
the customer's requirements
the requirements of the customer
required by the customer

customer's requirement


according to the requirement of the client

requirement of the client
client's requirement

I don't know what specific requirements our customer has.
I don't know the specific requerments of our customer.
I don't know也可以用I have no idea代替...

#17355628349# 客户要求我们在非工作时间搬迁 英文怎么说?急 - ******
#皮屈# the customer requires that we should remove at free time

#17355628349# 客户唛头要求用英文,求外贸大神翻译 - ******
#皮屈# 唛头用英语说是shipping mark(运输标志). 一般是出口货物,印在出口包装上的运输标志.一般印刷产品名称,规格,数量,客户信息等内容, 唛头内容不是特定的,可以根据客户要求印刷,如果客户无要求,也可由厂家自行印制.(如果是出口货物,一般印刷产品信息即可)

#17355628349# 英语翻译尽可能满足客户要求.并为客户考虑 并制定最有效的方案计划英文 - ******
#皮屈#[答案] Try our best to satisfy with our customer.Considering from our customer and make effective plans.

#17355628349# 按照客户的要求完成 用英语怎么说 - ******
#皮屈# finish the (task/project/work/assignment) according to the customer's requirement/specification

#17355628349# “按客户要求标准包装”用英语怎么说 - ******
#皮屈# We'll provide standard packaging according to our clients' requirement.我是学英语翻译的,希望我的翻译对您有帮助哦O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

#17355628349# 我不知道客户有什么特别要求,用英文怎么说,有几种说法/ - ******
#皮屈# I don't know what specific requirements our customer has.I don't know the specific requerments of our customer.I don't know也可以用I have no idea代替...

#17355628349# 英语翻译客户要求我们在送货之前要填写他们的送货单和预约表,要在送货前提前至少一天以上的时间进行预约登记,这两次送货没有提前预约,所以遭到... - ******
#皮屈#[答案] our clients require that we should fill in the delivery goods list and appiontment list.we also should have the appiontment checked in at least 1 day in advance before delivering the goods.we don't have the appiontment in advance in the recent business ...

#17355628349# 英语翻译能否提供一份客户对此产品的具体要求给我们?以便我们能够确保产品能够满足客户的需求.上面这段如何翻译成英文才比较通顺?我自己翻译的总... - ******
#皮屈#[答案] 以便我们能够确保产品能够满足客户的需求. Would you please provide us with detailed demands from our customers so that we can better satisfy them with our products

#17355628349# 英语翻译明确顾客的要求并形成文件,通过评审和沟通,满足顾客要求并争取超越顾客期望. - ******
#皮屈#[答案] 明确顾客的要求并形成文件,To understand customers' requirements and compile them into files;通过评审和沟通,满足顾客要求并争取超越顾客期望.To meet customers' demand and strive to exceed their expectatio...

#17355628349# 最大程度的满足客户需求 怎么翻译成英语? - ******
#皮屈# try our best to satisfy the customer

  • 满足我的要求英文怎么说???
  • 答:satisfied my requirements 满足我的要求 词汇解析:1、satisfied 英文发音:[ˈsætɪsfaɪd]中文释义:v.使满意;使满足;满足 例句:The Government was satisfied with the results of the ...

  • 假如客户要求检视企业财富报表怎么说
  • 答:按客户要求执行 execute in aordance with customers' requirement 客户要求货物到港前三天付款, 英文怎么说? 客户要求货物到港前三天付款 Customer requests the goods to Hong Kong three days before the Pay ...

  • 这句话英文怎么说“你提供的资料是否满足他们的要求,我还要等客户的回复...
  • 答:楼上翻译的不地道,应该是:Firstly thank you so much.But,having received the customer's reply,I would know if the information that you provided had met their requirements....

  • 英文翻译,帮忙看客户具体是在要什么东西? Tradestyle or DBA of your...
  • 答:首先是要你公司的交易方式(trade style)第二,如果你公司有DBA,你可以给他DBA,DBA: do business as ,我们可以翻译为虚构的商业名称,或者贸易名称,就是在贸易活动中用到的与公司法定注册的名称不一样的名字,但不是...

  • 客户经理的英文怎么说
  • 答:客户经理的英文是Sales Account Manager 客户经理既是银行与客户关系的代表,又是银行对外业务的代表。(以银行为例)客户经理的职责包括:全面了解客户需求并向其营销产品、争揽业务,同时协调和组织全行各有关专部门及机构为...

  • 因为品质达不到客人的要求,所以请求客户取消订单用英文怎么写邮件
  • 答:个人认为:千万不能说 自己的品质达不到客户的要求,而是应该从另外方面找理由来推辞,比如:交货期、原材料供应商问题、价格与质量不等、、、稳定一个老客户 比开发 一 个新客户更重要,如果轻易这样取消订单,对企业 和...

  • 客户下订单英语会话
  • 答:商务英语是以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面。接下来我为大家整理了客户下订单英语会话,希望对你有帮助哦! 客户下订单英语会话一: 1 A: Are you ready to place your order now ? B: The order wil...

  • 用英文怎么翻译这些词?信用卡...
  • 答:用英文怎么翻译这些词?信用卡...信用卡: credit card 索求,要求: requirement 三年半: three years and a half 开场白: opening speech 感谢信: a letter of thanks 告知;使知晓: inform/appraise of sth 英译汉:...

  • 定制用英文怎么说
  • 答:customize,英 ['kʌstəmaɪz] 美 ['kʌstəmaɪz]vt. 定做,按客户具体要求制造 [ 过去式 customized 过去分词 customized 现在分词 customizing 第三人称单数 customizes ]What ...
