
  Bill Hey, John! I'm here!

  John Hey, Bill. I already saw you. Have you been waiting long?

  Bill I arrived just now and haven't waited long. Did your trip go smoothly?

  John Yes, everything was fine and the plane arrived on time.

  Bill I'm so happy to meet you in Shanghai. You must be tired after such a long trip.

  John Taking a flight really made me tired. But after landing in Shanghai and seeing you, I'm not tired anymore.

  Bill I think I've seen you before.In Beijing and Bangkok.Come, let's get into the car to go to our office.

  John Alright, in Shanghai, you call the shots

  Bill Gaven has mentioned you many times.Gaven wanted to join us, but he had some work to do, so he couldn't come.

  John It's great enough that you came. We'll trouble you a lot from now on.Thanks for coming to pick me up.

  Bill No problem. We'll be very happy as long as you have a good time in China.

  John Your English is very good.

  Bill Thank you. But I've studied English for just two years and I need to study more.

  Bill John,Have you been to Shanghai before?

  John Yes,I have been to Shanghai in 2007

  Bill What do you think of Shanghai?

  John Shanghai is a beautiful city.

  Bill Is very short the airport to our office's distance, 20 minutes may arrive.You may rest slightly

  John That's not a bad idea.

  Bill Our destination arrived, should get out.Let us go to the conference room directly.

hi,how's your plane?

Now we're gonna go .....

We're gonna have a meeting this afternoon. I can show you around Shanghai tommorow if you want.



A: Good morning Mr.Smith, How's going?
B: Great George! You doing ok?
A:Fantstic! So you enjoyed your flight? Everything doing ok there?
B: What can I say, the plane is just awesome!
A:Mr.Smith, welcome aboard our Rolls-Royce, I’m sure you will enjoy the trip with us as well.

In the car

B: so is everything all ready? Hotels? and every other things?
A: All ready sir! The only thing we need here, is you.
B: Good to hear.


A: hello, here is mr.Smith of XXX, is the room ready yet?
Waiter: Yes it’s all ready for Mr.Smith. Here is the key for the Royal VIP Room on the top floor.
A: Thank you. (To Mr.Smith) This way please sir.
B: What did you guys get for me?
A: the one that only the US president can get. We got it for you! Enjoy!


B: tell me something Gorge: how’s your wife doing?
A: Well, she’s doing ok, thank you for asking, I’m going to be a father.
B: OMG! Congratulations! So how’s the work, did you contact the XXX yet? The contract that we had with XXX last year, it will end this July, did they show any interest keep doing it?

A: Well the thing is: XXX is almost broke, so they can’t do it anymore.
B: That’s so sad. We have to find another company.
A: But they they said they were so broke that they had to sell the company, maybe you could help them?
B: Sell it? For how much?
A: I’m guessing it’s around 10 million US dollars.
B: that’s cheap. I can make 1 million per week. It sounds good. Call them tell them we are very happy doing business with them.
A: Alright then.


B: The flight number...seat...eh... is everything alright?
A: Yes sir, you are ready to aboard.
B: good to see you George. see you next time. By the way, thanks for telling me about XXX’s company, very helpful.
A: Anytime sir! have a safe flight!
B: take care George Wilson!
A: Bye Kyle Smith!

Have a good trip. 旅途愉快
When you arrive,give me a message. 你到了后,给我一个短信
I will miss you.我会想你的
See you next time.下次见
Welcome to my place next time.欢迎您下次在来我这
If you meet any trouble call me anytime.如果你遇到任何问题请随时打给我

#13111453791# 机场地勤英文口语 我想急求有关机场地勤的英语口语对话资料,马上要去东航面试地勤,主要的工作时负责接机 - ******
#瞿鬼# 向您推荐民航口语教程..民航飞行人员英语..民航机务英语教程..很多民航交通类得书籍,一般都是"中国民航出版社"出版的,你可以了解一下 航空英语一般分为 航空专业英语 ,航空服务英语 ,航空常用英语 我觉得你可以了解下后两种,或者直接百度搜索些资料来看.我就在机场上班,不过不属于航站,但是我接触过很多接国际航班的地勤,英语都不怎么样.所以你不用紧张,简单了解准备下,有信心的去面试就行了.

#13111453791# 我下周要口语考试,五个情景口语,机场迎接,预定房间,购物服务,设宴招待,出席出口商品交易会,分别五个口语对话,内容越详细,越丰富越好. - ******
#瞿鬼#[答案] 预定房间 A:Advance Reservations.Can I help you? B:Yes,Id like to book a single room with a bath from the afternoon of ... They might have stocked your size then. B: Good idea. That's what I'll do. 机场 A:Good morning,Mr.Murphy. Welcome to Dalian. B:...

#13111453791# 急求一段机场常用韩语对话二人就行,是地面服务人员与旅客的对话 - ******
#瞿鬼# A:请问如何登机?A:어떻게 탑승해야 됩니까?B:请拿身份证和机票到值机柜台换取登机牌,需要的话,也可以办理行李托运.然后到安检入口进行安检.到登机牌上写的候机室等待登机.等待时请注意机场广播的提醒!然后到登机牌上写的...

#13111453791# 去机场接老外要用到哪些英语? - ******
#瞿鬼# 机场接机常用英语:1.I need to pick up somebody at the airport. (我要去机场接人) 2. Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗?) 3. It has been delayed. (飞机晚点了) 4. It arrived on time. (飞...

#13111453791# 商务英语对话~在线等~!急用~!1.接待客人,假设公司派你们去机场接国外分公司的代表,你会怎样接人?两场景,机场和公司里(欢迎会并介绍公司主要... - ******
#瞿鬼#[答案] 你可以按照下面的提示来写个草稿:it is a model as below:Mention for whom you are welcoming him/her… "On behalf of …." or "….is very happy to welcome you…."Mention some aspect of the reason for the ...

#13111453791# 接机词 "欢迎:*** 一行" 怎么翻译?就是去机场接人,用语是怎样的?英文,例子提供,谢谢. - ******
#瞿鬼# Welcome xxx and his party.例子:“热烈欢迎美国***集团副总裁约翰.格林先生一行来访” Warmly welcome Mr. John Green, vice president of the US *** Group Inc. and his party!

#13111453791# 机场接待英语 - ******
#瞿鬼# 机场接待 In the airport (Wang Qian hold a band writing BBC Company.) John: Hi! I'm John Smith, Sales Manager from BBC company. Are you form Huaxia Company?Liu: Yes! My name's Liu Jian, the Production Manager of Huaxia Company. ...

#13111453791# 急!机场面试英文对话 ******
#瞿鬼# Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ****** department of *****University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have ...

#13111453791# 【急】在机场见到的人把他带到酒店.简单的三个人英文口语,两分钟左右. ******
#瞿鬼# tom..hello tim, welcome to china tim. thanks. tom tom; tim, let me introduced sam to you. sam..nice to meet you tim tim. nice to meet you too sam. sam;, so tim, do you have any more luggage? tim. nope! ita all here sam; great! let me give you a hand. ...

#13111453791# 2人英语情景对话 机场 - ******
#瞿鬼# Mrs. Fu : Hurry up! We don't have much time left. Mr. Fu : Take it easy. We still have two hours. Mrs. Fu : Come on! This is my first time ever to take a plane. I don't want anything to go wrong. Mr. Fu : Let me take care of everything, all right? Now, let's ...

  • 接待外宾的时候应该说些什么?
  • 答:外宾经过长途跋涉,都很劳累,应尽快协助其前往旅店休息,不要在机场逗留过长时间。若外宾没有预定住房,应在机场先行协助订房。若外宾已知住宿地点,则应再次帮助其确认下榻处。离开机场前,应请外宾再次确认护照、机票、行李等重要物品是否均已收好,保证万无一失。在儿童中推广礼貌用语 我国在儿童中推广学用...

  • 老板让我去机场接待一位来自美国的客户,我该如何用英文自我介绍,并告 ...
  • 答:7/16/2006 更多英语自我介绍请参看 英语口语自我介绍专题 面试时,我们会面对形形色色的问题,而最令人哑口无言的,往往是一些最简单和最常见的题目,比如"请你自我介绍一下"。大多数应征者的反应是--我应该如何作答呢?什么是成功应聘外企的每日英语秘笈?其实要懂得应对此问题,就要先做好准备You'...

  • 职场机场接待商务礼仪
  • 答:职场机场接待商务礼仪 机场接机不仅仅接待客人这么简单,还代表着公司的礼节、形象等等。如果没有做好接待,就会让客人感觉到公司对他不重视!而且机场接待体现在许多小细节,希望对大家有所帮助!1、做好接站准备 如果不认识客人,应当备有贵宾的照片。2.确定飞机班次、到达时间 依据贵宾搭乘的飞机班次,预先...

  • 机场转机时的英语用语?步骤?急用啊!
  • 答:机场转机常用英语如下:中转 transfers卫星楼 satellite中转旅客 transfer passengers入口 in中转处 transfer correspondence出口 exit; out; way out过境 transit进站(进港、到达) arrivals报关物品 goods to declare不需报关 nothing to declare贵宾室 V.I.P. room海关 customs购票处 ticket office登机口 ...

  • 外事接待英语口语对话
  • 答:学习金融英语,把英语口语学好十分重要,下面我为大家带来外事接待英语口语对话,欢迎大家学习! 外事接待英语口语对话:接待外宾 Excuse me, are you Mr. Wilson from the United State or America? 请问,你是美国来的威尔逊先生吗? Yes , I am. 是的,我是。 I'm Mei Wen,the secretary of China National Textil...

  • 英语口语:在机场换票时候:“能给我们四个人两个靠窗的座位么,最好能...
  • 答:Can we have two seats by the window please? If we can have all 4 seats together, that would be the best, thanks.可不可以给我们两个靠窗的座位?如果4个座位能在一起那样最好,谢谢。出境卡是:departure card 入境卡是:arrival card 一般这两张是连在一起的,上飞机以后空服员会在...

  • 机场接送用英语怎么说
  • 答:·Which gate do I need to board from?·我应该在几号登机口登机?·Is it Ok to take the suitcase as my hand luggage?·这个手提箱可以随身带上飞机吗?·Would you mind trading seats with me?·你能和我换个位置吗?·When are we taking off?·我们什么时候起飞?

  • 机场安检员常用英语口语
  • 答:你好先生(女士),请往里走 你好先生(女士),请给我看下您的等级牌 你好先生(女士),请给我看下您的护照 请往里走 请取出您的笔记本电脑 请脱下您的外套 请脱下您的鞋 请取出您的水(香水,小刀,洗漱用品,打火机)这些不可以携带,请您办理托运 ...具体的其实只用记住几个单词就行了,...

  • 在接待客人时,应使用哪些礼貌用语? 如题,不能太少,也不需要太多. ..急...
  • 答:①"欢迎"、"欢迎您"、"您好",用于客人来到餐厅时,迎宾人员使用.②"谢谢"、"谢谢您",用于客人为服务员的工作带来方便时,本着的态度说.③"请您稍侯"或"请您稍等一下",用于不能立刻为客人提供服务,本着衣真负责的态度说.④"请您稍侯"或"请您稍等一下",用于因打扰客人或给客人带来不便,本着...

  • 机场常用的英语词汇
  • 答:机场常用的英语词汇 我们学习英语,能学会所有的因素和发音规则,也有可能掌握所有的语法和规则,但要学会所有的单词是无法做到的。且不说外语学习者。即便把英语作为母语使用的人也难以达到这一目标。关于机场常用的英语有哪些呢?下面是我为大家整理的机场常用的英语词汇,欢迎参考。机场常用的英语词汇 airp...
