
1、At that time, I suddenly felt a cool, breathing to a stream of pure, contain of salt air. This is a refreshing and relaxing with iodine qualitative sea breeze! My big mouth, my lungs filled with fresh gases.


2、You only know the answer: Exploration of travel one hundred and ten thousand km, is a big number, one can see, can say that nothing is too strange.


3、Dragon NASS and his friends are met, it is precisely because of their hard not to give up, that they used to roam between which.


4、My heart is still in the country, and, until my last breath, my heart is in the country!


5、This is really a wonderful and rare undersea forest, growth is tall woody plant, tree cluster. The branches are straight into the ocean.


At that time, I suddenly felt a cool, breathing to a stream of pure, contain of salt air. This is a refreshing and relaxing with iodine qualitative sea breeze! My big mouth, my lungs filled with fresh gases.

At that time, I suddenly felt a cool, breathing to a stream of pure, contain of salt air. This is a refreshing and relaxing with iodine qualitative sea breeze! My big mouth, my lungs filled with fresh gases.

At that time, I suddenly felt a cool, breathing to a stream of pure, contain of salt air. This is a refreshing and relaxing with iodine qualitative sea breeze! My big mouth, my lungs filled with fresh gases.

谁有《海底两万里》英文版摘抄的好句、好段,越多越好 急!!!!!~

“The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the Living Infinite. ”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
270 likes like
“We may brave human laws, but we cannot resist natural ones.”
― Jules Verne, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
tags: law 123 likes like
“If there were no thunder, men would have little fear of lightning.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
tags: philosophical 82 likes like
“Aures habent et non audient` - `They have ears but hear not”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
tags: philosophical 30 likes like
“The human mind delights in grand conceptions of supernatural beings.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
29 likes like
“Mobilis in Mobile”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
22 likes like
“The sea is everything. It covers seven-tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and life-giving. It is an immense desert place where man is never lonely, for he senses the weaving of Creation on every hand. It is the physical embodiment of a supernatural existence... For the sea is itself nothing but love and emotion. It is the Living Infinite, as one of your poets has said. Nature manifests herself in it, with her three kingdoms: mineral, vegetable, and animal. The ocean is the vast reservoir of Nature.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
tags: spiritual 20 likes like
“Your dead sleep quietly, at least, Captain, out of reach of sharks" "Yes, sir, of sharks and men.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
9 likes like
“Steam seems to have killed all gratitude in the hearts of sailors.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
tags: gratitude, idolatry, technology 8 likes like
“The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the 'Living Infinite'...The globe began with sea, so to speak; and who knows if it will not end with it? In it is supreme tranquility.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
8 likes like
“The earth does not want new continents, but new men.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
6 likes like
“It was obvious that the matter had to be settled, and evasions were distasteful to me.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
6 likes like
“However, everything has an end, everything passes away, even the hunger of people who have not eaten”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
6 likes like
“Oh, figures!' answered Ned. 'You can make figures do whatever you want.”
― Jules Verne, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
tags: figures, math, numbers 5 likes like
“No sir, it is evidently a gigantic narwhal”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
5 likes like
“With its untold depths, couldn't the sea keep alive such huge specimens of life from another age, this sea that never changes while the land masses undergo almost continuous alteration? Couldn't the heart of the ocean hide the last–remaining varieties of these titanic species, for whom years are centuries and centuries millennia?”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
5 likes like
“Perfume is the soul of the flower, and sea-flowers have no soul.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
4 likes like
“What!You know German?”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
3 likes like
“What use are the best of arguments when they can be destroyed by force?”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
3 likes like
“Captain Nemo pointed to this prodigious heap of shellfish, and I saw that these mines were genuinely inexhaustible, since nature's creative powers are greater than man's destructive instincts.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
3 likes like
“Nature's creative power is far beyond man's instinct of destruction.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
3 likes like
“Adieu, soleil ! s'écria-t-il. Disparais, astre radieux ! Couche-toi sous cette mer libre, et laisse une nuit de six mois étendre ses ombres sur mon nouveau domaine !”
― Jules Verne, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
2 likes like
“Sir," replied the commander, "I am nothing to you but Captain Nemo; and you and your companions are nothing to me but the passengers of the Nautilus.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
2 likes like
“Conseil: If that is the case, this dugong may well be the last of its race, and perhaps it would be better to spare it, in the interest of science.
Ned Land: Perhaps it will be better to hunt it, in the interest of the kitchen.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
2 likes like
“God, if he believed in Him, and his conscience, if he had one, were the only judges to whom he was answerable.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
tags: conscience, god, independence 1 likes like
“Für den Dichter ist die Perle eine Träne des Meeres; für die Orientalen ein fest gewordener Tautropfen; für die Frauen ein längliches Kleinod von durchsichtigem Glanz und Perlmutterstoff, welches sie am Finger, Hals oder Ohr tragen; für den Chemiker eine Mischung von phosphorsaurem und kohlensaurem Salz mit ein wenig Leim, und endlich für den Naturkundigen nur eine krankhafte Ausscheidung des Organes, welches bei einigen zweischaligen Muscheln die Perlmutter erzeugt.”
― Jules Verne, Zwanzigtausend Meilen Unter Meer 2
tags: abenteuer, forscher, meer, metapher, muscheln, naturkunde, ozean, perlen 1 likes like
“From a caprice of nature, not from the ignorance of man. Not a mistake has been made in the working. But we cannot prevent equilibrium from producing its effects. We may brave human laws, but we cannot resist natural ones.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
1 likes like
“As to classing it in the list of fables, the idea was out of the question.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
1 likes like
“There is the disadvantage of not knowing all languages," said Conseil, "or the disadvantage of not having one universal language.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
1 likes like
“c’est bon, l’oxygène ! Que monsieur ne craigne pas de respirer. Il y en a pour tout le monde. »”
― Jules Verne, Vingt mille lieues sous les mers
1 likes like

Articles no less passionate than logical appeared on the question, for geography is one of the pet subjects of the English; and the columns devoted to Phileas Fogg's venture were eagerly devoured by all classes of readers. At first some rash individuals, principally of the gentler sex, espoused his cause, which became still more popular when the Illustrated London News came out with his portrait, copied from a photograph in the Reform Club. A few readers of the Daily Telegraph even dared to say, "Why not, after all? Stranger things have come to pass."

At last a long article appeared, on the 7th of October, in the bulletin of the Royal Geographical Society, which treated the question from every point of view, and demonstrated the utter folly of the enterprise.

Everything, it said, was against the travellers, every obstacle imposed alike by man and by nature. A miraculous agreement of the times of departure and arrival, which was impossible, was absolutely necessary to his success. He might, perhaps, reckon on the arrival of trains at the designated hours, in Europe, where the distances were relatively moderate; but when he calculated upon crossing India in three days, and the United States in seven, could he rely beyond misgiving upon accomplishing his task? There were accidents to machinery, the liability of trains to run off the line, collisions, bad weather, the blocking up by snow--were not all these against Phileas Fogg? Would he not find himself, when travelling by steamer in winter, at the mercy of the winds and fogs? Is it uncommon for the best ocean steamers to be two or three days behind time? But a single delay would suffice to fatally break the chain of communication; should Phileas Fogg once miss, even by an hour; a steamer, he would have to wait for the next, and that would irrevocably render his attempt vain.

This article made a great deal of noise, and, being copied into all the papers, seriously depressed the advocates of the rash tourist.

Everybody knows that England is the world of betting men, who are of a higher class than mere gamblers; to bet is in the English temperament. Not only the members of the Reform, but the general public, made heavy wagers for or against Phileas Fogg, who was set down in the betting books as if he were a race-horse. Bonds were issued, and made their appearance on 'Change; "Phileas Fogg bonds" were offered at par or at a premium, and a great business was done in them. But five days after the article in the bulletin of the Geographical Society appeared, the demand began to subside: "Phileas Fogg" declined. They were offered by packages, at first of five, then of ten, until at last nobody would take less than twenty, fifty, a hundred!

Lord Albemarle, an elderly paralytic gentleman, was now the only advocate of Phileas Fogg left. This noble lord, who was fastened to his chair, would have given his fortune to be able to make the tour of the world, if it took ten years; and he bet five thousand pounds on Phileas Fogg. When the folly as well as the uselessness of the adventure was pointed out to him, he contented himself with replying, "If the thing is feasible, the first to do it ought to be an Englishman."

The Fogg party dwindled more and more, everybody was going against him, and the bets stood a hundred and fifty and two hundred to one; and a week after his departure an incident occurred which deprived him of backers at any price.


#18768423177# 海底两万里好词佳句,急用~~~~~~ ******
#田泥# 1.你只有探索才知道答案 2.平常采到一个有珍珠的贝,他们才能得一分钱,何况他们采得的贝里面多数是没有珍珠的. 3.我的心还在这个国家,并且,直到我最后一口气,我的心也是在这个国家!” 4.信不信,到底也没有什么关系. 5.固然他的...

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#田泥#[答案] Yesterday,I read a book,the name of the book is《Dr Bethune》. Dr Bethune was a famous doctor From Canada.In 1938,he ... 3.Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea 海底两万里 Story started in 1866.Aronnax,a natural historian,was studying for a ...

#18768423177# 求助?《海底两万里》英文怎么说? - ******
#田泥# Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

#18768423177# 海底两万里的精彩英文片段 - ******
#田泥# Articles no less passionate than logical appeared on the question, for geography is one of the pet subjects of the English; and the columns devoted to Phileas Fogg's ventur...

#18768423177# 《海底两万里》的好词好句快,多一点,一百多个好词,50句好句 - ******
#田泥#[答案] 《海底两万里》名句:1.你只有探索才知道答案 2.平常采到一个有珍珠的贝,他们才能得一分钱,何况他们采得的贝里面多数是没有珍珠的.3.我的心还在这个国家,并且,直到我最后一口气,我的心也是在这个国家!” 4.信不信,到底也没有什么关...

#18768423177# 海底两万里用英语怎么说 - ******
#田泥# 海底两万里的英文:20,000 Leagues Under the Sea League 读法 英 [liːg] 美 [lig]n. 联盟;社团;范畴 vt. 使…结盟;与…联合 vi. 团结;结盟 短语: league of nations 国际联盟 little league (美)少年棒球联合会 national league (美)全国棒球...

#18768423177# 急求《海底两万里》的英文读后感!!!越多越好!!英语水平最好高一 ******
#田泥# 我的够多了,不止一千字:"海底两万里" Book "海底两万里" the author of Jules. Verne is a nineteenth-century French science fiction writer amazing imagination, he ...

#18768423177# 《海底两万里》好词好句的摘录要简单点,内容少一些.要求从里摘录.谢谢了! - ******
#田泥#[答案] 1.你只有探索才知道答案 2.平常采到一个有珍珠的贝,他们才能得一分钱,何况他们采得的贝里面多数是没有珍珠的. 3.我的... 但是,还没有等大家提到嗓子眼的心回到原处,只听见一阵震耳欲聋的巨响,划破了沉寂的夜空,有如高压水柱的呼啸 好词...

  • 《海底两万里》英文好词好句!急求!!!
  • 答:1、At that time, I suddenly felt a cool, breathing to a stream of pure, contain of salt air. This is a refreshing and relaxing with iodine qualitative sea breeze! My big mouth, my lungs filled with fresh gases.这时候,我突然感觉到一阵凉爽,呼吸到了一股纯洁的、带有咸味的空...

  • 海底两万里的英语摘抄 急用 快啊!!!谢谢!
  • 答:海底两万里好句摘抄:At that time, I suddenly felt a cool, breathing to a stream of pure, contain of salt air. This is a refreshing and relaxing with iodine qualitative sea breeze! My big mouth, my lungs filled with fresh gases.这时候,我突然感觉到一阵凉爽,呼吸到了一股纯洁...

  • 求海底两万里中的好句子,必须是英文的,我需要三句,请大家帮帮忙!!!急...
  • 答:海底两万里 Articles no less passionate than logical appeared on the question, for geography is one of the pet subjects of the English; and the columns devoted to Phileas Fogg's venture were eagerly devoured by all classes of readers. At first some rash individuals, principally of t...

  • 谁有《海底两万里》英文版摘抄的好句、好段,越多越好 急!!!
  • 答:where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion;

  • 海底两万里(英文版)的好句
  • 答:Everybody knows that England is the world of betting men, who are of a higher class than mere gamblers; to bet is in the English temperament. Not only the members of the Reform, but the general public, made heavy wagers for or against Phileas Fogg, who was set down in the...

  • 海底两万里好词
  • 答:《海底两万里》好词:坚韧、抑制、绝望、窒息、气囊、剧烈、本能、负载、下令、疾驰、残酷、渐渐、沸腾、炫目、坦白直率、奇幻莫测、痛苦万分、震耳欲聋、美不胜收、摆脱危机、惊天动地、无穷无尽、屹立不动、迸裂破碎、毛骨悚然、寸步难行。镇定自若、寒风刺骨、沸沸扬扬、破损零散、光彩夺目、瑰丽无...

  • 海底两万里四字好词
  • 答:《海底两万里》好句摘抄:1、我前面说过,法拉古舰长这人很细心,他把打巨大鲸鱼类用的各种装备都带在船上。就是一只捕鲸船也不会装备得更完备了。我们船上的武器,应有尽有,从手投的鱼叉。一直到鸟枪的开花弹和用炮发射的铁箭。在前甲板上装有一门十分完善的后膛炮,炮身很厚,炮口很窄,这种炮的模型曾在1867...

  • 《海底两万里》的好词摘抄有哪些?
  • 答:出自:宋·晏殊《踏莎行》“无穷无尽是离愁,天涯地角寻思遍。”释义:人世间无穷无尽的是离愁,我的心要飞到天涯地角寻他个遍。《海底两万里》的好句摘抄有:1、至于我个人,虽然感到有睡觉的需要,可是却不那么容易睡得着。2、我的心还在这个国家,并且,直到我最后一口气,我的心也是在这个国家!...

  • 海底两万里的好词好句
  • 答:海底两万里的好词:寸步难行 英姿精确 沸沸扬扬 破损零散 熠熠生辉 奇幻莫测 震耳欲聋 美不胜收 惊天动地 无穷无尽 屹立不动 毛骨悚然 沸腾的水流 光彩夺目 瑰丽无比 海底两万里的好句:1、如果尼摩船长老是居住在他所选择的海洋中,但愿所有仇恨都在这颗倔强的心中平息!2、他们都把眼睛睁得...

  • 海底两万里每章好词
  • 答:海底两万里每章好词有:1、第一章。稀奇古怪、庞然大物、不敢断言、与众不同、无人知晓、直冲云天、接二连三、无休无止、自命不凡、互不相让、举世闻名、风平浪静、人心惶惶、精确无误、不可思议、下落不明、作恶多端、力大无比、不攻自破、自圆其说、不容置疑、方方面面、一无所知、各种...
