

  gloria: that isn't bad. i don't mind at all. we are enjoying the view of the countryside.

  man: it's alright this time. i won't make you buy two new tickets.

  but next time, please be sure you are on the right train.

  karen: we will read the signs more carefully next time. thank you.

















  officer: may i see your passport please?

  charles: here is my passport. and this is the declaration form.

  officer: what is the purpose of your visit to the united states?

  charles: business. i have a trade convention i'm attending in chicago.

  officer: this visa is good for two weeks. do you intend to stay longer than that?

  charles: no. i will fly back twelve days from now.

  officer: and you will do some traveling while you are here?

  charles: yes, i want to spend a couple days in new york. i have friends there i will visit.

  officer: what do you have in the bag, mr. lee?

  charles: just my cameras, my clothes, and some books.

  officer: you're not carrying any food with you today?

  charles: no.

  officer: okay, mr. lee. this is just a routine check.

  would you mind opening the bag for me?

  charles: alright.

  officer: hmm. you have three cameras. are you a photographer?

  charles: no, my pany makes cameras.

  well, i'm also a photographer, but two of these are for our display.

  officer: i see. and what's in this bag?

  charles: egg tarts.

  officer: i thought you said you didn't have any food with you today.

  charles: i thought you meant vegetables and meat when you asked me. things like that.

  i don't have any vegetables.

  officer: i'm sorry, mr. lee. egg tarts are food too. we will have to confiscate these.

  charles: confiscate?

  officer: yes, we will have to dispose of them.

  charles: it's too bad. they are very delicious.

  officer: i know. one out of every three travelers from *** seems to be carrying them.

  they are being *** uggled in by the thousands.

  charles: oh, well. not by me.

  officer: no, not today at least. enjoy your visit to the united states, mr. lee.

  charles: thank you.
































  A:: Have you been to China before


  B:: I have never been there。How about you?


  A:: I have been to China many times.


  B:: Could you tell me something about your traveling experiences in China?


  A:: There are lots of things to tell. Maybe we can find a time and have a detailed discussion.


  B:: Okay. No problem.




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#杨胥# yes,i do. I like to travel with a companion I prefer to travel alone because I can spend my time for myself. When you travel alone, you meet new people, have new experiences, and learn more about yourself. You have a time to read books and review ...

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#杨胥# a: hello, can i ask you some thing about this place? b: sure, i am resident here, what would you like to know? a: glad to meet you, uh...ok, i am pretty new in here, just arrived today morning, would you pls introduce some interesting place here for me to...

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