
Life is as fragrant as flowers, as colorful as spring. With lofty ideal and fearlessness, it symbolizes joyful days and our devoted hearts.

Let us experience the true meaning of life, however family, poor or rich, we were born of, and face the difficulties positively, creating boubdless joys.

Such is life, so wonderful, so ashamed, and so joyful. Let us look back, look into the future, and let us confront the shinny life with our smiles!

Life is so beautiful just like flower and spring. It always keeps a dream so that it never fears the difficulties. It represent a sense of beauty and persistence.
Let's go to find out the essence of life:no matter we're born poor or rich, we should always face the difficulties positively and then obtain unlimited happiness.
Life is so wonderful but ashamed.Let's look back and then forward.Face the sunny life with the sweetest smile!

是"Life is so beautiful just like flower and spring. It always keeps a dream so that it never fears the difficulties. It represent a sense of beauty and persistence.
Let's go to find out the essence of life:no matter we're born poor or rich, we should always face the difficulties positively and then obtain unlimited happiness.
Life is so wonderful but ashamed.Let's look back and then forward.Face the sunny life with the sweetest smile! "的

The life is like to spend similar fragrance, similar brilliant in spring.It has lofty ideal and haven't afraid difficult spirit.He takes the watch fine life, and then represents us to keep Zhao center of earth.
Let us feel vital true meaning with the life:Ignore us be born at a narrow circumstances still a full of family.Should progressively face a difficulty, create an infinite fun.
The life is so thus wonderful, thus ashamed, such of happiness.Let I the door look back to pass by, prospect future, let my door the life which use a smile to face this to be full of sunlight!!!

Life is like here in the importation of fragrant flowers, like spring, like brilliant. It has a lofty ideal, with the spirit of fearing no difficulties. He table with a beautiful person, but also represents our commitment center of the earth. Let us born people feel the true meaning of life: whether we were born in rich or poor families. Should be active in facing difficulties, create unlimited fun. Life is so beautiful, so ashamed, so happy. Let me look back doors in the past, look to the future, let me come to the door with a smile in the face of the sun in this life full of it! ! !



(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……好巧,我现在也读高一哦……下面的翻译应该正好符合我们的课程内容.……希望可以帮到你.......

Hello,everyone!My speech topic is advantages and disadvantages of the network.The network has brought many convenient for our life.For example, we can look up the study material and it's very convenient to communicate with people.However, the network also has some disadvantages. some people sink confuse in the network game and they don't study very hard.So that,they has gone bad the future.In a word,I hope everyone can treat the network correctly.Let it brings the knowledge for us, only uses its advantages.That's all,thank you !

About "my day and low-carbon green" questionnaires

We live in this world, every day using the Earth's natural resources. Our lives are inextricably linked with nature, this close, maybe already went beyond my imagination.
Nowadays, when the protection of the environment and conserve resources has become a priority for us, a low-carbon life is leading a new fashion, and your day is conform to the trend of the community?
This questionnaire is anonymous and does not involve personal evaluation of concrete, you do not have any worries. Sincere thanks to your support, please answer the following request questions, for the convenience of statistics, in you any right answer on the serial number. "" √

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#门差# I dreamt him again last night. He?Who?Shiiiii, it is my little secret.

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#门差# When I was a kid, I had a lot of dreams, people grow up, want to serve, when the doctor, who is not impossible dream has with the passage of time and give up, I now dream is study hard, with their own hits his strength of one day to honor your father and your mother, a good play his life.

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#门差# My name is xxx, I am a lovely vivacious girl. I love sports, especially swimming, running, playing tennis, high jump and so on. I also enjoy playing with my classmates. Every Friday afternoon, I play with them happily.I have many good friends including ...

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#门差# We all have had the courage and the curiosity to this world,When I was young, I always liked to run in front of the adults,Worry about missing a little bit of fresh scenery.I hope you can keep and have the curiosity and courage when you grow up.See the difference between the world and the world we imagine如果满意的话,请采纳,,

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