跪求大家帮忙 把论文的标题和摘要还有关键词翻译成英文

Integrated temperature measurement from the main transformer station system analysis and treatment of abnormal

Abstract: Integrated Board since I changed the main points the prevalence of abnormal temperature measuring system, in order to promptly eliminate such defects and restore normal operation, to perform their proper functions, this article summarizes the existence of anomalies classified, and 11 of its analysis, the right medicine obtained solution to the problem. In this paper, some measures have been integrated into day-to-day management of maintenance, some methods work in practice be applied to obtain good results, in order to provide safe and stable operation of substation protection.
Key words: fully self-station; main transformer temperature; anomaly; measures; method

Board Station Comprehensive my main transformer since the prevalence of abnormal temperature measuring system, in order to promptly eliminate such defects and restore normal operation, to perform their proper functions, this article summarizes the existence of anomalies classified, and 11 of its analysis, the right remedy, a a solution to the problem. In this paper, some measures have been integrated into day-to-day management of maintenance, some methods work in practice be applied to obtain good results, in order to provide safe and stable operation of substation protection.


Community immunization programs for children in liquidity factors and countermeasures

[Abstract] :Wuxi as economically developed cities, the urban native population has far exceeded the population of permanent residence. Increase in foreign population will inevitably cause the increased flow of children has become the urban communities to implement national EPI important and difficult work, based on years of practice in immunization program, affecting movement of children in urban communities, the management system in immunization programs , parents, staff and other factors in the analysis, and from the perspective of urban communities for the establishment of relevant laws and regulations, strengthen the government's leadership, department coordination, to carry out targeted publicity and education, vaccination clinics to promote the standardization of building, strengthening the management of migrant children and other appropriate measures for the relevant departments to develop a targeted immunization strategy to provide a reference.

Key words :community mobility factors affecting children's immunization program strategies

On the division of property divorce
Abstract: With economic development and the progress of the times, people of the original concept of the concept of continuous shocks, while the concept of legal system is further strengthened. Due to various reasons, divorce cases each year have shown an upward trend in these divorce cases handled in the divorce is the division of property. Husband and wife in a divorce case and deal with common property that has become increasingly difficult, reflected by the status of more and more important, it has a bearing on social stability and unity, and economic construction can proceed smoothly. Therefore, at the time of divorce and property division as a husband and wife to divorce a strong focus on the practical significance.
Key words: divorce, division of property, the proposed

#17329843505# 一篇论文题目,拜托大家帮忙出出主意!!!!!!!!!!!!!!我 ******
#鬱菁# 吴中诗研究.既然是诗方面的研究,就离不开对苏州历史的研究,历史与诗词本是一家嘛.苏州,过去亦称姑苏,亦称吴中,是苏南经济文化的中心,而现在的吴中区又是苏州的中心区,有名的碧螺春之乡.张继的脍炙人口的《枫桥夜泊〉:“门泊东吴万里船.”说的也是这里.

#17329843505# 求大神帮忙,把论文题目、摘要和关键词翻译成英语,万分感谢!不要网站或工具的翻译!题目:白族大本曲流传现状‍‍摘要:发源于滇西大理,又曾在洱... - ******
#鬱菁#[答案] The Daben Melody Spreading Status of the Bai Nationality Abstract: The Daben Melody, which originated from Dali in the west part of Yunnan Province and was once widespread in Erhai Lake area, is a unique ancient fork Quyi singing form for the Bai ...

#17329843505# 帮忙推荐毕业论文题目,很急!!!谢谢 - ******
#鬱菁# 喀什农业产业空间布局研究(点轴理论,圈层理论等经典地学理论,配上自己的点轴和圈层的地图就ok了) 喀什人口迁移空间规律研究(人口重心模型进行研究) 喀什旅游资源整合研究 地理学思想在地理教育中的应用(师范类) 目前先这么多吧,合适采纳啊

#17329843505# 我想写篇论文,可是想不出来写什么,写着写着就没话说了,诚恳地请教大家,帮帮忙啦,很急,谢谢 - ******
#鬱菁# 1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖. 2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表.(短篇论文不必列目录) 3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整.字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜. 4、关键词或主题词:关键词是...

#17329843505# 请大家帮忙想一个好写的毕业论文题目,我是国际经济与贸易专业的 - ******
#鬱菁# (一)主题的写法[2] 毕业论文只能有一个主题(不能是几块工作拼凑在一起),这个主题要具体到问题的基层(即此问题基本再也无法向更低的层次细分为子问题),而不是问题所属的领域,更不是问题所在的学科,换言之,研究的主题切忌...

#17329843505# 帮我论文取个题目 - ******
#鬱菁# 其次,制定的展会计划实施组织工作要有弹性,包括对未来变化与竞争的思考,有必要的反馈与调整机制.最后,展会组织应有严格的流程与职责分工并有专人负责项目,强调企业内部的协调,企业与外协单位的协调作业.经常听到一些企业主这样抱怨:本来的想法是这样的,可外协公司做给我的展位及活动方案却与品牌及产品脱节,而更改方案则由于时间的紧迫而变得不可能,让企业主感到沮丧.部分企业内部组织很松散,以致展会上该收集的信息没有收集,该做的推广没有做好.总的来说,展会营销是一项较为复杂的工程,必须经过周密且对路的计划、出奇制胜的推广模式、科学的分工、严谨的执行方能使展会营销真正发挥作用.

#17329843505# 毕业论文选题(希望大家帮忙想下) - ******
#鬱菁# 汗.我刚刚从新闻专业毕业 因为08年是多灾多难的一年 我们的选题大多是围绕“灾难性报道”,“突发事件”,“媒体公信力” 这几个方面写的 选题最好是能贴近当下,多看一些期刊,你会有所收获.比如《新闻知识》、《今传媒》、《中国广播电视学刊》、《现代传播》.

#17329843505# 本人需要一些物流管理专业毕业论文的题目,希望大家可以帮忙,提供些论文题目.谢谢! - ******
#鬱菁# 提供一些物流专业的毕业论文题目,供参考. 1. 企业供应链管理策略研究 2. 网络时代供应链管理模式的研究 3. 供应链风险形成机理分析 4. 构建我国企业间供应链的对策初探 5. 供应链管理下企业采购管理的发展趋势 6. 基于供应链管理的库存管...
