

In ancient times, one who intended to carry forward all the inherent virtues in the world and to rid them of material desires had to first rule his state well


To rule his state well, he had to first educate his family. To educate his family, he had first to cultivate himself. To cultivate himself, he had first to set his heart right. To set his heart right, he had first to be sincere and honesty. To be sincere and honest, he had first to perfect his knowledge and perfection of his knowledge depended on his investigation of things.

It is only when one is able to investigate things that knowledge can be perfected. It is only when one’s knowledge is perfect that one can be sincere and honest. It is only when one is honest and sincere that he can set his heart right. It is only when the heart is set right that a man can educate his family. It is only when his family is educated that he can rule the state. It is only when the state is ruled that the world can be governed well.


Ancient in the world who want to Mingming De first rule of their country; want to rule their country, first-Qi their homes; For those who Pre-Qi his home his life; Yu Xiu his body who is the first of its heart; For those who are its heart first of its sincere intention; For those who sincerity of its intention, first letter of their knowledge; Munetomo in the investigation of things. Objects to the grid and then to know, know to then Yicheng, meaning heart is sincere then, the heart is then the body repair, body repair and family affairs, family affairs and then rule the country, the national government and then the world is flat. So common people from the emperor, first begin with self-cultivation-based. The chaos and the end of their ruling power, whether the carry on; their thick were thin, but those of their thin thickness, no is it that you are

The man in the ancient time who wants to light the morality in his world should administer his state. In order to administer his state,he ought to run his family.In order to run his family,he need be cultivated.In order to be cultivated ,he need to purify his soul.To be purified,he should be frank of his mind.and to be fank,must enrich his knowledge,which is relavant to investigate the reality of matter.to know the truth of the matter ,incidently find the knowledgearrives.Persistent after knowledgeable .and
Persistence give birth to the beauty of mind.certainly upright mind can build ones soul.With the soul then family comes together.and state be governed owing to the united of families.Then peace comes down after the government of its master.either the emperor or the folks put enriching thier wisdom to be the essent.



其实可以直接用“谢”字就可以。《鸿门宴》中“旦日不可不蚤自来谢项王”中的“谢”,就可以理解成“感谢”。人与人间就直接说 谢谢 或说 谢XX兄XX事


#19189838539# 中国古文如何翻译成英文? ******
#弘念# 到google里面翻译为简体汉语,在翻译为英语就好了.

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#19189838539# 一句古文英文翻译 - ******
#弘念# Don't say too much, too much saying will cause trouble.

#19189838539# 古文翻译成英语 ******
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#19189838539# 把“你我虽然相隔两地,但我每天每时每刻都在想你”翻译成古文或英文.谢谢 - ******
#弘念# 翻译成英文如下 You although I separated the two, but I miss you every minute of every day 翻译成古文如下 你我虽相隔两,但我每日时时刻刻都在想

#19189838539# 用英语翻译文言 - ******
#弘念# 君子不责人所不及,不强人所不能,不苦人所不好. (解:君子不责怪别人做不到的地方,不要强求别人做力所不及的事情,不让别人为他所不喜欢的事物而苦恼.) A noble man will not blame others for what is beyond their power, ...

#19189838539# 英语翻译翻译句子“既窈窕以寻壑”加点字:既 窈窕 以 寻 壑要求字字对应、谢谢!文言文翻译成现代文…… - ******
#弘念#[答案] 有时沿着幽深曲折的小溪进入山谷 既 连词,表示并列 窈窕 幽深曲折(的小溪) 以 表方式 寻 探寻 壑 山谷 山沟 翻译时在遵循字字落实的基础上稍作更改

#19189838539# 古文翻译谢谢!!有更简练的翻译吗? ******
#弘念# 您想问的是什么问题?是问古文如何用英文说吗? Ancient prose

#19189838539# 古文翻译,要准确,谢谢 - ******
#弘念# “廛” 古代城市平民一户人家所居的房地.“廛市”:集市.“鬻”本义:粥.引申为“卖”.“巧”,技也.――《说文》“措”从手,昔声.本义:放置,安放.“举措”行为举止.“菏”通“荷”.优游嬉戏于集市中,拿卖技术、绣画为职业,穿着、行为举止和当兵的不同.卫兵住宿,自己不带被子而让他人拿着.供给的粮食当兵的自己不扛,雇佣他人运输.

#19189838539# 英语翻译一旦流离,无人庇荫,当自求诸身耳伎之易习而可贵者,无过读书也文言文翻译成普通话谢谢,... - ******
#弘念#[答案] 原句:一旦流离,无人庇荫,当自求诸身耳 译文:一旦流离失所,没有人庇护,就得自己靠自己罢了 原句:伎之易习而可贵者,无过读书也 译文:技艺容易学习并且让人感到珍贵的,不过是读书学习了

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