
"Production process"


音标:英 [kən'trəʊl]、美 [kən'trol]
numerical control 数控机床 ; [自] 数字控制 ; [自] 数控 ; 数值控制
Access Control 访问控制 ; [计] 存取控制 ; 权限控制 ; 门禁控制
Process Control [自] 过程控制 ; 程控制 ; 程序控制 ; 进程控制
internal control [审计] 内部控制 ; 内部监控 ; 内部管制 ; 内控
control key [计] 控制键 ; 按钮 ; 控制码
Vector Control 矢量控制 ; 向量控制 ; 传病媒介控制 ; 媒介控制
control rod [核] 控制棒 ; 控制杆 ; [航] 操纵杆 ; [动力] 调节拉杆
Control bus 控制汇流排 ; [计] 控制总线 ; [计] 控制母线 ; 节制总线
temperature control [自] 温度控制 ; 温度控制方式 ; 温度第 ; [自] 温度调节
We shall certainly not resign ourselves to foreign control.
Don't superheat the anger of the mass. Otherwise you will not be able to control them.
The tape market requires control.
But you can control not only your actions, but your thoughts.
We can control what we do.

steps of production/assembly

#19213752398# 关于制作过程的英文翻译 - ******
#徒舍# fruit salad materials small tomato 60 grams, apple d 65 g, california grape 30 grams, fresh cherry 20 grams, strawberry 15 g; ingredients yogurt 50 ml; fruit production will be placed above the disk, add yogurt can be.

#19213752398# 制作饺子的全过程用英语怎么说? ******
#徒舍# 1 mix the meat and vegetabel together 2 put them into the slice flaur sheets 3 put the dumplings into boiling water 4 waiting for 45 minute 5 eat

#19213752398# 制作水果沙拉过程的英语怎么说请高手帮 - ******
#徒舍# 制作水果沙拉过程_有道翻译 翻译结果: The process of making fruit salad process 英 ['prəʊses] 美 ['prɑsɛs]n. 过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移 adj. 经过特殊加工(或处理)的 vt. 处理;加工 vi. 列队前进process 过程,进程,加工 process management 过程管理,流程管理,进程管理

#19213752398# 制作汉堡的过程及用英语翻译50词 - ******
#徒舍#[答案] 制作汉堡的过程 用英语写作如下: First,cut the round bread into two blocks.Next put some lettuce,some tomato sause,some slices of turkey or some vegetables that you like on one block of the bread.Then add some mayonnaise or cheese if you like....

#19213752398# 英语翻译介绍一道菜的制作过程:葱花炒蛋,用英语来描述. - ******
#徒舍#[答案] Introduced a recipe:chopped green onion scrambled eggs

#19213752398# 用英语写一个制作过程100字 - ******
#徒舍# Bean milk made progressFistly, take the beans into the water for washing. After cleaning, taking it out and pouring into the beanmilk-make machine. Adding a cup of water ,certainly, the amount of the water is accorting to the mount of the bean. And then, waiting for 5 minutes, the delicious beanmilk is fine.

#19213752398# “定制流程”或者“制作流程”的英文怎么说? - ******
#徒舍#[答案] 定制流程 Custom Process 制作流程 production process

#19213752398# 水饺的制作过程 英文 ******
#徒舍# Dumplings and noodles production process This is the first step in dumplings. The amount of flour into the Cipen, the slowly into the water, while the other hand constantly stirring chopsticks, of course, can also hand mixing. To do this step should pay...

#19213752398# 木乃伊的制作过程这句话英文怎么说? ******
#徒舍# the production process of the Mummy the process of the Mummy making 都行 google在线翻译几十种语言 http://translate.google.cn/

#19213752398# 有人知道制作铅笔的过程用英语怎么说么? - ******
#徒舍# A pencil can be any writing instrument that uses solid pigment as opposed to a pen which uses a liquid medium for marking. The word pencil comes from the Latin term pencillus meaning "little tail" which was originally used to describe any fine, ...

  • 制作火鸡的过程 用英语来回答
  • 答:2 large onions, peeled and chopped 两个大洋葱、剥皮、切碎 4 carrots, peeled and chopped 四个胡萝卜,剥皮、切碎 4 stalks celery, chopped 四根芹菜,切段 2 sprigs fresh thyme 两把新鲜的百里香 1 bay leaf 1片月桂叶 1 cup dry white wine 一杯干白 Directions 步骤 1. Rub the ...

  • 怎样用英语表达汉堡包的制作过程
  • 答:以下是用英语表达汉堡包的制作过程,供参考: 1. 面饼制作:将面粉、盐和酵母混合在一起,加入适量的水和油,揉成面团。将面团擀成适当大小的圆面饼,并在表面刷一层蛋液。 2. 煎炸肉饼:将肉馅用少量盐、胡椒粉和洋葱粉调味,揉均匀成饼状。在平底锅中煎炸,煮至两面金黄色。 3. 添加配料:将...

  • 用英语介绍一种食物的制作过程
  • 答:Bean milk made progress Fistly, take the beans into the water for washing. After cleaning, taking it out and pouring into the beanmilk-make machine. Adding a cup of water ,certainly, the amount of the water is accorting to the mount of the bean. And then, waiting for 5 ...

  • "在的过程中"用英语怎么说
  • 答:1、vt. 处理;加工 2、n. 过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移 3、vi. 列队前进 4、adj. 经过特殊加工(或处理)的 短语:1、new process 新工艺 2、process flow 工序流程 3、working process 工作过程;制作过程 4、developing process 发展过程;展开法 5、welding process 焊接过程;熔...

  • 纸制康乃馨的过程 有没人可以帮我用英语翻译一遍啊 口语考试要用 急需...
  • 答:The process of making grenadine by paper 找了半天没找到英文版的,如你有中文版的,可以帮你翻译

  • 用英语写出爆米花的制作过程 不要太多、 尽量简洁一点、
  • 答:爆米花的制作过程Take appropriate amount of corn (or rice) burst into flower pot, and closed a good roof, then burst on the rice pot on the stove so that they continue to turn the heat evenly, can be d...

  • 煎鸡蛋的过程用英语怎么说
  • 答:the process of frying eggs. 煎鸡蛋的过程 fried eggs process. 煎鸡蛋过程(这个也可以,不过有所属关系“的”,最好加of)the process of making fried eggs. 煎鸡蛋的制作过程

  • 蛋炒饭的制作过程,用英语来说
  • 答:2014-12-29 用英语写制作蛋炒饭的过程,5句话左右。附带翻译,简单一些 52 2015-01-07 用英语写蛋炒饭的制作过程 2016-07-17 用英语来说做蛋炒饭的过程 1 2014-12-08 写一篇制作蛋炒饭的过程,英文。拜托,求帮助 3 2016-05-21 用英语介绍蛋炒饭的制作过程七十个词 4 2015-05-24 蛋炒饭的做法 ...

  • 用英语叙述一种食物的制作过程
  • 答:拌卷心菜 原料: 卷心菜斤半 酱油五钱 香油五分 白糖一钱食盐二分 制法: 将卷心菜剥去外帮洗净,直刀切成一寸长、半寸宽的碎段。入开水中煮两三分钟捞起,不可过度,沥去水放在碗中。将酱油、香油、白糖、食盐调入搅拌匀即好。除此,还可加入虾米、香干、青红辣椒丝,调以醋,做成糖醋味卷心菜。...

  • 有人知道制作铅笔的过程用英语怎么说么?
  • 答:A pencil can be any writing instrument that uses solid pigment as opposed to a pen which uses a liquid medium for marking. The word pencil comes from the Latin term pencillus meaning "little tail" which was originally used to describe any fine, pointed brush. The modern pencil ...
