
@姓滕14798979326 画线提问英语题 -
******6780乔版 what

@姓滕14798979326 英语里对划线部分提问怎么写 -
******6780乔版 一、针对划线部分提问的有: 对划线部分提问一般用特殊疑问句 划线部分为时间,用when 划线部分为地点,用where 划线部分为原因,用why 划线部分为物品,用what 划线部分为感受或方法,用how 划线部分为持续的时间,用how long 划线部...

@姓滕14798979326 跪求初中英语句型转换练习题.尤其是对划线部分提问的题!! -
******6780乔版 五、对划线部分提问 17. Jim will return in two weeks.will Jim return? 18. Mrs. Read didn't sleep well last n...

@姓滕14798979326 小学英语对划线部分进行提问,举例子,如有满意答案必有重谢. -
******6780乔版 你好!关于对划线部分提问,首先,你得把原文翻译成汉语,即理解句意.然后再根据相应的部分进行提问.例如:① My pen is red. (对颜色red提问)What color is your pen?② He is a teacher. (对职业a teacher提问)What is he? / What'...

@姓滕14798979326 特殊疑问句画线问三步走 -
******6780乔版[答案] 第一步:把句子变成一般疑问句; 第二步:用特殊疑问词替换划线部分; 第三步:把特殊疑问词提到句首. 如果划线部分是主语,一步到位:用特殊疑问词替换划线部分就行了. 例子:(提问括号部分) He is doing (his homework). 一:Is he doing ...

@姓滕14798979326 初中英语简单划线提问 -
******6780乔版 可以省略回答: About 20 meters. (about 表大概,可以去掉) About 20 minutes by bike 全部回答是: He lived (about )20 meters away from school. (away 能去掉,away from用作 表语或状语时可以省略away, 这里作状语) 如:It is 20 meters (...

@姓滕14798979326 就划线部分提问 -
******6780乔版 who studies English hardwhat does he study hardwhat does he studywho met each other at the gate of our schoolwhat did they do at the gate of our schoolwhat is liming going to dowho is l...

@姓滕14798979326 英语中划线部分提问的提问此有哪些 -
******6780乔版 对时间提问:when.对物品提问:what,对人提问:who,对地点:where,对事物,which等等

@姓滕14798979326 对划线部分提问 -
******6780乔版 1.where is his baseball? 2.where aer those chair? 3.who is your mother 4.whose back...

@姓滕14798979326 对划线部分提问 -
******6780乔版 一:who toook any photos at the Sports day?二:What did Su Hai take at the Sports day?三:Where did Su Hai take any photos?some 用于肯定句中,在否定句或疑问句中要用any代之 有了助动词did后,动词要用原形take!
