
His favorite and Christine meet for the first time that a section. All of a sudden passionate music, electronic musical instruments unique to the strong, from a room full of roses, candlelight through the corridor, through the quiet water of the lake, beautiful christine finally came to the Opera's paradise or hell. Gorgeous dark and bright candlelight ......

After reading deeply into the plot, as a modern look at love in the 19th century, is not only a love for the people's attitude and we are curious, and the culture of that era also touches our hearts. I think "The Phantom of the Opera" is the two centuries between the bridge, which is not only a love connection, is also a kind of spiritual longing

His favorite and Christine meet for the first time that a section. All of a sudden passionate music, electronic musical instruments unique to the strong, from a room full of roses, candlelight through the corridor, through the quiet water of the lake, beautiful christine finally came to the Opera's paradise or hell. Gorgeous dark and bright candlelight ......

After reading deeply into the plot, as a modern look at love in the 19th century, is not only a love for the people's attitude and we are curious, and the culture of that era also touches our hearts. I think "The Phantom of the Opera" is the two centuries between the bridge, which is not only a love connection, is also a kind of spiritual longing

谁帮我用英语翻译一下下面这段话 十分感谢~

If 2012 is not the end of the world,what will I be like in my age of 30?

Here my career comes first.I think I will work in a famous IT company, and these are some introductions of the company.This is my office,and my career should go very smoothly.

When it talks about my life,I will have my own house and car,then a good family.I wil marry a good wife,and also we will have a cute baby!

I believe my life in my age of 30 will surely be very happy!

(一) 项目申请单位应具有完善的研究、开发和设计条件,较强的创新能力和较高的研发投入;

( a ) units for the project should have the research, development and design, R & D and strong innovation ability and high input;

(二) 拥有技术水平高、精通英语、国际合作经验丰富的专业带头人;

( two ) has a high level of technology, proficient in English, international cooperation of experienced professional leader;

(三) 科研事业单位应在能源领域具有突出的专业优势,同时在国际合作中具备一定的经验和良好的纪录。

( three ) scientific research institutions should have the outstanding advantage in the field of energy, also have certain experience and a good record in international cooperation.

(四) 企业单位具有较强的技术开发、资金筹措、项目实施能力,以及较好的资信等级,资产负债率在合理范围内,项目已基本具备实施条件,项目所需配套资金已落实;

( four ) enterprises with technology development, fund raising, strong project implementation capacity, and good credit rating, the rate of assets and liabilities within a reasonable scope, the project has basically have the conditions, required for the project funds have been implemented;

(五) 企业单位应具有较强的市场和创新意识,有较强的经济技术实力、较好的经济效益和优良的市场竞争业绩,在能源行业具有显著的规模和竞争优势。

( five ) business unit should have a strong market and innovation consciousness, have good economic benefit and good market performance, strong economic and technical strength, has significant scale and competitive advantage in the energy industry.

#17090817255# 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文 ******
#柴富# 梦、你知道吗?刚才打电话给你并不是想跟你说什么,其实只是想听听你的声音就挂电话的,可是你知道是我了,连接都不接,我真的很心痛,我知道我很贱,可是我真的做不到,做不到不去想你,真的,不管怎么样,我会在这等你五年……...

#17090817255# 谁能帮我用英文翻译一下下面这段话? - ******
#柴富# Good! You have been free, later you will not need to be called my husband again, you might seek for another to belong to your love! Do obeisance! I thought that I needed to rest!”

#17090817255# 谁能用英语帮我翻译一下这段话? ******
#柴富# Soldiers, your name is loyalty, your name is responsibility! Soldiers, your name is dignified, your name is the most lovely one! The soldiers are always pursuing strength! The soldiers are dedicated pursuit forever! Soldiers are endless singing, writing...

#17090817255# 谁来帮我用英文翻译下这段话 ******
#柴富# Ago, six girls, they are the embodiment of happiness, they always smile to others, no matter what the sad thing, they would smile, the eyes of others, they always do not worry people, in fact, they there are sad things, but they are hidden, and do not ...

#17090817255# 谁能帮我翻译一下这段英文 - ******
#柴富# 亲爱的shoebuy.com的朋友 您收到这封邮件是因为当我们销售新的物品时需要通知您.如果您不希望收到这个通告,只需要按照邮件下方的说明来操作

#17090817255# 谁能帮我翻译一下这段英文 - ******
#柴富# 你是我生命的奇迹.你是我生命中的美好回忆.你是我心中的伤疤.

#17090817255# 谁能帮我翻译一下? - ******
#柴富# 1.你不是凶手,而是一个天使2.他拥有一种比金钱,恐怖,死亡更强大的力量,一种无法抗拒的力量赢得全人类的爱戴.

#17090817255# 谁能帮我翻译一下这句话(非机器翻译) - ******
#柴富# 19世纪,正当Steeplechase里机械化的骑物(摩多车)超越了正流行赛马的康尼岛,水族馆是一个超现实的海洋,请游客参与和学习.

#17090817255# 谁能帮我翻译一下这段话? ******
#柴富# ,dont' make your angel cry.becausenot everyone has his own angel. 也可以是 Do not let the angel beside you crying, Because Not everyone have their own angel!

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  • 帮帮忙,帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文,非常感谢。
  • 答:根据我们经常写邮件用的语气帮您写了一下,不知道是否合要求,请参考!Sorry for bring you brouble!I know the contract were issued in January with the ETD in April. However, we meet difficulties in supply chain. Our raw material supplier delayed the supply which caused many of our ...

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  • 答:Conceptural and technological changes have taken place in economics, politics, military, science, education, service, etc., profoundly influencing human society and development. The computer is one the fields developed countries are competing for today. In information age, computers have ...

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  • 答:Sitting on it。Jess was so helpful that his destiny was on his own hands,and it was the time for him to change it。The boy was full of confidence,the same time ,the train began slowly to Los Santos...有什么错误或者不对的望提出,并非专业翻译,对于错误请见谅~~...

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  • 答:two big eyes and a small mouth .My hair is very long.My favourite color is blue and pink.I like eating fruits,such as bananas,pineapples and peaches. I also like running,skiing,singing and climbing mountains .I hope you can support me.Thank you!参考资料:希望能帮助你 ...

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