对……提出了更高的要求 用英文怎么翻译?

greater demands are being placed on sb./place a greater demand on sb.

Greater demands were being placed on the police by growing violence and left- and right-wing extremism.


To... put forward the higher request

要求高 用英语怎么说对提出很高的要求~

建议优先选用adj, sth is demanding

有.......的可能,可以说: It's possible that...或者Might be.

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#迟良#[答案] 一方面是入世后客观环境的变化对会计人员提出了更高的要求,另一面却是落后的高等会计教育难以满足这一需要,高等会计教育究竟何去何从,如何迎接跨世纪的挑战?中国高等会计界对此展开了热烈的讨论,显然,只接受有限的会计教育,将无...

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