
Who want to have a try?


试一下 试一下让我试一下英语怎么说~


have a try

#15342914340# “请让我试一试”用英语怎说? - ******
#隆伯#[答案] 试一试: 1.to have a try 2.take a crack at 3.give it a fly 4.go to market 5.have a bash 6.give a whirl Examples: 1.我以前从未做... 他要试一试做饭. He wants a go at cooking. 他们每人都想试一试. E - of them wants to try. 万一失败,我还要试一试. If I should ...

#15342914340# 把下列短语译成英语把...收起来.写信给.三瓶牛奶.一些米饭.两张纸.想试一下.冰淇淋.儿童医院.整理床铺.和...交谈.修飞机.向窗外看.房子附... - ******
#隆伯#[答案] 把……收起来 put……away 写信给 writte to 三瓶牛奶 three bottles of milk 一些米饭 some rice 两张纸 two pieces of paper 想试一下 have a try 冰淇淋 ice cream 儿童医院 children's hospital 整理床...

#15342914340# 你想试一下吗?(挑衅语气) 翻译成英语是怎样的? - ******
#隆伯# 挑衅语气不是翻译能翻译出来的,你看过美国大片你自然懂,正常翻译,do you want to try it?只要语气对,这个就是挑衅,简单点的,come on ,try it.这也是挑衅.

#15342914340# 当外国人来到本服装店想选购衣服,那么我想说:问1 (随便看看,选好可以试一下!)英文怎么翻译?问2 如果外国人问:(这件衣服有中号吗?)英文怎... - ******
#隆伯#[答案] 1.基本上一个老外进来,你按常规问他一句Can I help you?他只想看看的话会说I'm fine之类,然后你可以说:Anyone you like,you could try it on 2.Do you have a medium-size? 你说:Yes we have.I'll find you one,just a minute 3.Sorry,but we only have ...

#15342914340# 我不会打扫教室,但是我想试一试.用英语填空:I_ - __the________but I'd like - _ - ____ - ___ - __. - ******
#隆伯#[答案] I cann't clean the classroom,but I'd like to have a try

#15342914340# 虽然没见过面,可我还是想试下,请帮我翻译成英语 - ******
#隆伯#[答案] Although we haven't met each other,I still want to have a try.,may

#15342914340# 翻译成英文﹉我要解释一下,刚才我说的想试一下你是因为我想知道你是不是乱猜的. - ******
#隆伯#[答案] I want to explain, I just said to you is because I want to know you is it right? Try to guess wrong.

#15342914340# “我想我们应该试着交往一下.”英语怎么写 - ******
#隆伯#[答案] I think we should have a try to contact with each other.

#15342914340# 英语翻译1 我想试一试你的车 / 我想试驾这款新车2 我想借你的车开几天 / 开3天 3 Tom,我能借你的车开几天吗?我的车坏掉了.4 你能戒烟吗?抽烟对你和家... - ******
#隆伯#[答案] 1 I want to try your car / I want to test drive the car 2 I want to borrow your car for a few days / 3 days 3 Tom, can I borrow your car for a few days? My car broke down. 4 you can quit smoking? Smoking is for you and your family is not very good. 5 my father ...

#15342914340# 让我试一下英语怎么说 - ******
#隆伯# Let me try
