My mother’s birthday 英语作文 80词左右

My mother's birthday is in June 3 .We are going to have a birthday party for her ..My father is going to buy a big cake with fruit and beautiful clothes for my mother .
My grandparents also buy a birthday present for my mother . I am going to make a birthday card for her and I will write " Happy birthday to you !" on it .My mother will have a happy birthday .

My mother's birthday is coming up soon. She has always been there for me, supporting me through thick and thin. To show my appreciation, I have planned a surprise party for her with her closest friends and family. We will have a delicious meal, play games, and sing happy birthday to her. It's the least I can do to make her feel special on her big day. I hope she has a wonderful time and feels loved by everyone around her. Happy birthday, Mom!


#15310685792# 以my mather'sbirthday 为题的30字作文 - ******
#连菁# Today is my mother's birthday.We had a great party at home.My brother and me both gave gifts to her.I made a birther card ,and my brother bought a nice hat for presents.Mom was very happy today .At the party ,we ate delicious cakes .So nice a day .原创作品~

#15310685792# 我妈妈的生日在几月几的英文怎么写 - ******
#连菁# My mother's birthday is on the (月)(日)(年)

#15310685792# 翻译(语译英) 1.我妈妈的生日是六月. 2.我叔叔的生日是十二月. 3.我阿姨最喜欢的季节是春天. - ******
#连菁# 1 my mother's birthday is June.2 of my uncle's birthday is in December.3 my aunt like most of the season is spring.很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步!【语数英科】团队为您答题.有不明白的可以追问!如果您认可我的回答.请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢!如果有其他需要帮助的题目,您可以求助我.谢谢!你可以随时加入我团队,我随时恭候.

#15310685792# 我妈妈生日在6月3日的英文怎么写 - ******
#连菁# My mother was born on June 3rd.

#15310685792# My mother's birthday is什么July12th - ******
#连菁# on 具体到天的时间用on表示在.

#15310685792# My mother's birthday is in September. - ******
#连菁# My mother's birthday is in September.译:我母亲的生日是在九月份.

#15310685792# when is your mother's birthday?是什么意思?8月30日怎么回答? 帮帮我,求求你 - ******
#连菁# 完整句子回答是:Her birthday is August 30th. 中文:她的生日是8月30日.

#15310685792# My mother's birthday tomorrow, I - --(decide) to buy her purse. ******
#连菁# My mother's birthday is tomorrow, I (have decided) to buy her a purse. decide用原形表示一般现在时态,表示一次性动作 但是用现在完成时态最好 到现在为止已经决定好了 ,不必再想其它了

#15310685792# 连词成句,s.octoberin - ******
#连菁# 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . ..My mother's birthday is in October.

#15310685792# 求一篇英语短文以“my mother's busy day为题 - ******
#连菁#[答案] My mother's busy dayMy mother is a good woman.She works for a factory as a worker,she goes to work every and try her best to do he work.She isn'tonly work hard at factory but also does well in her hou...
