
@子韩18627431652 五年级英语小短文 -
******4957爱衫 Weekend 第一篇 Today is Friday. I went back to my former school. When I saw so many old friends, I was very happy. In the classroom, I saw a new student, her name is Zhang Qingxin. I found she was very happy in the school! I want to see them as ...

@子韩18627431652 pep版小学五年级上册英语第一课的课文.要求是文章或课文(打字下来在这的.)我要用,帮个忙呗. -
******4957爱衫[答案] A部分: LET'S TALK. Amy:Who's your math teacher? Chen:Mr Zhao. Amy:What's he like? Chen:He's thin and short,He's very... Zhang:A science teacher,an art teacher and an English teacher. Tim:Who's your English teacher? Zhang:Mr Carter.He's from ...

@子韩18627431652 小学五年级上册PEP版重点英语单词 -
******4957爱衫[答案] PEP五年级上册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1 Young (年轻的) funny (滑稽可笑的) tall (高的) strong (强壮的) kind (和蔼的、亲切的) old (年老的) short (矮的)thin (瘦的) Mr (先生) like (像、喜欢...

@子韩18627431652 谁有五年级上册英语U5~U6星号黑体词重点局给我发发,只要星号词和黑体词其他词不用.
******4957爱衫 五年级上册 Unit5 星号: curtain, trash bin, closet, mirror, end table, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, in, on, under, near, behind, clothes 黑体: air-conditioner, over, in front of Unit6 星号: river, flower, grass, lake, forest, path, park, picture,...

@子韩18627431652 求小学五年级上册英语单词表与句子 -
******4957爱衫 unit 1 ☆ : young funny tall strong king old short thin who's=who is Mr what;s=what is like he's=he is strict smart activer quiet she's=she is very but 黑体:principal university student 句子:Who's your English teacher? Mr Carter. What's he like? He's ...

@子韩18627431652 五年级上册英语课文翻译. -
******4957爱衫 Dear Daming, Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy.We met John in the park.He's Sam and Amy's friend.We bought ice creams.Then we went home by bus.I ran to the bus.But I dropped my ice cream! Love, Lingling亲爱的大明, 昨天我和萨姆以及艾米去了公园.我们在那儿碰到了约翰.他是萨姆和艾米的朋友.我们买了些冰淇淋.然后我就坐公车回家了.我向公车跑去,但是我把冰淇淋弄掉了. 爱你的, 玲玲.

@子韩18627431652 五年级英语上册的单词表.注意:要人教版的单词! -
******4957爱衫[答案] robot n.机器人good adj.好的friend n.朋友head n.头face n.脸nose n.鼻子can v aux.能,能够ear n.耳朵hear vt.& vi.听,听见mouth n.嘴work n.& vt.& vi.工作leg n.腿walk n.& v.走路,步行excuse n.& vt.原谅excuse ...

@子韩18627431652 五年级上册英语人教版重点句型快 -
******4957爱衫[答案] 1.Who's your math teacher Mr Chen./ Miss Li . 2.What's he like / What's your new Chinese teacher like He's tall and ... 6.What do you have on Mondays I / We have math,music,science and English on Mondays. 7.What do you do on Saturdays I ...

@子韩18627431652 小学英语五年级上册第2单元测试题及答案 -
******4957爱衫[答案] 小学英语五年级上册第2单元测试题1词汇(英汉互译). 看电视_watch TV2.在星期六早上_____________________3.做作业______________4.读书__________5.上科学课 _______...

@子韩18627431652 苏教版小学5年级上册英语(^ - ^ 答对的送财富值哦!) 急~急~急!☆=难 ★=非常难☆1.找错写在左边括号里,并在右边括号里改正. ( ) Who are they? ... -
******4957爱衫[答案] 1.( who are they?) Who are they?They are drivers.( what do they do?) 后面的回答他们是司机,应该问的是职业,所以应该改为what do they do? 2.横线依次填Is,in,first floor,isn't.
