
Ping Pong, the national ball games of the People's Republic of China, is a prevailing sport all around the world, whose English officail name is "table tennis", that is, "tennis on the table".
Our players have gained majority of the championships of table tennis in the world, and even taken all the championships of an entire game more than once.
Table tennis set eleven goals as one unit. Every three out of five units' win determines the game's victory. The games include singles, doubles and mixed doubles.

Table tennis, sport of the People's Republic of China. Is a popular ball sports. The English official name is \"table tennis\", which means \"table tennis\".

Our country athletes achieve world table tennis champion for most of the game, even DuoCi clinching the title all throughout the competition.

The competition is divided into a 11 inning, using three out of five sets. Singles match points mixed doubles.

Pin Pong, sport of the People's Republic of China. Is a popular ball sports. The English official name is "table tennis", which means "table tennis".
Our country athletes achieve world table tennis champion for most of the game, even DuoCi clinching the title all throughout the competition.
The competition is divided into a 11 inning, using three out of five sets. Singles match points mixed doubles.

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Table tennis ball, the people's Republic of china. Is a popular sports sports. Its official name is" table. Tennis", which means "table tennis".
Chinese athletes won the world table tennis championship for most of the match, or even several times won the tournament trophies.
The competition is divided into a 11 Bureau, the five Bureau three victory. The game consists of singles and doubles mixed doubles.

Table tennis ball, the people's Republic of china. Is a popular sports sports. Its official name is" table. Tennis", which means "table tennis".
Chinese athletes won the world table tennis championship for most of the match, or even several times won the tournament trophies.
The competition is divided into a 11 Bureau, the five Bureau three victory. The game consists of singles and doubles mixed doubles.


One day, Jack in the dishwasher broke a bowl, heruthlessly fan the Jack a slap in the face. In the evening, a dinner, Jack lost a pair of chopsticks, Grandpa Jack with an angry stare. Jack then began to cry. Dad asked: "Why are you crying?" Jack said: "your father slapped me in the face." Grandpa thought: "this guy to complain?" Dad be ablaze with anger toward my grandfather, father "pops" two sound fan yourself two slap in the face, said: " you slap my son a slap in the face, I fan you son two!


A century's worth of calculated name changes point to the fact that naming any group is a politically freighted exercise.


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#后从# 没关系.如果你有什么问题,你可以问我,我有一个有能力的哥哥.他可以做很多事情.在将来,我想要做什么事情都比他好.我感到非常高兴,因为你觉得很好.请帮我赢我哥哥.就那样,谢谢你.如果你想告诉什么东西,我愿意等待你,我会与你讨论,

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#15791141115# 谁能帮我翻译下面的一段话 ******
#后从# 今天当我睡着的时候,一个消息中午突然闯了进来.我很生气,认为这可能是那个家伙!当我打开它,我知道我错了.这是我的一个学生,我简直无法相信它她是一个女孩的六年级,因为我的私人原因,我刚被她的英语教师只有6天她说:“在...

#15791141115# 谁能帮我翻译一段话(英语) - ******
#后从# One day, Jack broke a bowl when washing dishes and his grandpa slapped him in his face without consideration.That evening, when this family was having supper, Jack's chopsticks fell and grandpa stared at him angrily.Jack suddenly cried out....

#15791141115# 谁能帮我翻译下面一段话 ******
#后从# "My motto didn't pay and then have no repay, I think this very easy comprehension, if you like to be a successful man and make an outstanding achievement, you have to experience a lot of of difficulty, once exceeded to a lot ofly see frustrated.You...

#15791141115# 谁能 帮我翻译一段英语句子 谢谢! ******
#后从#A light brilliant stars shine , the angels how will notice the night's black ? However , that night left , the stars shine and how to keep your . 意思是: 一个灿烂的星光闪耀的光芒,天使怎么会注意到夜的黑?然而,那天晚上,星星的光芒,如何保持你的. 望采纳!!!谢谢

#15791141115# 谁能帮我翻译一段话?英文的谢谢 ******
#后从# 楼上的是不是机器翻译,我就不表态了 Love a person, wish he will be better. Love a person,wish he had better, If he had not you won't be happy, So I only to let those who love me and I love the people happy, I am not fool... I what all ability see out ...

#15791141115# 谁能帮我用英语翻译下面一段话?... ******
#后从# So let us take advantage of today, with the dream to fight the future, please believe that there is a success and happiness is the place must have you and me,

#15791141115# 谁能帮我翻译一下这段话 ******
#后从# 下面是诗意的翻译 When We Two Parted《昔日依依别》 When we two parted 昔日依依惜别, In silence and tears, 泪流默默无言; Half broken-hearted 离恨肝肠断, To serve for years, 此别又几年. Pale grew thy cheek and cold, 冷颊向愕...

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  • 答:任何一个领导者,在开始时也一定是一个优秀的追随者。伟大的追随者往往会成为伟大的领导者。二者有一个共同的心态:只要我在工作,我就一定要尽心尽力,全力以赴。对于一个人来说做事是否积极主动,常常是细微处见精神。工...

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  • 答:3. A lot of river water not very deep, to try to see if I can stand up. As they drift to shallow areas in time to stand up, can not miss good opportunities. If the stand up, then farther off...

  • 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文。非常感谢!!
  • 答:请放心,我会马上帮您解决这个问题。Please be assured that I will immediately help you resolve this problem.顺祝商祺。wish to felicity.期盼您的回复。Looking forward to your reply.我们一定会严格按照您的要求来做好...

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  • 答:工作认真负责.善于创新.敢于迎接挑战.敢于承担责任.有较强的精力投入工作。Serious and responsible work. Be good at innovation. Challenge. Can undertake responsibility. Has the strong energy into work.富有工作激情.乐业...
