年度总结大会 英语怎么说

Annual general meeting
general 表示总结


英文:Grand Annual Ceremony And Award &Summarization Session.

Annual general meeting

Hengtong electrical apparatus group holds the summery of2006 and praise meeting on feb.11st, 2007.

#15671813669# “公司要求12月31日下午召开全体员工总结大会,然后是聚餐和唱歌,我会在开完后悄悄遛走”英文怎么翻译? - ******
#盖俊#[答案] The compangy requires all the staff to attend the conventional meeting,then have meal and sing together,and I will go away secretly after the meeting.

#15671813669# 交流会 - “座谈会总结大会交流会怎样翻译?大学经常说的大会”用? ******
#盖俊# 座谈会:rapsession例句:在一次教会举办的专题座谈会上,有数百名妇女出席讨论... 总结大会:summarizationconvention例句:5大赛总结:召开比赛总结大会,对活动...

#15671813669# 请问这句话怎么翻译?热烈祝贺丰田2006年终总结大会胜利召开! ******
#盖俊# Congratulations on the successful opening of TOYOTA annual year-end conference, 2006

#15671813669# 用英语怎么翻译下面这段话?通知 高二十班全体同学请注意,请于今天晚上7:30到二楼会议室召开期末考试总结大会,请同学们带好纸和笔,以便记录会议内... - ******
#盖俊#[答案] noticeall the students of Class 10,Grade 2, please pay attention!at 7:30p.m.there will be a meeting about the final examination on the second floor of the meeting room.every student should take a piec...

#15671813669# 请教翻译:DATE OF LAST AGM - ******
#盖俊# DATE OF LAST AGM 上一次年度股东大会的日期DATE OF LAST AR 上一次年度报表的日期DATE OF A/C LAID AT LAST AGM 上一次年度股东大会提交的帐目的日期DATE OF LODGEMENT OF AR,A/C 年度报表、帐目的起始日期

#15671813669# 英语翻译翻译成英文(正规的 不要口语式的)此图为xx公司2007年度总结表彰大会暨新春联欢晚会时照片,从右数第一位为主申请人xxx(桌子上的姓名牌可... - ******
#盖俊#[答案] This photo shows the end-of-year meeting cum Chinese New Year party of xx Company in 2007. The person on the extreme right is the main applicant xxx (the name card on the table shows his/her name) This photo shows the football match held by xx ...

#15671813669# 请各个部门经理于十二月二十九日前将年度总结报告发给人事部门用英语怎么说 - ******
#盖俊# Each department manager on December 29, please forward the annual summary report to the personnel department、 望采纳!谢谢!

#15671813669# 英语翻译期中考试已经结束一段时间了,各个年级也开了期中总结大会.许多同学通过正确的学习方法和努力取得了进步,并以更加饱满的热情投入到新一轮的... - ******
#盖俊#[答案] Midterm is over for some time, but also opened the period of each year summary of the General Assembly. Many students through the correct way of learning and hard work have made progress, and greater enthusiasm into a new round of learning; but ...

#15671813669# "综述"用英文怎么说? - ******
#盖俊# 综述的英文:summary 词汇解析:summary 英文发音:[ˈsʌməri] 中文释义:n.综述;概括;概要32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333431353939 复数: summaries 派生词: summarily 例句:What follows is a brief ...

#15671813669# 年终总结时候怎么说哦 - ******
#盖俊# 感谢领导,感谢同事,给我这份工作,能够一起共事然后谈谈1、学到的东西2、不足的地方3、以后的规划就可以了
