
翻译是:Life is a process of continuous learning.

process 英[ˈprəʊses] 美[ˈproʊses]
n. 过程; 工序; 做事方法; 工艺流程;
vt. 处理; 加工; 审阅; 审核;
vi. 列队行进;
[例句]There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible

continuous 英[kənˈtɪnjuəs] 美[kənˈtɪnjuəs]
adj. 连续的; 延伸的; 绵; 联绵;
[例句]Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.

learning 英[ˈlɜ:nɪŋ] 美[ˈlɜ:rnɪŋ]
n. 学问,学术,知识;
v. 学习(learn的现在分词);
[例句]The brochure described the library as the focal point of learning on the campus.

Life is a process that with endless learning

Life can never stop learning .

life ia a procedure of constant learning

若想到好的版本 会再补充

直接的翻译就是:Man should study for life.

life is a process of endless learning .


Life is a process of constant struggle, at each stage, all of us should give oneself an aim, strive for the realization of their goals, perseverance. When implemented a target, we don't stop, content with the status quo, but should pay hard sweat for the next goal, in this way, we will progress the final success.

To learn constantly.
I would like to enhance my personal skills through persistent studying.
我觉得这个最好了我用的是enhance my personal skills

#19487984425# 英语翻译学习是个循序渐进、长期的过程,我会在知识的宝库中不断探索,丰富自我.我参加了职场体验活动,我从中受益匪浅,获得了真正的社会技能,这也... - ******
#全侍#[答案] Learning is a long and gradual process . I will keep exploring and getting as much knowledge as I can to improve myself. Last summer vacation I took part in an empoyment trial and gained much knowledg...

#19487984425# 人生就是坚持不断的努力向前 翻译英文 - ******
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#全侍# 要提高学习效率,应把握几个步骤. 第一就是抓好课前预习,使自己对新课有初步理解和掌握的过程.第二是掌握听讲的正确方法.包括处理好听讲与作笔记的关系,重视课堂讨论,不断提高课堂学习效果.第三是课后复习应及时.针对不同学科的...

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#19487984425# EVeryone is born with the ability to learn 是什么意思? - ******
#全侍# 每个人天生就有学习的能力.

#19487984425# 请问,有谁能告诉我工商管理和会计那个专业好点?急求,谢谢! ******
#全侍# 会计要单一些,专业性较强.工商管理类学习的课程更广,对将来的再学习再深造很有帮助.其实工商管理类一般情况包括会计学.只是在研究生教学阶段一般工商管理大类研究生把会计学独立出来了的.

#19487984425# 英语翻译人生就是一辆开往坟墓的火车,所以我们可以说人活着就是一种经历.无论你是认真学习还是虚度光阴,这段经历无疑是美好的.许多人在回忆自己的... - ******
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#19487984425# 然而学习英语是一个复杂而又长久的过程翻译 - ******
#全侍# 然而学习英语是一个复杂而又长久的过程 However, learning English is a complex and long-term process

#19487984425# 并不是每个人生下来就具有学习的能力的.英语翻译 - ******
#全侍# Not everyone is borned with learning capacity.Not everyone is blessed with studying competence

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