
@干媛13668367991 翻译英文短语
******6957鄂绿 1 brush the teeth 3 turn off 4 look around 9 nod to sb 11 clean up 11 shake hand 12take sb to sp18 at first 19remember not to do sth 只知道这么多

@干媛13668367991 用英文句子表示''她总能把地面打扫得很干净”. -
******6957鄂绿 她总能把地面打扫得很干净 She can always get the ground very clean

@干媛13668367991 干净 整洁用英语怎么说 -
******6957鄂绿 Clean and tidy. 读音:英 [kliːn ənd ˈtaɪdi] 短语 clean n and tidy 干净整洁的 Wear clean and tidy 穿的整洁 ; 穿戴整洁 例句: We like our language lab and always keep it clean and tidy. 我们很喜欢这个语音室,并且总是保持它的干净整洁...

@干媛13668367991 英语句子英汉互译1.我不知道该给她买什么礼物2.他们全家今年冬天想去南方的某个地方渡假3.闹钟能用来叫醒人们.4.你离开时别忘了关灯.5.请在午饭后将客... -
******6957鄂绿[答案] 1.I don't know which gift i should buy to her 2.His whole family want to have a vacation in some place of south 3.Alarm clock can wake people up 4.Don't forget to turn off the light when you leave 5.Please clean the living room after lunch 6.It's very important...

@干媛13668367991 英语翻译以下句子 请帮我翻成尽量简单的英文句子!不要翻译软体Peg 居住在色调明丽的小社区 ,,色彩斑斓的房子,每栋房子都有精致干净的庭院社区里... -
******6957鄂绿[答案] Peg 居住在色调明丽的小社区 ,,色彩斑斓的房子,每栋房子都有精致干净的庭院社区里都是各种颜色的独栋房子Peg is living in a small bright hue community.It has many colourful houses,and every house has a delic...

@干媛13668367991 几个英语句子翻译1.街道的附近是一所带着有趣花园的超市.2.我想我会在这儿过的狠愉快的.3.在房间里有一张干净的床和两张课桌.4.你能告诉我去邮局的路嘛... -
******6957鄂绿[答案] 1.Nearby streets are an interesting garden with a supermarket. 2. I think I would have been hard here pleasant. 3. In the room have a clean bed and two desks. 4. Can you tell me the way to the post office do? 5. He has a number of apple in the box.

@干媛13668367991 英语翻译 翻译下列句子. 1.我会帮助把城市的公园打扫干净.    I'll help - ___ - ____ - the city parks.2.他看上去很伤心,让我们使他高兴起来吧.     He ... -
******6957鄂绿[答案] 1.clean up 2.cheer,up 3.come up with 4.put off 5.set up

@干媛13668367991 干净 用英语怎么说? -
******6957鄂绿 (没有尘土、杂质等) clean; neat and tidy (彻底; 一点不剩) completely; totally

@干媛13668367991 把下列句子翻译成英语1.把厨房弄干净.2.把瓶子倒空.3.把铅笔削尖.4.罗伯特正在关窗户.5.汉斯正在追赶他的猫. -
******6957鄂绿[答案] 1.clean the kitchen 2.empty the bottle 3.sharpen the pencil 4.Robert is closing the windows 5.Hans is chasing his cat.

@干媛13668367991 英语句子翻译(急急急)
******6957鄂绿 Pigeons have strong sense of direction It's hard to imagine without electricity and clean water, what life would be like.
