
airflight delayed
airflight delayed
The plane is behind schedule
Flight delay.



Dear passengers, flight xxxx(班机号码如A1234) from xxx(地名) to xxx(目的地) on xxxx(时间) is going to delay.
飞机延误 时间待定英语怎么说
The plane doesn't reach on time. Please wait another time.

How long will the plane take


How long will the plane take


#17367855005# 飞机大概晚点多长时间英文怎么说 - ******
#谯伯# 飞机大概晚点多长时间 How long will the plane take飞机大概晚点多长时间 How long will the plane take

#17367855005# 飞机晚点了,英文怎么说 - ******
#谯伯# The flight has been delayed.or,The plane was behind schedule.

#17367855005# 飞机晚点叫什么 ******
#谯伯# 飞机延误是指航班超过《班期时刻表》比原有计划到达目的地降落的时间延迟15分钟以上或航班取消的情况,属于不正常航班,航班延误影响着航空公司的运行效率和服务...

#17367855005# 英文机场飞机晚点通知 - ******
#谯伯# 欢迎你加入我们问问团队 1、The flight has been delayed due to some mechanical troubles. The engineers are making a careful examination of the plane. 由于机械故障,航班已延误,机械师们正在对飞机进行仔细检查. 2、Owing to the air traffic ...

#17367855005# 一乘客在咨询台询问班机到达时间及延误原因 求一段英文对话 - ******
#谯伯#[答案] 乘客:Excuse me . Can you tell me when the plane will arrive?咨询台:OK.Wait a minute. Let me check of it. It will arrive at ten o'clock.乘客:Why ? I remembered that this plane should ...

#17367855005# 因为飞机延误耽误下一班飞机的情况英文说明 - ******
#谯伯# 中文是顺延或飞机晚到

#17367855005# 飞机不晚点,清关无延误用英文怎么说 - ******
#谯伯# 翻译结果 飞机不晚点,清关无延误用英文怎么说 The plane is not late, customs clearance without delay in English how to say

#17367855005# 风雨雷电将会延误飞机准时起飞翻译 - ******
#谯伯#[答案] 为您解答 风雨雷电将会延误飞机准时起飞 Lightning storm will delay the plane took off on time. 满意请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!

#17367855005# 我们昨天转机延误,行李留在了机场的英语 - ******
#谯伯# We were late for the transfer, and the baggage was left at the airport. 我们昨天转机延误,行李留在了机场

#17367855005# 飞机晚点了,机场有很多人在等飞机的英文 - ******
#谯伯# 飞机晚点了,机场有很多人在等飞机 The plane was late, there are many people in the airport etc.

  • "delay"和"delayed"有什么区别?机场航班延误用哪个?
  • 答:2、delayed只作形容词意思是延时的;拖延的。表示机场航班延误用delayed.如:My flight was delayed, so I killed time/killed two hours reading a book.我那趟班机误点了,我只好看书消磨时间[打发了两小时]。三、读音...

  • 因为飞机故障延误,用什么英语表达好呢?
  • 答:7、The flight has been delayed because of bad weather.由于天气恶劣,航班已延误。

  • 飞机晚点怎么用英语说
  • 答:behind schedule(车船飞机等)晚点,误点

  • 飞机晚点了,英文怎么说?
  • 答:The flight is delayed. 就可以了

  • “航班延误了”用英语怎么说?
  • 答:所以,学英语时“航班延误了”就不仅仅是记一句英语:Our flight was delayed,同样,“航班延误了”也不是“理解”英语Our flight was delayed的“唯一”语言。我们要把学过的英语“用”起来,把英语学成英语,把英语作为...

  • 延误的英语单词怎么写!
  • 答:delay 是延误的意思

  • 航班延误英文
  • 答:延误通知:我很抱歉,由于航空公司的原因,原计划28号到德国的航班现在改成31号到德国。英文:Delay notice:I'm sorry, but due to the airline's reasons,the flight scheduled for 28 to Germany has now been ...

  • aircraft是什么意思?
  • 答:回程航班被延误了。airplane:飞机 例如:The airplane lifted from the aircraft carrier.飞机从航空母舰上起飞。二、用法不同 airplane:为美国英语的用词。aircraft:常用作集体名词,也可指一架飞机,其含义包括直升飞机和...

  • ...我现在还在机场等待”这句话翻译成英语怎么说
  • 答:飞机已经延误了2个小时,我现在还在机场等待 The aircraft/plan has been delayed for two hours , I am still waiting in the airport now.如果满意,请记得 点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,(*^__^*) 谢谢~~

  • 登机用英语怎么说
  • 答:登机延误 Boarding Delay 登机栏杆 landing bar 登机英语说法例句:这是办理登机手续的地方吗?Is this the right counter to check in for my flight?我刚好来得及登机。I was just in time to e aboard.航班登机时,广播...
