
The story began from a blanket. The story was written grandpa. After reading the story, we saw, originally from a blanket began to also can write a great story. The story of the blanket is covered in small Joseph body. Sleep in the cradle of small Joseph, covered with grandpa sewn it a blue color small blanket, so warm and comfortable. But he grew up, blankets and become old. He won't throw it. Then, there must be some way to grandpa, blankets into a coat, vest, blue color tie, handkerchief, button, everything Joseph to bring surprise, these things contain grandpa son of love, a kind of silent love. But grandpa every time the cloth of cut to a mouse brings warm, they used to do quilt, tablecloth, home dress up very beautiful.

After reading a story of the Grimm’s fairy tales, I can’t help rethinking the laziness and sympathy of the human beings.
Lazy Harry is definitely the laziest person I have ever read about. His wife is also influenced by him and becomes lazy too. Undoubtedly, living comfortably without working is absolutely what we expected, yet it is impossible. Society means competition, so that everyone needs to work hard and earn the bread for his family. Can you imagine that the whole world is full of lazy people who just wait for others’ food? How could the society progress? How could they live on? Thus, diligence is the essential factor which contributes to the development of the world. It’s significant for us students to deal with laziness correctly.
Above all,Grimm’s fairy tales shows us the goodness and badness of the world, every story has its own moral, what we can do is to realize the society and look ahead. Besides,it also helps a lot in English,especially in reading skill.


After reading a story of the Grimm’s fairy tales, I can’t help rethinking the laziness and sympathy of the human beings.
Lazy Harry is definitely the laziest person I have ever read about. His wife is also influenced by him and becomes lazy too. Undoubtedly, living comfortably without working is absolutely what we expected, yet it is impossible. Society means competition, so that everyone needs to work hard and earn the bread for his family. Can you imagine that the whole world is full of lazy people who just wait for others’ food? How could the society progress? How could they live on? Thus, diligence is the essential factor which contributes to the development of the world. It’s significant for us students to deal with laziness correctly.
Above all,Grimm’s fairy tales shows us the goodness and badness of the world, every story has its own moral, what we can do is to realize the society and look ahead. Besides,it also helps a lot in English,especially in reading skill.




#18626489631# 英语格林童话选bearskin读后感 - ******
#边垄# 《格林童话》产生于十九世纪初,是由德国著名语言学家,雅可布·格林和威廉·格林兄弟收集、整理、加工完成的德国民间文学.它是世界童话的经典之作,自问世以来,在世界各地影响十分广泛.格林兄弟以其丰富的想象、优美的语言给孩子们讲述了一个个神奇而又浪漫的童话故事.在国内,日本,台湾也有根据《格林童话》创作的故事集. 《格林童话》带有浓厚的地域特色、民族特色,富于趣味性和娱乐性,对培养儿童养成真、善、美的良好品质有积极意义.

#18626489631# 《格林童话》读后感150字以上200字以下. - ******
#边垄# 我利用寒假时间看了一遍《格林童话》,得到了从未有过的感受.也许,有些人会认为童话很幼稚,纯属虚构,但我觉得童话里也富有哲理.看了这本书,我有了深刻的体会:做人要善良,这个字眼对我们来说并不陌生.它是一种传统美德,是心灵美的体现,是来自灵魂深处的东西,生活中常常会看到这样的情景:在公交车上,有人毫不犹豫地让座;在商店里,有人把多找的零钱义无返顾地还给营业员;在街头,有人会伸出援手,把兜里的钱或多或少投进乞丐求讨施舍的碗里.善良的人终究会有好的结果.《格林童话》中的灰姑娘尽管受尽了继母与姐姐们的欺负,但她心地善良,最终获得了幸福.《格林童话》让我了解了性的真善美.

#18626489631# 格林童话读后感15篇 - ******
#边垄#[答案] 1.《魔草》翻开我心爱的《格林童话》,立刻被被一篇名为《魔草》故事吸引住了.这个故事讲述了一个好心的猎人在帮助一名老婆子后,得到了两件宝贝,坏心眼的巫女知道后,指使自己漂亮的女儿骗走了宝贝,猎人没有放...

#18626489631# 格林童话读后感1篇200字 - ******
#边垄# 《格林童话》是我最喜欢看的一本故事书.它不仅告诉我许多人生的道理,并且丰富了我的想象力,让我对它情有独钟. 这本书里让我印象最深的故事是《白雪公主》,因为在那篇童话里充分体现出白雪公主的坚强与善良,还有七个小矮人的聪明.故事讲的是王后千方百计,不择手段地伤害白雪公主.让我感受到王后千方百计,不择手段地伤害白雪公主,却为了那颗妒忌心而活活气死.正是应验了那句“恶有恶报”.可以说一个人失去了善良,就等于失去了灵魂,失去了人性,就等于行尸走肉.那些犯罪的不法分子也该醒醒了!他们利用了别人的善良,逍遥法外,为所欲为,真是可憎、可恶、可气、可恨!

#18626489631# 童话的英文观后感 - ******
#边垄# 英语观后感《灰姑娘 After I read these two different versions of Cinderella, I found there are many similarities and differences between them. First, I will go over the common things that these two books have. They both have very similar ...

#18626489631# 格林 盖布尔斯的安妮的英语读后感 - ******
#边垄# Anne's children were almost grown up, except for pretty, high-spirited Rilla. No one could resist her bright hazel eyes and dazzling smile. Rilla, almost fifteen, can't think any further ahead than going to her very first dance at the Four Winds lighthouse ...

#18626489631# 格林童话读后感 200 - 300字要18篇 - ******
#边垄#[答案] 1、《灰姑娘》读后感 格林的童话《灰姑娘》,被改编成电影,被改编成戏剧,以多种艺术形式继续感动着人们,而且被感动的对象已经不仅仅是孩子们.安徒生的《卖火柴的女孩》与之相比,就单薄了,不光是情节单薄,就其给予人们...

#18626489631# 用英文写“读《安徒生的童话》有感”200字左右.要中文 - ******
#边垄#[答案] The Nightingale IN China,you must know,the Emperor is a Chinaman,and all whom he has about him are Chinamen too.It happened a good many years ago,but that's just why it's worth while to hear the story,before it is forgotten.The Emperor's ...

#18626489631# 求格林童话的读后感!急急急!! - ******
#边垄# 童话,是人们不可拒绝的,童话,是人们所盼望的.每个人都希望自己生活的世界像童话般的不可思议,像童话般的幸福与美好. 我们每一个人,甚至我们的父母,都在格林童话的影响之下...

#18626489631# 读后感:读《格林童话》有感 - ******
#边垄# 我与经典有约 ——读《格林童话》有感 《格林童话》是我最喜欢的一本童话故事书.《格林童话》中有许多故事,如《白雪公主》、《傻小子学害怕》、《小红帽》……这些故事都很好看,让人回味无穷.这里面有的故事让我感动,有的让我...

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