
@西咐19131284354 英语翻译.1我忙得不可开交,没空在这儿闲坐.(with no time to,sit around).2他整天闲坐着看电视(sit around).3由于没钱,他过着凄惨的日子(due to,... -
******3494褚封[答案] 1.I'm so busy with no time to sit around here. 2.He sits around watching TV all day long. 3.Due to the absence of money,he lives a miserable life.

@西咐19131284354 君子不可闲的翻译 -
******3494褚封 “君子” 可用 noble (高贵的人)、man of honour 或 gentlemann (有身份地位的人) 等.“闲” 可以用 idle oneself (动词用法)、(stay idle 形容词用法, 系表结构)、have nothing to do (无所事事)、keep free (系表结构) 等.例如:~A noble man should not idle hours away.~ A man of honour must not have nothing to do.~A gentleman is supposed not to keep free.

@西咐19131284354 英语翻译这个工作太闲了,我想让我的生活更充实一点. -
******3494褚封[答案] 1.This job was so idle that I wanted to live fuller 2.The work is full of leisure.I prefer to lead a richer(fuller) life. PS:只列两条,仅供参考哈

@西咐19131284354 翻译成英语:有的人游手好闲,很空虚;而有的人忙忙碌碌,很充实. -
******3494褚封 楼主您好,对于: “有的人游手好闲,很空虚;而有的人忙忙碌碌,很充实.”的正确翻译是: Some people just idle and do nothing, very empty and depressing, Instead, the other half are very buzy, they enrich their life. 还望对你有帮助!

@西咐19131284354 ...apart的.至死不渝还有until death being for ever and ever faithful的.哎呀.头都大啦.有没传说中地高手哇.闲的话帮小弟翻译个最理想的哇.最好帮我把我描述的... -
******3494褚封[答案] till death do us apart一般是结婚宣誓时神父说的,意思是直到死亡将我们分离.如果直译过来可以是my love for you will never change until death.这个处理好一些.汉语直接意思就是:我对你的爱至死也不会变.上面的两...

@西咐19131284354 英语翻译原诗闲 作者 徐寅不管人间是与非,白云流水自相依.一瓢挂树傲时代,五柳种门吟落晖.江上翠娥遗佩去,岸边红袖采莲归.客星辞得汉光武,却坐江东... -
******3494褚封[答案] 水流到滩头不是出自流水的本意,云从山洞里飘出也不是白云有意为之的事情; 意思是说这世上有许多事,都是机缘巧合,天意安排,非人力所能更改.

@西咐19131284354 英语翻译坦白的说我认为你可能是太闲了,要找点事情让自己忙起来才行.当你手头有很多东西要做,你没有时间休息时你就不会想那些感觉不太现实却又让人... -
******3494褚封[答案] Frankly speaking,I think maybe you have too much free time and you should find something to do to have yourself busy.when there are a lot of things need you,you will have no time to think those unpractical things which always boring you.

@西咐19131284354 (我的家庭是一个非常和睦的家庭,我家有三口人,我最先闲.)翻译成英语 -
******3494褚封[答案] There ARE four people in my family,这么说,百度就可以查的

@西咐19131284354 “事繁勿慌 事闲勿荒”翻译英语 -
******3494褚封 事繁勿慌 事闲勿荒 Take it easy when you're busy; Take it seriously when you're free.

@西咐19131284354 闲静少言,不慕名利的翻译是什么 -
******3494褚封[答案] 中文 性情闲静,说话不多,不羡慕名利 英文Calm with few words and indifferent to fame and wealth
