
@曹垂18255731013 学习英语的心得体会 -
******5077皇勇 This term I learned a lot ,and I have some problems I fell nervous when facing this language and I did bad in listening .I can not imprive my oral English and I find it difficult to communicate with my classmates in English . About it I thought a lot .Firstly ...

@曹垂18255731013 会计英语,请问哪本书比较好,从比较基础的开始就好,还希望可以有和书配套的音频 -
******5077皇勇 我也是会计专业的,我们有专业外语这门课...上课的教材是一本特别厚的英文书 好像叫 企业决策 财务会计分册 没有全学,基本上就是把会计学基础用英文写了一遍...

@曹垂18255731013 英语400字作文:怎样把会计英语运用到学习生活中 -
******5077皇勇 Accounting, one of the most important parts in administrative of economy is improving with the development of society and the need of management. 会计学作为经济管理的重要组成部分,是适应社会进步和管理的需要而不断完善的. During the ...

@曹垂18255731013 急急!!求关于会计的英文作文!! -
******5077皇勇 Accounting: The Language of BusinessAccounting has been called the language of business. Throughout our early education we learned the vocabulary and other basic elements of the English language, or another language, so that we would be ...

@曹垂18255731013 跪求一篇关于会计的英语作文(300字)要包括以下几个方面:1、The development of accounting( 会计发展史 ,包括 感悟 ) 2、Accounting principles( ... -
******5077皇勇[答案] 等着我、等我写好了给你 /阴险

@曹垂18255731013 求3篇会计英文文章,字数都400字左右,急求! -
******5077皇勇 Traditionally, language plays a very important role in the life of people and in interpersonal relations. At the same time, language is not a mere means of communication. Instead, it is a complex system, which influences substantially culture, an ...

@曹垂18255731013 学习会计英语到底有什么用途?学习会计英语到底有什么用途?
******5077皇勇 英语是世界通用语, 学好它也不是没有用处啊, 将来中国是一个国际化大都市, 学好英语是必要的,况且今年的北京奥运会,会有很多来自世界各地的人. 说英语的占有很大一比例, 用英语和他们对话 ,可以为中国争一口气啊! 我们能学好他们的语言 ,而他们却不会我们的汉语啊 .汉语是世界上最难学的语言 ,也同时报复他们为什么要成为世界通用语让我们学习 ,不过英语不好就把人否决了也太过分了吧 一个人的人格才是最重要的 .

@曹垂18255731013 我需要一篇会计英语的文章和翻译,谢谢了
******5077皇勇 Accountancy's internationalization mean international last public accountancy's principle and method , with the processing and report native Economic business, in fact the quality is the internationalization of accountancy's standard .A nation for the...

@曹垂18255731013 怎样才能把会计英语学好
******5077皇勇 会计英语跟一般的英语没有多大区别,只是多了一些专业术语,如Cr,Dr等 要学好英语,我告诉你秘诀,也许你觉得这秘诀太老土,但它绝对有效!绝对能够救你于水深火热之中!那就是:把单词放在对话里背!对话本身贴近生活容易背,而且背对话可以培养语感,又可以增加词汇量,又可以提高听力、口语、写作等,一举N得!本人的经验之谈啊!不妨一试啊!!! 平时有空要多点和自己用英语对话哦!!!

@曹垂18255731013 求一篇关于会计的英语作文
******5077皇勇 这篇太长了,我分两次吧 What is the accounting? For many years the popular saying, accounting is accounting, scores and accounting. Ancient China "accounting" arising out of the Western Zhou Dynasty, mainly referring to the activities of the ...
