
@胡行19542894167 纯英语 感谢老师 -
******505有饺 1.I'm not that kind of student who good at English and learn very quickly.I can't say that I love English more than other subjects.Even I can say English is a headache for me in the passed days.我不是那种学习英语有天赋的学习很快的学生.我也不能...

@胡行19542894167 对英语培训老师的赞美
******505有饺 老师——是人类灵魂的工程师,她们哺育了一棵又一棵稚嫩的幼苗,培养了一批又一批出色的人才.在她们那精心呵护之下,我们健康活泼的成长.下面是关于赞美英语老...

@胡行19542894167 怎么用英语写一篇感谢英语老师的信 -
******505有饺 Dear teacher Hola!I still remember th first day I met you.I am so surprised because I don't think you're a teacher.But the truth is you're. I'm not judging you and your taste but I wonder when you're working have you ever bring your brain? you're such a ...

@胡行19542894167 写给英语老师的感谢信 -
******505有饺 Dear English teacher, I thank you very much . You teach me very well.At first I don't like English and my English is not very well.You often help me study it.You ask me study it hard and I make great progress in English.But now You have left from us.I am...

@胡行19542894167 教师节了想写一些感谢老师的话并把其翻译成英语 -
******505有饺 老师,您辛苦了!您让我知道“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” ! 翻译:The teacher, you have worked hard! You let me know “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” !桃李满天下,恩情似海深,祝老师身体健康! 翻译:Have, love...

@胡行19542894167 我非常感谢我的英语老师这句话怎么读 -
******505有饺[答案] I am very thankful to my English teacher. 我非常感谢我的英语老师

@胡行19542894167 家长给英语老师的感谢语 -
******505有饺 家长感谢老师的话1、我们要感谢老师给了我们知识.感谢老师对我们的精心培养,让我们认识了许多美好的事物.2、春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干.老师,你辛苦了!感谢您的孩子的培育和关怀!3、老师,我这孩子真是太辛苦你,麻烦...

@胡行19542894167 致英语老师的培训
******505有饺 随着感恩思想的积极提倡,用到感谢信的地方越来越多,作为对他人的感谢,感谢信是必不可少的.千万不能认为感谢信随便应付就可以,以下是我为大家收集的给老师感...

@胡行19542894167 感谢老师的话,英文中文都要

@胡行19542894167 用英文来感谢我们的英语老师 -
******505有饺 Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Thank you, Thank you.谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你谢谢你,谢谢你. The tree stands tall in our school yard. It gives us much shade while we grow and play in the school. Even after school is over and we have ...
