
你能给我帮个忙吗用英语表达为Could you do me a favor?



aux. 能够, 可以;可能;差点就,本来有可能;很想

v. 能(can 的过去式)


I could see that something was terribly wrong.



v. 较喜欢;偏袒;有利于;(非正式)长得像;悉心照料

n. 帮助;提拔;徽章;赞同;偏袒;


I know you will do me this little favor. 







Could/Would give me a hand? 比较婉转
Can you help me? 较为直接Could you do me a favor? (do a favour 帮忙)希望对你有帮助,望采纳,谢谢~


Could you please do me a favour?

I neet you help!


Could you do me a favor ?
Can you lend me a hand ?


#13663519849# 请你帮个忙好吗?(用英语翻译3种) - ******
#郭柴# 是could you help me can you give me a hand what can I do for you

#13663519849# “请你帮个忙,好吗?”的英语怎么说啊? - ******
#郭柴# could you please help me,ok?一般都用 please help me

#13663519849# 帮我个忙和远远的 用英语怎么说 (最好是Would you mind...?)我们教的 里的词 我初二的 ******
#郭柴# Would you mind give me a hand/ help me/do me a favor 远远的:ffar away我确定

#13663519849# 帮个忙,翻译一下(用英语) - ******
#郭柴# I am very excited and today mother took me to the playground and I'm so happy, I received the teacher's praise, I'm angry, the classmate my book broke, I was sad, my clothes dirty I am tired, play day, I today very boring, find something to do

#13663519849# 英语翻译我想让你们给我帮个忙哟给我解释英语To love semeone in secret is like a seed in botte waiting for growing  up though not sure whether the future will... - ******
#郭柴#[答案] 高中老师给正译: 暗恋一个人就像瓶子里的种子等待着生长,即便不知未来是否会变得更漂亮,但是还是真诚地渴望地在等待着……

#13663519849# 这句话英语怎么说:“你真的帮了我一个大忙”或者“真的帮我解决了一个大问题” - ******
#郭柴#[答案] You have done me a big favor.

#13663519849# ...最近,我在郊区买了一套单元.所以,我从市区搬到了这里.我一直忙着装修新家.你要有空到南方来看看我的新房.顺便问一下能不能给我帮个忙?我正学习英... - ******
#郭柴#[答案] 翻译句子: 1.我的室友约翰和我一样,都是学校新来的老师. 2.我俩处得不错. 3.他跟他的助理下周二要坐飞机去上海. 4.他们... but I need a good English grammar book,so could you help me find a one which is appropriate for beginers?If you can,please ...

#13663519849# 你好帮个忙可以吗.请问感觉的英文怎么写 - ******
#郭柴# 【feeling】 n.感觉,知觉,情绪; 感情; 气氛 adj.富有感情的,有感觉的; 有同情心的,仁慈的 【feel】 vt.感觉; 认为; 触摸; 试探 vt.& vi.感觉,觉得; 认为,以为; 触摸 n.感觉; 触摸; 感受; 触觉 vi.觉得; 摸索 feel 除了是动词外,也可...

#13663519849# 请问(有什么需要帮忙的吗?)和(我能帮到你什么吗?)用英文怎么说啊?谢谢了 - ******
#郭柴# 教你几招:what can i do for you?/can i help you?(我觉得这样的招呼太虚伪了.海鲜市场么,进来多是想买的人,干脆我们直接点.)want fish?(买鱼?)(还有robster-龙虾,scallop-扇贝类等等,自己想办法知道那些鱼叫什么)its fresh(很...

#13663519849# would you please give me a hand ? 为什么这个翻译是 请你帮我个忙好吗 而不是 给我一只手 - ******
#郭柴# would you please give me a hand ? 为什么这个翻译是 请你帮我个忙好吗 而不是 给我一只手 give me a hand 固定用法啊,帮个忙好吗

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