
@养利15680291551 以生活中我的班级为题的英语作文有中文意思(100~120个词) -
******6231栾昌 In mine class and grade, has the sincere friendship, has clear showing loving concern, has the guidance earnestly ......I love my class, because that is “the paradise which loves”. in here, not only has our common friendship, but also has our ...

@养利15680291551 我爱我班作文 -
******6231栾昌 我爱我班,因为我是其中的一员,这里有优秀的老师和可爱的同学,我们是相亲相爱的一家人!永远温暖的家 学校是我们进入的第一个小社会,班级是我们的第二个家.我爱我的“家”,老师,同学和我. 家是温暖的代名词,家是风雨中可以...

@养利15680291551 求关于我爱我班的资料!!! -
******6231栾昌 我爱我班,因为她给我带来了数不清的美好回忆.是她,陪我学习,伴我成长.她就像一个温暖的家. 每天早上,鸟儿飞向蓝天,我们走向教室学习知识,教室就是我们的蓝天,是我们自由翱翔的空间,我爱她! 我们班是一个大家庭.同学们...

@养利15680291551 英语作文 我与班级 -
******6231栾昌 my class and I My class is very active,and all the students unite as one man .We all study very hard ,also very clever.After class ,we like to play.We like to enjoy the life ,and the sky .I think my class is the best one! There are 50 students in my class. 26 ...

@养利15680291551 我爱我班 英语诗歌
******6231栾昌 hotel california cassablanca say you say me Unchaned melody dont' cry for me Argentina Scarborough Fair Sealed With A Kiss I believe i can fly l Always Love You bressanon Take My Breath Away If you go away Stand by your man When I need ...

@养利15680291551 我的班级英语作文和翻译100字 -
******6231栾昌[答案] My Class 我的班级 I am twelve years old and I am a student of Grade six.There are forty-five students in my class. Twenty-one... 墙上有六扇窗.班里有38名学生.我的语文老师是顾老师.英语老师是冯老师,数学老师是李老师.我非常喜欢我们班.欢...

@养利15680291551 我爱我的学校英语作文
******6231栾昌 题目:I love my schoolMy school is in the east of zouping.There are some modern buildings in my school.It was built in 2006.There are a lot of trees and flowers around it.The school looks like a big garden.More than 2000 students are studying in my...

@养利15680291551 英语作文我爱学校 -
******6231栾昌 I Love My SchoolI am studying in a middle school now, my school is near my home. I love my school, I can learn a lot in my school. The teachers teach me knowledge about math, Chinese and others things about life, these are important to me, I ...

@养利15680291551 我是职教学生 以我爱我的学校为题的80字 位于城市中心 50多个班级 英语作文 -
******6231栾昌 I like my school) I have a beautiful school.In the spring,the weather become warmer and the trees become birds are singing on the flowers are butterflies are fly over the flowers.In the fall,the weather is leaves of trees like butterflies are in the sky. What a beautiful school is!I like my school.

@养利15680291551 我的班级 英语作文 带翻译我的班级里有顽皮的同学,也有可爱的同学,还有善解人意的老师.我真想一直在这个班里. 请帮我翻译成英文 .急 -
******6231栾昌[答案] 我的班级是一个竟争、信任、友好的班级.它是一个团结的大家庭,在个这个大家庭中有着?个可爱的孩子.有淘气的、有文静的、有聪明的、有好动的,每个人都有可爱的一面.每个人都有童话般美丽的梦想.我们的梦想可远大了,有的想当医生、开飞...
