
Retail development of banking business in terms of the commercial bank。
The commercial bank retail business is commercial bank important business field and the invisible income source. In developed country commercial bank invisible income, the retail business occupies decisive position at present. But, the commercial bank of our country retail business still is in the junior stage , develops relative lagging , there exists a lot of problem. The finance job opens our country in 2006 to the outside world completely , the competition coming from a foreign bank gradually fierce , how to accelerates the important problem developing the commercial bank retail business becoming our country commercial bank existing and developing. Therefore, study commercial bank retail business present situation and have the problem, discuss the have reality and far-reaching countermeasure general plan significance that the retail business develops. Have problem has started off in the main body of a book being developed mainly from our country commercial bank present situation sum , has answered our country commercial bank developing retail business important strategy significance, measure waits for a series of problem as well as every commercial bank competing for middle , our country in gradually fierce bank ought to adopt.



research on the development of retail banking business of commercial bank

ABSTRACT:the retail banking business of commercial bank is the important business domain and its resource of revenue.so far the retail banking business play an important role in the revenue of the developed countries's commercial banks.however,retail banking business of CHINA's commercial banks is in the initial stage,its development is relatively falling behind,also has more problems.in 2006,CHINA's financial sector has opened up completely.the competition is more and more fierce from foreign banks.how to accelerate the development of the retail banking business of commercial banking has become the serious question which CHINA's banking systems can get survial and development.

so it has realistic and far-reaching significance that research on the present situation and existing problem about the commercial banking system's retail banking business,discussion on the strategic development of retail banking business.

this lecture begins with the present situation of development of CHINA'S commercial banks and the existing problems,sovles the the most important strategic significance about CHINA's banking development.CHINA' commeicial banking systems should take measures to deal with a series of issues in the fierce banking competitin.


On the commercial banks in the development of retail banking

Commercial banks commercial banks in the retail business is an important business areas and a source of income. At present, commercial banks in developed countries, income, retail business occupies a decisive position. China's commercial banks and retail business is still in its infancy, development is lagging behind, there are many problems. China's financial industry in 2006 to completely open up, from foreign banks increasingly competitive, how to speed up the development of commercial banks in the retail business to become China's commercial banks to survive and development. Therefore, the study of commercial banks in the retail business development status and problems to explore the response of retail business development strategy with realistic and far-reaching significance. In this paper, mainly from the development of China's commercial banks in the status quo and development problems, the answer to the development of China's commercial banks retail business major strategic significance, as well as banks in the increasingly fierce competition, China's commercial banks should adopt a series of measures programs,


Abstract: With the continuous development of China's economy in recent years, the market increasingly competitive. To the intense competition in the market place, each firm must strictly control their own costs. For enterprises, cost control, not just a financial concept, it is a strategic concept. For enterprises, the procurement cost of the general account for 50% of business costs. Procurement cost control in the enterprise study, first of all to make people understand the importance of procurement costs, followed by the status of procurement costs in China were analyzed, the last big Shao enterprise procurement cost control, the main channels and other aspects of the case study.
Through different methods, different angles, will be doing business purchasing cost control more complete. Truly enterprise procurement cost control all aspects of the implementation of the enterprise.
Key words: Purchasing; cost; control

In the modern in power system, electric power equipment numerous, and various components operation complex, it is easy to appear all sorts of forms of electrical fault, so the relay protection measures must be taken to make the system more stable operation. This paper is to 110 KV power grid to relay protection research and design. This paper according to the characteristics of the power grid the generator, transformer parameters and the setting calculation, through the calculation results confirmed the CT/PT models. Meanwhile, in the paper, the possible all forms of short-circuit current for a detailed calculation. According to this short circuit current parameters, the design adopted phase spacing protection and zero sequence current protection two kind of relay protection measure.But because of the relay protection device may be because of its own defects misoperation, so in this design has also used the automatic reclosing technology, through the automatic reclosing device can reduce this error action as much as possible, so that the whole power system can be more stable operation.希望里边的句子能对你有帮助,可以自己修改下,我也是找人帮你翻译的,望采纳!!

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