
41/ Little does he know what has happened.Neither do I.
If he had not been hurt that much,he'd never resign from office.
A 1000 kilometer railway will be available as a major thoroughfare for this area.
We have revised the project in light of the recent devdlopments.
根据最近的发展, 我们已经修订了计划。
"Green-eyed" can be used to describe someone who is jealous.
They have cooperated so well that they decide to renew their agreement for another five years.
Please give our best regards to your family.
The ultimate objective of this adult education project is to exploit the employees’ potential to the full.
Although this disease is incurable at present, they keep expecting miracles.
Open-mining has made a mess of the natural scenery.

51/ He quoted two sentences from the National Constitution to support his idea.
The missing bird muat have escaped from the hole in the cage.
Those players are selected from all the provincial teams, on whose shoulders rests Chinese people's great expectation.
My granny is a witness of all the changes. She has been living here for nearly a century.
There are none so deaf as those who will not hear.
Without water none of living things could exist.
The procedure to follow is written step by step in the manual.
These young pines require watering twice a week.
Our recreation club needs more sports equipment.
It's time that we took proper measures to protect the environment.

61/East, west, home is best. I’ll never leave my homeland for good.
Do you agree to the old saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder?

People's subconscious movements often reveal their true feelings, whatever they may say.
"Will you join us?""Yes,I'd love to."
Time permitting, we’ll have a farewell party for him.
The sun setting, the campers began to light the bonfire.
Don't worry. She will grow out of her childish behavior.
Was that a proper topic to talk about on such a formal occasion?
While playing chess, the two players usually sit opposite each other.
Tortoises are more sensitive to green color,and they always make for the tag with various shades of green.

DF = Drive Frame?AF = Armor Frame?

机甲的手臂部比较特殊,遵循与苹果核战记EX里面的Landmate相同的大体规划。一对动力手和一对操作手。但不像Landmate,AF可以使用动力手操作武器(个人觉得比较像Ghost in the Shell里的陆军思考战车,一对大手操作武器和发力,一对正常尺寸手做精度操作)。这是因为AF的驾驶员通过脑-机界面直接连接到机甲上,以此协助完成过于复杂的任务。武器和其他战术装备可挂在AF背后的左/右挂载点(硬点)上,但会严重限制机动性和速度,除非是一把武器,且此武器是唯一的军备,则对速度和机动性没有影响。在机甲肩部也有挂载点,用以安装防御性设备,如闪光弹(个人觉得此处是指反制装置,反红外追踪导弹用的那种,不知道有否确切翻译),反飞弹激光装置和支援性的飞弹。火炮在挂载点上的安装十分受限,一般作防御性使用,许多驾驶员并不带反制装置以避免增加载荷,但这也是可选项之一。

我在淘宝上有翻译的链接,我的email :swoc@163.com

41.他几乎不知道发生了什么. 我也是.
如果他没受到那么深的伤害, 他也不会辞去办公室的职务.
一条1000 公里的铁路作为一个主要通途,对于这个区域将是很有用的.
"green eyed" 是用来描述那些嫉妒心强的人的.


Do you agree to the old saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder?



The painting is highly infectious and visual uncertainty, is the author's own emotions embodied Schema venting Reduction of things to the face and a perfect sense of the author's imagination. while painting the layout of the depth, size, Ji Xu, such as alternating rhythm changes in the role of the physiological, psychological, People can have different feelings or emotional reaction; This unique and complex rhythmic regularity as people need in their daily life with regularity, cyclical changes in the rhythm of cultural activities or works of art to alleviate the swap physical, mental fatigue and tension, cluttered, and monotone. painting is evident in a colorful rhythm effect gives people a sense of pleasure. 因此绘画艺术中的节奏美就成为了有研究价值的问题。Thus the art of painting on pace to become a U.S. research value. 研究这个问题可以让我们更清晰地了解绘画艺术对人们生活的影响,了解节奏作用于绘画会来的效果、体现的美。Study the issue so that we can more clearly understand the art of painting on people's lives, understand the role of rhythm in the painting will come to the effect embodied in the U.S.. 现在对于绘画艺术的审美,特别是对于绘画中节奏的研究比较片面,相对单一。Now for the art of painting aesthetic, in particular for painting the rhythm of one-sided, a single relative. 就算提到了绘画的节奏也没有跟多的进行深入。Even referred to the rhythm of the painting with no more depth. 特别是现在的一些艺术评论家在评论一些绘画作品的时候对于绘画中的节奏之字未提,而更多的是从其表现的文化内涵与意境等方面来进行评论,虽然绘画所表现的文化内涵与意境可以对绘画的深度进行诠释,但是我认为绘画是视觉的艺术,所以一幅绘画作品首先要抓住的是我们的眼球,只有先抓住了我们的眼球才能让我们停下来细细品位其中的内涵。Especially now that the art critic in some paintings comment on the painting for the Rhythm word was mentioned. it is more performance from the cultural connotation and moods etc. to comment, Although the performance by painting the cultural connotation and conception of painting can interpret the depth, But I think the painting is the visual arts, a painting works were first to seize our attention, Only through our grasp of the eyeball can let us pause for a fine grade of the content. 所以在对于现在绘画的审美中,对画面节奏的审美是至关重要的。So for now the aesthetic painting, the picture of the aesthetic rhythm is essential.

昨晚很是烦恼,一夜没睡。苍天大地啊,怎么不开眼啊。这样的心情啥时才是个结束啊。穷人的日子怎么就这么难啊。 加入某一天世道变好,就可以贫苦人儿把身翻了。但愿菩萨开开眼,看见这一切,让我了却了这个心愿,从此流芳百世。

#15114968808# 高分求翻译. ******
#齐和# No matter which world you are in, whether there are snowflakes flying in the sky, or there is no sunlight all day and night, if only you're there, I'm with you all the time. (翻译得很押韵吧……^_^)

#15114968808# 高分求英文翻译(1) - ******
#齐和# Notes: 注意: * Tick (√) where appropriate *合适的地方勾(√) ** Delete where appropriate **合适的地方划掉(删除) APPLICATION FOR A* VISIT PASS VISA & VISIT PASS ENTRY VISA 访问通行签证 访问通行入境签证 申请 PART I – ...

#15114968808# 高分求翻译,请速度....200分~~翻译的好附加50分,还有不要拿机器翻译,哥不是文盲~~~ - ******
#齐和# 雅思双语幼儿园(YARSY BILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN)是一所位于广州市海珠区东晓南路锦绣星城小区里面的配套幼儿园,园区附近设有地铁站,公交车站,交通便利.The YARSY Bilingual Kindergarten is a supporting kindergarten located ...

#15114968808# 高分求文言文翻译 ******
#齐和# 1、所以,乡长们回去以后,都修养品德,推荐贤才,桓公亲自接见被推举的人,授他们以官职. 2、所以大家都不敢只图一时的便宜,都有一年的计划. 3、各自治理好所管辖的地方,不要有人放荡怠慢而不服从治理!

#15114968808# 高分悬赏翻译,求英语高手 - ******
#齐和# 你好,为你的翻译如下:1.Satisfaction is the standard.2.standard.3.Statutory High-efficience4.High-efficience5.Warmth in stricture6.warmth7.Moving is the goal8.goal9.Providing service with permanent standard10.start a high-efficient work journey...

#15114968808# 高分求翻译(文言文)、牛人来! ******
#齐和# 古代的成功和失败的人,都是有所才能的,表面上看上去很弱其实很强,(虽然失败成就也是轰轰烈烈的)如果不是他们(那些干过大事的人),看起来很强其实很弱.

#15114968808# 高分求英语翻译 - ******
#齐和# “忠于职守 敬业爱岗 精益求精 干一行 爱一行 钻一行 精一行” Be loyal to your duty, love your work and station, keep on improving, and when you take a job, love it, burrow into it, master it.

#15114968808# 谁帮忙翻译一片短文!!!!高分求. - ******
#齐和# 你好,翻译如下:I am a senior stuff that worked in Huangshan Mountain for over a decade,and I myself witnessed the growth and development of Huangshan Mountain tourism.As...

#15114968808# 高分求翻译,特急! ******
#齐和# 将来的任何时候我们都将进行全额、有效的赔偿,并且会让代理人、任意一位董事或是官员都免受任何形式的的上诉,诉讼,索赔,或是任何性质的询问.以上的法律程序可能会由于其作为上述公司的公司秘书或是由在公司秘书处任职的代理人所造成的违反香港法律的行为、契据、问题成为既成事实或是被忽略而直接或是间接的对代理人、董事或是官员造成不利,将会由其支付所有的债务,成本和费用,这可能会使得代理人以及董事或是官员因此而负上责任,并招致相应的上诉、诉讼、索赔、询问. 真专业啊,翻得一般,不过是自己翻译的,希望能帮到你

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