本人快要交论文了,自认英文水平差,祈求哪位英语高手可以帮忙翻译一下,感谢~~ 摘要如下:

Innovative ideas, contents and approaches were imported into china via modern information technologies. Setup of internet-based platform is not only a highlight of elite courses developement for high level academic institutes, but also one of the most intentional features of elite courses development in term of extruding education materials. Internet-based platform can effectively demonstrate elite courses' characteristics of modeling and sharing, while providing a convenient communication channel for tuition interactions. Structural Chemistry is considered as a very important basic course of scientific chemistry major. Given by the attention being paid by academic institutes to the development of elite courses for it, reform on structrual chemistry deserves a nominee on the working agenda in order to over-all increase students professional capabilities, and to this end, offer to the society graduates that meet the needs of globalization development.

Modern information technology of China's higher education to bring new ideas, new content and new means. Network platform construction is our country today's college of construction exquisite course of key, is also fine the connotation of these textbooks of one. Network platform not only can create convenient communication channel and realize the teaching of learner autonomy, and can fully display learning courses and sharing of the demonstration. Structural chemistry is science chemistry major important specialized fundamental course, a door for better improve university students' professional quality, developing with the development of The Times, the student structure chemistry curriculum reform is imperative in the course of higher colleges, the exquisite course construction is also very seriously.

Higher Modern information technology has brought new ideas, new content and new tools. Network platform is a college course under construction in our current focus is three-dimensional quality course materials of construction of meaning. Network platform not only to create convenient channels of communication teaching, to achieve autonomous learning, and can fully demonstrate the excellent course of the demonstration and sharing. Science chemistry chemical structure is very important to a basic course for students to better improve the professional quality, training fit in with the development of outstanding students, structural chemistry curriculum reform is imperative, institutions of higher education quality of the courses Curriculum is also very important.


The selection of property relations between the spouses not only relates to the realization of legal rights of the couple, but also concerns problems like the benifit of the third party, the business safety and the maintennance of social economic order. Thus, the legislation of matrimonial regime in various coutries has been emphasized highly and regarded as important content of the adjustment of Marriage and Family Law and Law of Descent. However, in different countries, the content regulated by matrimonial regime differs a lot due to the impact of factors like historical culture, social environments and political ingredients. During the application of law to foreign-related property relations between the spouses, there’re conflicts about application of law in this area due to different rules for joints of applicable proper law in various countries. To negotiate the law application for foreign-related property relations between the spouses, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Application of Laws to Foreign-Related Civil Relation was enacted in 2010. It detailed the acheivements made by China on the application of law to foreign-related property relations between the spouses in the second part. After comparing legisation of other advanced countries, it discusses deficiencies of the application of law to foreign-related property relations between the spouses and further presents corresponding suggestions.

The paper is divided into four parts.

The 1st part is about basic theories of matrimonial regime. There’re mainly three smaller parts, firstly to introduce the concept and range of matrimonial regime, then to expound its characteristic and finally to summarize the legisation principle.

In the 2nd part, it mainly elaborates the legisation status in China about the application of law to foreign-related property relations between the spouses and defines the following items: determing limited principle of autonomy of will, adopting the principle of lex personalis, the rule of closest connection having initially had a significant role in law of China and finally establishing the principle of physical situs.

The 3rd part is concerning the regualtions about the application of law to property relations between the spouses in other countries. It mainly analysizesthe application status in Frence, Germany, the U.K., America and other countries and covers the rules of Hague Conventions in 1978. Some revelations about the application of law to foreign-related property relations between the spouses are given after comparing the laws in these developed countries.

In the 4th chapter, firstly it determines the flaws of legislation regarding foreign-related matrimonial regime in China, then presents the necessarity and urgency of perfecting laws about foreign-related matrimonial properties. Secondly some legisation suggestions are given for the above-mentioned flaws. The main principles are to determine limited and changable principle, to adopt principle of protecting the weak and to make clearly selection between the uniform system and the division system.,


Public service ads is a wonderful work of late for a long time in China. Call the spring breeze of the rain, so that it is in bud. It and commercial advertising have substaintial distinction, it is to shape the image of the product, not the content of the sale of goods and services, which pay close attention to the object is the thought and behavior, the contents of social ethics. It put the human topics of mutual interest through the common forms of advertising, timely, keen to remind and persuade audiences, adjust their behavior, and arouse the social conscience, promote social morality, and ultimately establish a kind of new ethics code of ethics, so as to improve social living environment and ecological environment, realize the sustainable development of human and nature, and create a win-win economic and moral development of a harmonious society.


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  • 本人快要交论文了,自认英文水平差,祈求哪位英语高手可以帮忙翻译一下...
  • 答:while providing a convenient communication channel for tuition interactions. Structural Chemistry is considered as a very important basic course of scientific chemistry major.

  • 要交论文 但是本人英语奇差 希望各位达人帮帮忙 帮我把这段翻译成英文...
  • 答:In today's society, China's talent market has entered the stage of high-speed flow, talent for an enterprise can become bigger and stronger with indispensable function. In the past, under the planned economy system, the scope of career choice, and less each enterprise service for ...

  • ...帮我翻译一下论文的摘要,就要答辩了,本人英语水平一般,感激不尽啊...
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  • ...小弟英文太差了,马上要交论文了,急啊,先谢谢了。
  • 答:On the illegal collection of evidence can be finalized as the basis for national laws in the field of controversial. Along with the rule of law and civilized progress and the protection of human rights and enhance awareness of the dangers of illegal evidence of a profound understandin...

  • 毕业设计论文,本人英语水平有限,需要英语高手帮我把摘要翻译成英文!谢 ...
  • 答:the data on our understanding of market trends, make the right investment decision-making provides a theoretical basis for research.With time series analysis of theory and research methods to gradually mature, in the stock analysis of the forecast of time series analysis has become a p...

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  • 答:一切商品竞争的背后都是技术的竞争,而技术竞争的实质是人才的竞争。一切物质资源的开发利用程度,归根结底取决于人力资源开发利用的水平。因此,人力资源是第一资源,人力资源管理与开发是增强企业竞争优势的关键途径,对于企业在内外竞争压力下得以生存和持续发展起着关键性作用。It is technological ...

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  • 答:首先,那些说能看懂怎么写不好的人,根本没写过英文论文…能看懂写不好的多了去了;其次,SCI写作的话,http://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/了解一下;第三,Grammarly跟ProWritingAid了解一下,最近grammarly除了提醒我“冠词可能有问题哦”(其实并没有)之外,没有什么卵用了,所以我比较偏好...

  • 急!谁帮我翻译下论文(汉译英),就一段话,自己英语水平太差了
  • 答:it indicates statistical difference exists between them. The average score of marriage satisfaction for infertile woman is 13.92, whereas that for normal pregnant woman is 14.38. p>0.05 can be got through t test, it indicates no statistical difference exists between them. The averag...

  • 因为写论文想把摘要翻译成英文,水平不够,好心人帮帮忙吧!!!_百度知...
  • 答:The goal of electronic commerce is to achieve transaction, and logistics is the key factor to accomplish it; turning the virtual deal into reality. Thus, logistics not only sets the greatest limitation on e-commerce, but also the foundation and condition of the electronic commerce; ...

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  • 答:但是自从吸取几次大学英语四级失败的惨痛教训之后,我发现在大学不学习是不行的。必须努力地充实自己,花精力花时间在课外阅读上,提高自己的专业水平,开阔视野。在课堂上,虽然不必要像高中那会那样全神贯注,但也不能经常走神,思想开小差。在这一点上,我自认做的不好。时常会被乏味的课堂气氛弄的困意大发。作为营销...
