
民工 有好多表达的
比如.migrant worker,rural worker,labourer,peasant
下面在具体语言环境中体验 民工的翻译吧!
1. according to a recent survey, in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers.
根据最近的一项调查,单上海就有250 多万外来民工。
2. City residents complain that migrant workers have threatened to take already scarce urBan joBs.
3. The peasant labourers really [actually; literally] hewed a tunnel through that rocky mountain.
民工们硬是打通了这座大山, 修成了隧道。
4. City residents also blame migrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate.
5. There is an ambivalent feeling towards rural workers.
6. City residents complain that migrant workers have threatened to take already scarce urban jobs.
7. Doing what they were told to, the labourers all found themselves much stronger than before and the work much easier to tackle.
8. It took more than 100 000 forced labourers three years to complete the construction of the tomb.

在严格一点就是farmer workers,不过味道就变了
综上所述,结合楼主的想法,应该是 Labourers吧


由于不好翻译,外国人只好将中国的“农民工”翻译成“移民工”。这一翻译倒也道出了中国“ 农民工”这个名词后面的真谛。在西方,“移民工”多指那些非法越境、没有合法身份的打工者。 这些人大多被“蛇头”和黑社会控制,生活在半鬼半人的状态之间。

所以才翻译为:Migrant Labour

民工: [ mín gōng ] civilian worker

He resigned his commission and acted as a civilian worker.

peasant worker


连日来,我国多地酝酿取消或已经取消“农民工”称谓。“农民工”吃的是馒头,筑起的是高楼;喝的是自来水,流淌的是汗水;干的是最脏最累的工作,住的是最差最乱的窝棚;从事着“劳动光荣”的高尚使命,得到的却是不屑一顾的嗤之以鼻。在日新月异的城市发展中,楼层原来越高,而他们的地位却越来越低,尊严越来越低。于是,在“农民工”这个带有时代烙印的名词之下,涵盖了一个被社会“歧视”的群体,这个群体就是从“农村进城的务工人员”。其实,被歧视的并不是“农民工”这三个字,而是所有“进城务工人员”的人格尊严。“农民工”的英语说法有N多种,但究竟哪一种最合适呢?“农民工”的英译可谓五花八门,仅笔者见过的就有peasant workers,migrant workers,rural workers,farmers-turned construction workers等。笔者认为,上述译法均有不足。早在上个世纪七十年代,许多英语母语人士就指出,将汉语中“农民”译为peasant不妥,应该用farmer一词。当时的中学英语课本中就有the poor and lower-middle peasants(贫下中农)的说法。而rural workers的意思则不够明确,很容易产生歧义,人们很容易将其理解为rural labours;至于farmers-turned construction workers的译法,其主要问题是界定范围太窄,不能涵盖“农民工”的所指范围。migrant workers这一译法国内英文媒体常采用,但九十年代末联合国的一份文件(Fact Sheet No.24, The Rights of Migrant Workers)却给出了如下定义:The term "migrant worker" refers to a person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national. 显然,migrant workers此处是指“国外来的打工者”。其实,英语中就有off-farm income,off-farm employment及off-farm work等说法,其中off-farm work是指农民离开土地到城里所从事的工作,如果这类工作是季节性的,可以说seasonal off-farm work,如果是长期工则说permanent off-farm work。请看下面的例句:1)However, in almost all cases the off-farm work was of a seasonal nature, lasting no more than 6 to 8 weeks.2)Factory work provided most of the off-farm work but many part-time farmers were tradesmen and managers in business.

Migrant workers

#18745304124# 新生代农民工用英语怎么说 - ******
#巫聂# New generation peasant-workers.楼上的Cenozoic是地质学用语,不能拿来形容人,不好意思喽 希望对你有帮助

#18745304124# 用英语说 民工身上很脏,会破坏公共卫生,谢过!!不要翻译器 - ******
#巫聂# 我来翻译:Those peasant workers are filthy dirty outside, they could ruin the public space. And people discriminate them out of this reason are filthy dirty inside,they could even do the same job in a better way.

#18745304124# 一些小学英语的知识,请大家帮帮我这个民工吧. - ******
#巫聂# 1.是2.物主代词里: 我的my(不是主格,而是形容词性物主代词) mine(不是宾格,而是名词性物主代词) 3.没有4. 主格 宾格 我 I me 你 you you 他 he him 她 she her 它 it it 我们 we us 你们 you you 他们 they them 至于我的 你的 他的 我们的 你...

#18745304124# 农民工真是个贼的英文 - ******
#巫聂# 英文 Migrant workers are really a thief.农民工真是个贼

#18745304124# “民工潮”和“民工荒”英语怎么翻译? - ******
#巫聂# The civilian worker neglects 民工荒Farmers' frenzied hunt for work in cities民工潮

#18745304124# "打工仔"用英语怎么说呢? - ******
#巫聂# 打工仔其实是“工人”“被雇佣者”一种口语化的提法,所以用“worker”或“employee”都行.

#18745304124# 有关农民工用人荒与大学生的拥挤的英语作文 - ******
#巫聂# Traffic congestion has long been a problem of great concern and complaint in big cities. It has caused a lot of inconvenience to people's life and work. The first cause is the great increase in the number of private cars. Cars take up more space but...

#18745304124# 我爸爸是农民工,他在建筑工地工作.用英语怎么写 - ******
#巫聂# My father is a migrant worker. He works in a construction site.我爸爸是农民工,他在建筑工地工作.

#18745304124# 农民工、公务员、福州的“三坊七巷”用英语怎么说 - ******
#巫聂# Farmers-Turned-Construction-Workers或直接说rural migrant workers official Three Lanes and Seven Alleys

  • 民工用英文怎么说?
  • 答:比如.migrant worker,rural worker,labourer,peasant --- 下面在具体语言环境中体验 民工的翻译吧!1. according to a recent survey, in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers.根据最近...

  • 农民工用英语怎么说?
  • 答:农民工的英文:peasant-worker 词汇解析 1、peasant 英['pez(ə)nt];美['pɛznt]n. 农民;乡下人 例:It is the lament of an impoverished peasant.它是一个已贫穷化的农民的哀词。例:They finally p...

  • “农民工”英语怎么说
  • 答:workers 英 ['wɜ:kəz]美 ['wɜ:kəz]n. 员工( worker的名词复数 ); 工作的人; 工蜂; 努力工作的人;[例句]Erstwhile workers may have become managers....

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  • 答:工作种类的英文单词有很多,比如worker(工人)、farmer(农民)、doctor(医生)、nurse(护士)、actress(女艺人)、teacher(教师)、designer(设计师)、engineer(工程师)、lawyer(律师)、movie star(明星)、driver(...

  • "打工仔"用英语怎么说呢?
  • 答:打工仔其实是“工人”“被雇佣者”一种口语化的提法,所以用“worker”或“employee”都行。

  • 农民工到底用migrant worker还是peasant worker
  • 答:其实,英语中就有off-farm income,off-farm employment及off-farm work等说法,其中off-farm work是指农民离开土地到城里所从事的工作,如果这类工作是季节性的,可以说seasonal off-farm work,如果是长期工则说permanent ...

  • 农民工的英文缩写
  • 答:英文文摘都说 rural migrant workers 没见过缩写啊

  • 农民工的英文缩写
  • 答:migrant worker 缩写为MW 在已特别指出的情况下

  • 农民工的英文
  • 答:Migrant workers 谢谢你的支持。

  • 工人用英语怎么读
  • 答:2.worker的词性和应用场景 worker是一个名词,表示从事体力劳动或有特定职业的人。这个词通常用来形容那些进行实际生产、加工、建筑等工作的人员,包括工厂工人、建筑工人、农民工等。"worker"也可以泛指各行业中的从业人员,如...
