“我有事”用英语怎么说?千万别用"I have things"



1. "I have things to do" vs. "I've got stuff(to do)"

中式英语中,可能会简单地直译为“I have things”,但其实更准确的表达是“I have things to do”,这是一种正式的表述方式,强调你有具体的任务需要完成。如果你想要更口语化的表达,可以使用“I've got stuff(to do)”这样的说法,听起来更自然。


  1. Formal: I have things to do, let's call it a day.

  2. Informal: I've got stuff(to do), so can't hang out today.

2. "A lot of things to do" or "Hands full"

如果你想要说“手头有很多事情要做”,可以使用“I have a lot of things to do”,或者更形象的表达是“have (get) one's hands full”,意味着非常忙碌。


  1. He's unavailable because he has his hands full, with tasks like shopping, school runs, and dinner preparation.

  2. Could we chat later? I've got my hands full right now.

3. "I have a thing for you" ≠ "东西给你"

当别人说“I have a thing for you”,这可不是指“有东西给你”,而是表示他们对你有好感或感兴趣。


  1. He's expressing a romantic interest: He has a thing for you.

  2. Their connection is mutual: They have a thing for each other.

4. "It's my thing" ≠ 属于我
"Own" 的深层含义在这里是个人专长或爱好,比如:“Painting is my thing”表示画画是你的拿手好戏。


  1. Your passion is painting: Painting is my thing.

  2. That skill or interest is their forte: That's his/her thing.

5. "A whole thing" ≠ 整个事情
这个短语指的可能是涉及复杂情况或争议的事件,比如:“I forgot to invite Penny, and now it's a whole thing”意味着这事儿变得棘手了。


  1. Accidentally excluding someone can escalate: I forgot to invite Penny, and now it's a whole thing.

  2. Unintended consequences can arise: Oh man, does that mean she's mad at you?



#18669983777# 请教用英语怎么说:我现在有事,过一会我再来.谢谢! - ******
#国凝# I'm currently in the middle of something so I will be right back.这是最地道的口语说法,相信我吧~我在海外四年了

#18669983777# 因为我有事给你们说英文 - ******
#国凝# 翻译如下 因为我有事给你们说 Because I have something to tell you

#18669983777# 请问"我有点事,先走了"用英语怎么说?谢谢 - ******
#国凝# i have to be off.英文中这句就有了 我要走----我有事 2个意思了.

#18669983777# 有事给我发短信 用英语怎么说 Message me if necessary行吗 - ******
#国凝# 一般不会用message的,它是名词不是动词 用text me if necessary

#18669983777# “我现在有事,不方便接电话“英文怎么说 - ******
#国凝# “我现在有事,不方便接电话 I have something to do now, so I can't answer the phone

#18669983777# 英语翻译别跑,我有事要告诉你.Don't____________ - .I have____________you. - ******
#国凝#[答案] Don't run away.I have something to tell you.

#18669983777# 用英语怎么说“有事向您请示一下”? - ******
#国凝# 有下面几种很口语化的方法表达: I have something to report. I have something for request. I need your instruction for ....

#18669983777# '有什么事吗?'用英文怎么说 - ******
#国凝# -What's the matter?-He is looking for you of something.-Yes?Thank you to tell me!

#18669983777# 把它们翻译成英文,我有事,尽量快,谢谢 - ******
#国凝# Good morning,everyone!I have a thought for a long time,now I want to tell all of you!I don't know what you think about what I say.People say that adolescent is one's happiness and it's intresting.But all of us have only one task,which is to study.We are ...

#18669983777# 我有事,你慢慢玩吧,用英语怎么说 - ******
#国凝# I have something to take your time and play with me

  • 我有事我要走了.用英语怎么说
  • 答:我有事我要走了的英文:I have something to do. I'm leaving.一、something 英 ['sʌmθɪŋ] 美 ['sʌmθɪŋ]pron. 某事;某物 n. 重要的人;值得重视的事 adv. 非常;有点;大约 adj. 大约;有点象 短语 or something 诸如此类的什么 ; 诸如此...

  • 我有事去了,下次聊。英语怎么说
  • 答:1、next time 英文发音: [nekst taɪm]中文释义:下一次 例句:They warned him that next time he'd find himself doing bird.他们警告他下次他可能就要进监狱了。2、talk 英文发音:[tɔːk]中文释义:v.说话;讲话;谈话;讨论,谈论,商谈,洽谈(通常指重大的事);(用某种语言...

  • “我有事来不了”比较地道的正确的用英语怎么说
  • 答:Sorry, I can't make it this time. 意思是抱歉我来不了了。一般都只会说我来不了了,如果需要解释原因,再具体解释,如果直译 I have something to do. 很尴尬,也很奇怪。如果非要解释原因,比如 because i have some work to do. 或者 because i have a date with my friends....

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  • 答:“我临时有事”的英文翻译_百度翻译 “我临时有事”"I'm in a hurry"hurry_百度翻译 hurry 英[ˈhʌri] 美[ˈhɜ:ri]vt. 仓促(做某事); 催促; (朝某方向) 迅速移动; 迅速处理;n. 匆忙,急忙;[例句]Claire hurried along the road 克莱尔匆匆地沿路...

  • “我有事来不了”比较地道的正确的用英语怎么说?
  • 答:I am too busy to come.【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

  • 我现在有事情用英语怎么说
  • 答:i am busy now

  • 我有事情要忙..英语怎么说?
  • 答:如果是现在有事要忙,是:I`m busy doing something.如果是将来某时有事要忙,是:I will be busy doing something.

  • 你有事吗英语怎么说
  • 答:你有事吗英语:What's up with you.怎么提高英语口语水平:1、多看美剧、听英文歌曲 要想练好英语口语,首先要学会外国人的发音和口语表达方式。像美剧、英文歌曲就是非常好的练习工具,通过聆听主人公的发音和独特表达方式,可以让自己有意识的把表达口语化。2、熟记常用的口语英语句子 英语口语与语法...

  • “我有些事情想麻烦你”, 英语怎么说?
  • 答:Would you please do me a favor?Can you do me a favor?Can you give me a hand?

  • 你好,现在我有事不在,一会联系!用英语怎么说
  • 答:hello ,I‘m busy now ,please communicate later。
