
@蒯顾15977744200 中文翻译英文
******3855饶显 英语:天堂:heaven;paradise;bana地狱:hell;inferno;Gehenna 日语:天堂:天国地狱:地狱;ヘル(Heru) 韩语:天堂:하늘(拉丁发音:haneul)地狱:지옥(jiog)

@蒯顾15977744200 英语翻译中文 中文翻译英文
******3855饶显 1. Smoking is harmful to health (affect) 2. He has to keep fit (health) 3. Bronchitis city a smoking-related diseases (smoking related) - 4. Shenzhen has developed into a modern industrial city (industrial) develop into,

@蒯顾15977744200 中文翻译英文
******3855饶显 你如果不介意的话,可以叫我做杀人者,也可以说小丑! If you don't mind, you may call me a killer or simply a clown!

@蒯顾15977744200 中文翻译英文
******3855饶显 My instincts are usually very accurate. My gut feelings are usually right on. 两个都可以.第一个比较正式,第二个比较随便.

@蒯顾15977744200 中文翻译英语,英文翻译中文?
******3855饶显 It is going to rain.That means I can have a good rest. 要下雨了,这意味着我可以好好休息一下. 天太旱了,明天我们第一件事就是去浇一浇卷心菜. The weather is too drought, the first thing we will do tomorrow is to water the cabbages.

@蒯顾15977744200 英文翻译中文
******3855饶显 Here is my family photo, the highest that is my father, a little fat is my mother. The left that is my brother. I DouYun no.6 middle school in learning. I usually go to school on foot, sometimes take the bus. Because my home is not far from school.

@蒯顾15977744200 英语翻译中文
******3855饶显 【纯属人工翻译,绝非翻译器.】 琼斯先生对他的妻子感到很生气,他的妻子也(对他)很生气.他们俩三天没有讲过一句话.有一天晚上琼斯先生非常累,所以他早早就上床睡觉了.他没有对他的妻子说任何东西.当琼斯太太去睡觉时,她发现在床边的小桌子上有个小纸片,上面写着“七点叫我起床”,当琼斯先生第二天早上起来时,已经接近八点了.在那个小桌子上放着一个小纸片,上面写着“起床!现在七点了.” 貌似是一个笑话啊这个…… 希望能帮助到你,如果满意的话,请采纳,谢谢!

@蒯顾15977744200 有没有(中文翻译成英文)英语外号名的翻译器啊? -
******3855饶显 这个其实也是有些为难翻译器了,比如你之前说的bronzebeard中bronze严格意义是古铜色而不是仅仅指代“铜”的意思,这样的英译事实上是具有感情色彩在里面的,只要你...

@蒯顾15977744200 中英文在线翻译 -
******3855饶显 The full text divides five parts, the first part unifies 1980-2005 year Gini's coefficient and the city and countryside income ratio data, describes our country city and countryside...

@蒯顾15977744200 中文翻译成英文 英文翻译成中文
******3855饶显 文化差异 cultural difference 饮食 diet 语言与文化的差异 difference of language and culture Social responsibility 社会责任 Tolerance 宽容/公差 Creativity 创造力
