
@程性18637889124 can i help you ? 的回答 -
******6817弘郊 肯定:1.Yes, (you can.) 2. Sure. 3. Of course 4.Oh, thank you. 5. You are so kind. 拒绝:, thanks. 2. thanks, but i can manage it

@程性18637889124 人家问你What can you do?你该怎样回答 -
******6817弘郊 What can you do?(翻译:你会干什么?) 回答:I can do cartoons.(我会画漫画) 望采纳

@程性18637889124 Can you sit here?否定和肯定回答. -
******6817弘郊 否定回答:No, I can't 或 Sorry 肯定回答:Yes, I can 或 Thank you / Thanks

@程性18637889124 can++++you+++++make++++a++snowman+++today?怎样回答?
******6817弘郊 yes ,I can or no , I can not

@程性18637889124 can+you+answer+little+duck's+question,robin? -
******6817弘郊 翻译:你能回答小鸭的问题吗?罗宾?满意请采纳,谢谢.

@程性18637889124 用can you提问肯定回答 -
******6817弘郊 Yes, I can.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

@程性18637889124 Can you spell these words? 回答应该是Yes, I do还是Yes, I can 并给说一下为什么,谢谢! -
******6817弘郊 答案是Yes, i can. 如果问句是Do you know how to spell these words? 答案才是Yes, i do . 一般情况下用can提问都用can回答.

@程性18637889124 can you go用什么回答 -
******6817弘郊 真的能去的话回答I'd like to/I'm glad to go. 要是不行 就说 I'd glad to,but ......或者 Well,I may not go cuz...

@程性18637889124 can you help me的回答是什么 -
******6817弘郊 yes,of course(肯定回答)sorry,I can not(否定回答)

@程性18637889124 Can you run fast?作肯定回答 -
******6817弘郊 您好,这句话作肯定回答就是: yes,i can. 满意就采纳吧.
