
@哈甄17518637672 机场广播翻译 -
******1650从力 你好!Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?Passengers of flight AA7951 from Los Angeles to Shanghai will start borading at 10:30AM. Thank you!仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢.

@哈甄17518637672 机场广播的英语播报 -
******1650从力 前往____ ①的旅客请注意:您乘坐的____②次航班现在开始登机.请带好您的随身物品,出示登机牌,由____④号登机口上飞机.〔祝您旅途愉快.〕谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please:flight____②to____ ① is ...

@哈甄17518637672 飞机大概晚点多长时间英文怎么说 -
******1650从力 飞机大概晚点多长时间 How long will the plane take飞机大概晚点多长时间 How long will the plane take

@哈甄17518637672 由于天气恶劣,今天所以去纽约的航班都延误了请翻译成英语 -
******1650从力[答案] All fights to New York are delayed due to poor weather. All flights to New York are delayed because of the bad weather. All flights to New York are delayed owing to the bad weather. 还有这些都可以的:as a result of; due to; in virtue of; because of;

@哈甄17518637672 请问谁有飞机航班播音的语音呢,中午与英文的 -
******1650从力 飞机即将起飞,请乘客们记好安全带,请勿在走道内走动.并将手机,无线上网的电脑关机或关闭网络信号.对于雷雨天气造成的延误我们深表歉意,祝大家飞行旅途愉快! Passengers attention please! The flight 9876 from Istanbul to Shanghai is delayed to 17:30. Thank you for your cooperation.(or Thank you.)

@哈甄17518637672 国外飞机场广播员怎么播报,用英语来举个例子 -
******1650从力 1) Your attention please. The flight BA 2345 is ready for boarding. Passengers please go to the Gate 207 for your boarding.2) Your attention please. The passenger Mr David Beckham, your flight BA 2345 will take off in 10 minutes. Please go on ...

@哈甄17518637672 航班误点怎么播报 -
******1650从力 一般航班五点机场广播里面的播音员会用规定的通知通报:“尊敬的各位旅客,我们非常抱歉得告诉您,您乘坐的飞往**的**航班,由于...,不能按时登机....请等候通知...”航班延误是指航班降落时间比计划降落时间(航班时刻表上的时间)延迟30分钟以上或航班取消的情况. 民航总局出台《航班延误赔偿指导意见》督促航空公司改进服务,减少航班延误.

@哈甄17518637672 由于糟糕的天气航班晚点了的英语 -
******1650从力 our flight is undergoing a serious delay due to the weather

@哈甄17518637672 机场英语广播 -
******1650从力 All passengers, Flight HYLL5118 from Sydney to Beijing is getting ready to take off in one hour. Those who haven't got the boarding passes or haven't checked their luggages please hurry up and do so. We thank you for your cooperation.

@哈甄17518637672 用 英文怎么说,航班延迟到6月20号可以吗 -
******1650从力 航班延迟到6月20号可以吗? Will the flight be delayed until June 20th? delay 英 [dɪˈleɪ] 美 [dɪˈle] n. 耽搁;延迟,拖延;被耽搁或推迟的时间 vt. 耽搁;延期,推迟 vi. 延缓,延期 第三人称单数: delays 现在分词: delaying 过去式: delayed 过去分词: delayed 形近词: allay unlay adlay relay belay
