
@隗陶18299333031 他坚持认为他所做的是正确的用英语怎么说 -
******6483冀刻[答案] He insisted that what he had done was right. He insists that what he has done is right. 注意时态的呼应.

@隗陶18299333031 并且改正成正确的英语怎么说 -
******6483冀刻 并且改正成正确 And correct it to the right 重点词汇改正correction; correct; amend; put right; cure正确correct; right; proper; exactness; exactitude

@隗陶18299333031 我相信我的选择是正确的用英语怎么说 -
******6483冀刻 I believe that my choice is correct.I believe that I have made a correct choice.

@隗陶18299333031 也许你是正确的用英语怎么说
******6483冀刻 Perhaps you are correct. 或Maybe you are right.

@隗陶18299333031 用英语讲“完全正确”怎么说回答别人问题的时候说 完全正确 有一个词类似这样拼的exelent /'eksilent/ 具体怎么写来着? -
******6483冀刻[答案] 完全正确:exactly excellent 意思是极好的 非常棒的~

@隗陶18299333031 好好学习,天天向上!这句话用正确的英文怎么翻译? -
******6483冀刻 Study well and make progress every day! 语句是从iciba句库找到的,金山词霸的附属网站. 如果以后有什么句子翻译,可以进这个网站: http://dj.iciba.com/

@隗陶18299333031 很难下结论哪个观点是正确的.用英语怎么说 -
******6483冀刻 【同位语从句】 It is hard to draw conclusion that which viewpoint is correct.It is hard to make a conclusion that which opinion is right.【宾语从句】 It is hard to conclude which viewpoint is correct. It is hard to pin down which viewpoint is correct.

@隗陶18299333031 这句英文要怎么说才是正确的.
******6483冀刻 I must be plain with you. 我必须坦白地对你说.

@隗陶18299333031 在错误的时间错误的地点遇到了正确的你用英语怎么说 -
******6483冀刻 I meet you names Mr.right, but in the worng place and the time.

@隗陶18299333031 “这是正确的答案" 用英语怎么说
******6483冀刻 This is the right answer. 或 This is the correct answer.
